Day 3: Oh Joy!

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Harrys POV

While the guys and I set up for tour, we decide to get some snack for the bus. We won't be able to get any more until Houston, which is on Saturday night. Its Tuesday and I am bored out of my mind. But then again, I will be even more bored sitting on a bus then plane, back to bus, back to plane and that cycle goes on forever.

"Hey mate, we are leaving. Ready?" Niall tells me through the door. I open the bedroom door and walk out, getting the guys down stairs and heading to the grocery store.

"Mates, do you have your hoodies?" Liam asks, all of us nodding.

"Great. Sun glasses too. Its sunny today so we won't be judged to much, right?" Louis chuckles as he drives. Niall is staying pretty quite for himself.

"Ni" I lean over, whispering to him as the rest of the guys continue in their conversations.

"Yeah. Just thinking"

"About what?" 

"Nothing really. Just about tour and how amazing this is!" I nod, sitting back down. I know thats not what he is thinking. He is hiding something and I want to know.

"Okay lads, hoodies on, sunglasses on, heads down. We got an hour to shop, 300$. Lets go" Zayn says, all of us going into the store.

"Ill go to the candy isle" Liam says.

"Drinks" Zayn and Louis say.

"We got snacks" Niall says, pointing to him and I.

We take a fast walk over to the snacks, picking the best ones.

"So, Niall. You know something I don't. You want to tell me why you are really acting like this?" I ask, he huffs and chuckles. HE shakes his head but looks up to me.

"There is this girl..." I am hit with a wind of worry.

"Hannah?" He shakes his head, saying no.

"No man. This different girl. No I don't like the girl, but she gave me some really nice advice about me getting over this other girl" 

"Okay, a girl helped you with some advice to get over some other girl?" 

"Yeah" He says while laughing through the stack of boxes in his hands.

"Niall, you know you can tell me who these girls are, right?" He nods.

"Then tell me their names!" He sighs, but tells me.

"Alison and Haley..." he hesitates before talking. I decide to go along with him.

"Well, who are you trying to get over?" 

"Thats not really important. The important thing is, I am finally over her" I nod, turning to help him put some of the boxes in my arms. 

"Ill go get a cart" Niall tells me, leaving me alone with 10 boxes in my arms.

"Umm sir...." I hear a little girls voice. I turn around and see a girl who looks about 5.

"Hi sweetie" I bend down to her level, making eye contact.

"I lost my mommy. Can you help me find her?" 

"Of course! Lets go" I leave the stacked up boxes on the ground and help the little girl.

"So, whats your name?" I ask the girl.



"My name is Hannah. I'm looking for my mom, her name is Hilary" 


"Do I need to explain once again?" The little girl asks me, making me snapout of my trance.

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