Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirty Eight: Her Plans

C h o u  T z u y u

When I get downstairs in the living room I saw that ahia who was still wearing his business suit while carrying Zhi Yu on his arms.

He was having a hard time in making Zhi Yu stop from crying as I quickly went to his side and slowly cradle my little angle in my arms as she came to stop crying.

"So she now wants more time with you, this little devil..." ahia said as he lightly pinched Zhi Yu's cute cheeks.

"Where's Mama and Baba ahia?" I asked him when he is supposed to be helping Baba in the company right now and its not yet evening so he is supposed to be still at the office.

"He let me go in undertime, he said he  missed talking with the board of directors and investors. While Mama is still on her café since your fans have know that you are here in Taiwan again. Thinking that you will visit Mama's café, they had jam packed her café for today." he said while he keeps on playing with Zhi Yu who is in the verge of falling of falling asleep.

"Stop it ahia, she is about to fall sleep... You should check on achi, I can't see her around after she went to the balcony to call me. She must be helping Jihyo unnie in the kitchen..." I said as he cursed under his breath and quickly run to our kitchen.

I continued to cradle my little angel in my arms until she was fast asleep, she must have been tired for keeping up her aunts and uncle's energy that she was not able to get proper sleep today.

Some of the maids were telling me that they will put Zhi Yu on her room but I just responded to them that I want to personally do it.

I have only do this stuffs to her since yesterday since I wasn't able to take care of her when she was newly born because she was immediately incubated since she was premature.

This past few months when she was already getting better, I was busy with my duties as an idol when I decided to go back to the spotlight that gave me no time to be with her.

So I want to treasure this moments so much because I don't know when I can take care of her like this.

Though I have limited time to spend with her I didn't set her aside, never... I always made sure that I could secretly check on her from time to time through achi and ahia.

She is on top of my priorities, that's why when ahia suddenly me called concerning her, I didn't hesitate to see her immediately even it was that late night.

That's how I love her to the point that I will tell her father tomorrow about her.

I am a bit nervous about what will happen but I am willing to take the risk. I gently kissed her forehead after I tucked her in her crib as I whispered I love you to her before leaving her room that is connected with mine.

Though she had a nanny, I really want to attend to her needs while I am here so I suggested that her room must be next to mine.

I wanted her to be at my room but Mama and Baba didn't agreed with it because my room is still a mess because of my things from Korea and my old stuffs when I was still young.

So I just agreed to them to have Zhi Yu's room next to mine which were connecting rooms.

I went out of Zhi Yu's room and get back to the living room where I saw Jihyo unnie and achi who was both frowning while crossing their arms on their chest while they were both sitting on the couch as they shoot daggers to ahia who was standing in front of them.

"What's happening in here?" I asked them as the two looked at ahia.

"I already told you wifey that you are not allowed in the kichen, ever... You as well sister in law or else our older brother will definitely kill me. You can cook on your dorm but not in our house, leave it to the chefs they can do it by their selves." ahia said as he looked at the two while shaking his head.

I sit down in between unnie and achi. "Why don't you just let them ahia since it will be for today... Besides you should let achi learn how to cook... A wife cooking for her husband is the sweetest thing ever thing a wife can do for her husband." I said as I saw how the two smiled to what I have said.

"Fine just for today... But let the chef assist the two of you..." ahia said as unnie and achi excitedly made a high five before they hurriedly went to the kitchen leaving me and ahia behind.

"Those two are always hard headed..." ahia saud as he throws himself to the single sitter couch.

"Ahm ahia before I forgot, oppa will be arriving here in an hour or two I guess. He just immediately took a flight from Korea to Taiwan after landing in Korea from America..." I informed him as he nodded his head before grabbing his car keys.

"Will come with me to pick up ahia?" he asked as I quickly jumped out of my seat and nodded my head. "Sure but let's not use the car, it's kind of suffocating... Let's ride the motorbikes. Let's just bring two drivers with us, one that will drive the car for oppa's luggage and one who will drive oppa's motorbike to the airport. He can just ride the car on his way back." I said as he nodded his head before getting the keys for our motorbikes.

We went to the kitchen to tell achi and unnie that we will pick up oppa in the airport.

"Sure, just don't get back quickly hubby because we are not yet done with the foods..." achi said while excitedly dragging us out of the kitchen that I just made me chuckled because by the looks of it she is really excited about the thought of learning how to cook, so she is willing to send us off.

We told our drivers to prepare our motorbikes as we asked two of them to accompany us to the airport.

"I miss this baby!" I exitedly said as I put on my helmet like what ahia did and just after a few moments we raced out of our village to the airport...

I am not sure if our drivers were able to keep up with us but me and ahia were laughing when we arrived at the airport.

We quickly parked the motorbikes and left our helmets in there before heading inside to the arrival.

Just in time when the flight from Korea was just exiting the arrival halls. We immediately spotted oppa so we raised our hands to grab his attention as he hurriedly appoached us.

The drivers who was following us from behind grab oppa's luggage as I quickly hug oppa. "I missed you so much oppa..." I said as he playfully shuffled my hair.

"Missed you too meimei, Si..." oppa said as I break the hug and ahia gave oppa a manly hug then we exited the airport together.

"Ahia..." ahia said as he throw something to oppa probably the key that the driver had handed him earlier when they were able to catch us up inside the airport.

"You really know that I missed riding motorbikes..." oppa said as we quickly headed to the parking lot.

Grabbing our motorbikes and quickly wearing our helmets before we raced back to our village like how we used to when we were kids. Laughing and having fun while we go in the streets of Tainan.

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