Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Nine: Officially Yours

C h o u   T z u y u

I looked outside the window while he was silently driving beside me, we were travelling in the streets of Seoul to I don't know where since I was hesitant to ask him. But I know the truth that oppa didn't asked us to pick up something for him because he does it by himself usually.

I noticed that we are travelling in the outskirts of the city since I could feel the cold breeze coming from the trees and a bit of a salty wind, probably sea side since the window in my side is rolled down I could clearly see the lights coming from the city down below. Wait... down below? It means the place we are going is a bit elevated.

After a few more minutes we came to full stop in a grassland facing the ocean in front with the city down below. "This place is calming and beautiful." I said while getting out of the car. "This is my sanctuary, I only brought close relatives here... I accidentally discovered this place back then when I was still a trainee." he said as he followed me in getting out of his car.

I saw a bench under a small tree so I quickly run to it and sit under it. I saw him display his boxy smile as he came running after me." Do you like the place?" he asked as I nodded my head to answer him while still looking around. The place was not dark in fact there were lamp posts in the area to keep the lighting enough for people to see their way clearly.

"Wait for me here, I forgot to get something inside the car." he said before get back towards his car direction while I closed my eyes feeling the air touching my face. I didn't know how much time did I spent while closing my eyes but when I opened my eyes I found him standing right in front of me holding a bouquet of a green flower which at first glance is you wouldn't actually think it is a flower unless you look closer.

"This flowers actually reminded ms of you the first time I saw them, hard to be noticed because of their trait but when you look closer you will be attracted and drawn into it." he siad before handing me the flowers which I willingly accepted after saying thanks, then placing it on one side just enough for me not to sit on it rigjt after I inhaled the sweet scent of the flower just like its sweet green like appearance.

"Tzuyu, I have never been so sure of my life but now I think I know where my path is leading me too..." he said while he slowly kneel in front of me as christmas lights like slowly up sorrounding the both of us. "I am willing to take the risk just to be with you, I don't care if they say that it is not right but for me it is. I want to start a new page of my life's adventure with you. I don't know when did my feelings for you started to grow but I am sure that I love you very much Chou Tzuyu. Will you give me the opportunity to date you officially without the restrictions of being an idol?" he asked  me while holding both of my hands as he meet my gaze.

All I can see from his eyes were sincerity that was causing an internal conflict inside me. I know from myself that I did like him even before but I didn't know how would I express myself but the recent events makes me hesitate weather to tell him or not that makes me hold back my own feelings.

Deep inside me I know that I like him too, no scratch that, deep inside me I know I love him too and even though my thoughts is in a chaos right now I already know that my heart already made its decision based on the loud and fast beating of my heart. I saw him swallowed a lump in his throat when I was taking long enough time to answer him.

"Ahm, yes Kim Taehyung, yes... I think we are waiting for each other for quite some time now. I am willing to take risks too as long as you are in my side... From now on I am already officially yours." I slowly said while focusing my sight below me because I think I might melt with the gaze he is giving me then he suddenly hug me after I said those words.

"You have no idea how you made me happy by those words..." he whispered  to my ears while he was still hugging me. When I felt that a small drop of tears fell from my eye. So this is how tears of joy felt like, I said to myself as I returned the hug to him.

He broke the hug, and reached something from his pocket. It revealed a silver band necklace with a silver double band ring as its pendant as he placed it gently in my neck. "When the right time comes, this pendant, I will have to take it off from this necklace to place it in your finger. When the right time comes..." he said while gently placing a kiss on my forehead as he placed his  right arm around my waist which I find to be sweet.

"When the right time comes?" I asked him as he just nodded his head as he intertwined his left hand with my right hand. "Yes, when the right time comes. When fans can already accept relationships between their idols. When this kpop world is already at peace." he said as I leaned back to his chest feeling how fast his heartbeat is just like mine.

"You really prepare for this huh?" I said while looking around the place it was really simple yet beautiful and the ambiance was just perfectly romantic. "What if I really did? Today is the only perfect day to come over here since  the fashion show will be held at night and we can't see the lights if we came here in the morning." he said while inhaling the scent of my hair.

"Tss, you are really that prepared..." O said in a matter of fact tone as he just chuckled at me hearing my reaction. "Actually, Suga hyung out some senses on me. I don't want to waste my chances when in fact your older brother already like ms for you and gave me his permission to date you." he said as my eyes widwn to what he had saus as I faced towards his direction.

"Oppa did that?" I asked him in disbelief as he nodded his head to answer me. "I can't believe that my own brother is already arranging me to his groupmate, unbelievable." I said while trying to digest what he just had said as he just nod his head before hugging me from the back while we watch the night sky.

From this moment all I want is for it not to end. This time I want to brave for the first time in my life and face this challenges ahead of me without fear. Probably because for the first time I felt this courage inside of me but the fact how chaotic our worldis makes me scared a bit.

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