Okay Then....

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Hannah's POV

After I washed the blood off my hands, I went to the nurse cause my teacher wrote me a pass. I hate this school and its our first day back. Whatever.

I walked into the nurses office and she wasn't in there so I sat in the chair awkwardly waiting for nurse Jennings to come back. Her room was small for her size. She's not little but but huge.
I waited for about 2 more minutes until she came into the room.
"Hello Hannah! what are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be in class?" She asked sitting down in her chair.
"Well you see nurse Jennings, Clair and I got into a fight and well...... You can see how that worked out." I said looking down.
"Hannah Jo!!" She said standing up yelling
"......did you at least win?" She said in a whisper.
"I don't think either of us did." I said with a laugh.
"Well then, you look fine to me. Just take this ice pack and this rag. Go to the bathroom and wash off some blood. I'll right you a pass to class. Now hurry up. We have a mega Suprise today in 2nd period!!"

I walked out and cleaned my face.

I got to 1st period right when the bell rang for 2nd period. I didn't see Niall or Louis or anybody I knew. I felt awkward walking alone. Clair went home in the middle of 1st period cause she 'was hurt' but I'm the one bleeding stupid. What ever.

So I went to my 2nd period and the bell rang. The teacher said to the class
"Hello class. Welcome back! We have a new student in our class! His name is Ethan. He's from England!"
'Ethan' sounds like a nerd name. The door opened and a really attractive boy walked in.
"Hello! Class, this is our new student Ethan!" She said looking at us. THATS ETHAN?!!!??
Oh my golly
"Get me some water" one girl said.
"Are you takin??" Another girl said. I rolled my eyes laughing.
"Hannah Jo, will you take Ethan around school?" She said walking up to me.
"Umm sure. Now?" I asked her.
"Yes. I'll right you a pass for the day. Thank you!" She said grabbing my hand and waking Ethan and I to the door. The other girls were sad that I got to take him around and get 'one on one' time with Ethan.

"So Ethan, your from England? My best friend is from there!" I said walking down the stairs.
"Well, not really from there, he's from Ireland but he spends a lot of time there with his friends." I said while walking down the hall and staring at Ethan.
He didn't talk back to me.
"Ethan?!?!" I said hitting him on the arm gently.
"Yeah?" He said looking at me kind f annoyed.
"Sorry. Just checking that you can hear me." I said looking away from him really feeling awkward.

After a while showing him around he finally speaks!
"So, Hannah, right?" He asked me.
"Yes?!" I said.
"Your friend, the one you were talking about, is his name possibly Nail?" He said looking down at my feet.
"Niall?" I corrected him with a laugh.
"YES!" He said looking up.
"Why your very right. Why you know him?" I asked.
"We used to be really good friends in 2-6th grade. Then he moved. I guess I know now where he moved." He said with a laugh.
"Wow! Maybe we could all hang out sometime!" I said.
"Yeah maybe.." Said Ethan.

He was quiet again.

"So Hannah, are you perhaps..... Dating Niall?" He asked.
"No. He has a girlfriend. Besides, he's my best friend." I said.
"Really??" Said Ethan like a kid.
As he said that, he ran into this open locker. He fell down and I started to laugh out loud! It was pretty funny :)

"Oh my gosh Hannah why are you laughing at me?! I have been shot!" He said from the movie pitch perfect.
"I'm sorry that was just so funny!!" I said putting my hand out to help him up.
"Thank you!" He said grabbing my hand then pulled me down with him. I landed on his chest and we both started laughing really hard.

Then we started to stop laughing. Our faces were centimeters away from each other.
"So, your not dating anyone?" He asked putting his hand on my back.
"Nope!" I said flirty like.
"Well then, no boyfriend would get angry if I did this??" He said while pulling me in to a kiss.

His lips were so soft! And he's a really good kisser. I was shocked that he kissed me after knowing me for like 2 hours but I was okay with it.
I kissed back and we just kissed.

We got lost on time and we literally sat there kissing for 5 minuets.

It was great!

I pulled away.
"So...." I said looking at him.
"Let's get back to the tour now?!" He said standing up and helping me up and holding my hand.

"Okay then......" I said.

I totally have a boyfriend now. But, what about Niall? I forgot about him. Maybe it was just a phase.



So sorry for not updating. I don't have a reason. I have to life. So here's my no reason excuse.

I wasn't feelin the writing mood for a while.
The girl above is kind of what Hannah would look like. I think she's pretty.

So yeah.

Question time.

Do you like the fact that Niall and Ally are dating? Or Hannah and Ethan?

Alrighty. Bye!


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