Prom Night isn't Always Amazing..

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Hannahs POV

Louis and Zayn run off to spike the punch bowl the second we get to the school gym. Harry and I walk over to a table and he gets us both a cup but gets water from the other bowl that nobody can spike. Its amazing how childish high schoolers are, huh? Oh wait, I'm a high schooler.

I laugh to myself. I look at my wrapped up arm, my pillow of a cast for my hand. I can't get anything off without some help. Yay... I hate Carson. I hate Ally! She hurt my best friend and she cheated on him. She did a lot more than just cheating on Niall. She lied to him for the longest time! She never truly loved him. She lied to him. I do believe she liked him in the beginning of their relationship, but not to the point she would love him. That girl. She is awful.

Breaking my thoughts i am distracted by seeing Ally walk in, alone, but then Ethan catches up with her. She wraps her arm around his and they walk to the dance floor. My emotions are filled with my anger towards Ally. I hate her. I hate what she did to me and Niall. I always knew that she was bad news, i told Niall that! I told Niall she wasn't good enough for him. Granted, that was when i loved him, but look who should've listened to me. I see Harry already walking towards them. 

I stand up and run towards Harry. His muscles are flexed and his face looks determined to kill both of them. I am actually scared for Ethan and Ally. I catch up to Harry, but not before he screams in Ethan's face.

"How could you go along with this?! Huh? Niall was noting but kind to you! Both of you for that matter! He didn't deserve either of you but you had to come into his life and screw with his mind! I really hope you both know that you are awful people!" he screams and puts his finger into Ethan's face. Ethan's face changes from sad to angry in seconds.

"We didn't do anything! Ally just didn't love him! Sucks for him that she chose me over him! To bad so sad! He can suck it up for all i care!" Ethan yells back and Harrys arm raises but i jump over to them and try to pin it down.

"Besides, whats it to you? You have this slut with you so it wouldn't matter what goes on in his life?" That sends me into a shocked anger.

"Excuse me?" i say looking straight at him.

"Yeah. You are the slut Hannah! Dont act all innocent here. Just leave and take this bastard with you" he has said plenty of things to me, but i never expected these. My angry takes over my body and the next thing i feel is my beat up hand whip across his face.

He stumbles back and takes a second to adjust his balance. He has both of his hands on his left cheek. He takes them off and i can see the blood coming from his face. I couldn't feel any better. That is until Ally come snap tackles me to the ground. 

I am pulled out of my state of mind from Ally and honestly, I don't think she knows who she is dealing with. 

"Dont ever touch him again, you hear me Hannah?!" she screams. I feel the space open up, telling me that people are seeing all of this, and making room for Ally and I.

I grap her hair and yank it so I can get on top of her. I pull her hair so much she goes down without a fight. I give her a hard slap in the face along with a punch to her jaw. She tries to get up, but I sit on her hips and that stops her from trying. I am pulling back my arm to hit her one last time but I'm interrupted by the screaming of 2 guys. 

I stop my self and turn around and see Harry tackling Ethan. They slam into the wall and Harry grips his collar of his suit and throws Ethan to the ground. Before he can get up, Harry jumps on top of Ethan and gives him plenty of punches to the jaw. I smirk when i hear Ally yell at me.

"Hannah Get your boyfriend off of mine!" i turn around slowly and her eyes widen. 

One slap, two slaps, three. She is crying by this point, which makes me pull her up by her hair. I stare her straight in her eyes, and smirk. She rolls her eyes and i punch her square in the nose. It immediately hurts with blood. She falls to the floor and 2 of her friends come over and i turn around with them screaming things at me, but i couldn't care less. Ally deserved it. Bitch.

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