Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Thirty Seven: He Must Know

C h o u T z u y u

I sighed as I looked at the peaceful sky above, I don't have to worry about the heat of the sun or sudden rain because our balcony has a polycarbonate transparent roof.

Achi and Jihyo unnie was long gone and I was about to leave the balcony too when my phone in my pocket vibrated.

So I took it out of my pocket and answered the call with out even looking at the caller's id as I just placed the speaker in my ear.

"Hello?" I said without noticing that I was already speaking my native language.

"Finally, you picked up love... I have been worried sick that you didn't answered my calls for days. I thought that something bad had happened to you that you were not able to answer my calls." he said that made my heart beats fast just even upon hearing his voice.

"I'm sorry, it was just I was a bit busy and I couldn't pick up my phone calls. And checking my phone slipped out of my mind..." I apologised as he sighed from the other line.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you answered my call already, I can now be at ease... We just arrived at Korea love, can you make time for us to meet? I have missed you so much... The thought that we haven't meet each other since the last time we spent together with the group, makes me even miss you more." he said in the other line as I rested my head rest of the reclining chair where I was sitting.

"I miss you too love, so much but I can't... I am not in Korea right now, I am in Taiwan spending time with my family... I just arrived here yesterday. The reason why I can't pick up your calls yesterday was because my cousins have me cornered at home." I said as I heard the line went silent so I took the speaker out of my ear.

I looked at the screen but the call was still on going and after a short while when I placed back the speakers to my ears is just in time when he went back to the line...

"Sorry bout that, but we were just exiting the arrival halls without Suga hyung because I suppose he will go there immediately in Taiwan. There were a lot of fans around so I had no choice but to accept their letters. And it's hard to talk to you while I am in public fearing that some fans may notice." he said as I just placed my phone in the side table and put it in loud speaker so that I don't have to hold it anymore.

"No worries, I clearly understand that... Yeah oppa is probably heading here immediately knowing that Jihyo unnie is here with us, but if you want, you could also come here maybe tomorrow? I want you to rest for a while I have an important things to tell you and I want to tell it to you in person, so I will have to tell it to you when you arrive here." I said as I heard him chuckles in the other line.

"Alright, I will be there by tomorrow. But you will have to pick me up at the airport because I don't know where to go... I mean I have never been in your place before. I went to Taiwan for a concert a lot of times but I have never been around the city..." he said as I heard Gucci barking towards my direction.

After he appeared in my sight, I quickly picked him up and placed him in my lap as I play with him. "Wait, is that Gucci? Oh sure, I will just arrange a flight to there first thing tomorrow." he asked as I giggled because Gucci was licking my face like what he always do when he plays with me.

"Yup, its Gucci... Chi, say hi to Taetae..." I said as Chi playfully barked while wiggling his tail that made me smile widely because of his over load cuteness.

"Hello chi, its nice to hear you having time with your mother... I will surely bring Yeontan so that they could be playmates. Anyway, as I was saying will you tour me around Tainan when I arrived there?" he asked as I tried to calm Gucci down and let him sleep in my lap since he was distracting me.

"I will, so better be prepared. And oh, you could bring Tannie... Gucci has a spacious room enough for two puppies and some maids to take care of them so they will be fine. I can't wait to see you again love... I love you so much, that I am willing to take risks with you." I said as a tear had escaped from my eyes that I hastily wiped it.

"I love you too, very much... You know that... I am also willing to take the risks just to be with you and I will do everything I can to protect you from the chaos that our job brings." he said that made me smiled.

"I know love, get enough rest okay? Don't worry about me I am fine, I have Mama and Baba with me and so as my brothers... I will see you tomorrow..." I said while I smiled because Gucci had already fell asleep in my lap.

"Yeah, I will see you tomorrow but don't end the line yet... I miss hearing your voice... Sing for me please?" he pleaded as I immediately said yes to his request.

I choose to sing one of his self composed song, Scenery... I really love that ballad song, the lyrics is just so beautiful as well as its harmony. "I still wonder wonder beautiful story, Still wonder wonder next part, Still wonder wonder best story, I want to make you mine..." I hummed the lyrics as he giggled from the other line.

"Seriously love, it's my song... And I am already yours as you are already mine... Hey Jungkookie stop that kiddo, no eavesdropping okay? Yah, stop it!" he said that made me laugh because by the looks of it their maknae is making fun of him again...

"Sorry about that there is this lack of attention maknae over here... Yah I told you stop it! You should be thankful at least Suga hyung is not here to scold you!" he added that made me burst out laughing until I heard RM sunbae trying to make them stop.

"Sorry love but this maknae is really getting into my nerves right now... He won't just stop teasing me..." he said with a complaining tone.

"Well that's one of the prevailages of being a maknae... You can tease your older members all the time without fearing them because they will not clearly get back at you since you are the youngest..." I responded that made him groaned in annoyance.

"Right I clearly forgot that you are the maknae too..." he said as I can already imagine him pouting his lips.

"Why are you mean at me?" he added as I just chuckled at him. "I'm the savage maknae you know? It can't be helped." I said as he just sighed in the other line after hearing my response.

"Ahm meimei I finally found you... I thought you already left the balcony. I was finding you because Zhi Yu is..." I heard achi's voice from behind as I quickly look back and signaled her a hush sign while pointing at my phone.

"Oh sorry... Just get down in a minute..." aachi said as I nodded my head at her before she left.

"I see you are already called by your family... You can now end the call since I already have enough of my daily dozage of your voice and laugh, I will call you tomorrow once I have already arranged my flight to Taiwan... See you there, I love you so much..." he said as I responded I love you too to him before I ended the call and following achi downstairs.

Belated happy birthday to the biryhday boy today, Min Yoongi my man! The drawing above is my drawing 😅😅. This was supposed to be updated last night but my network was not working for I don't know reason.

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