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Chapter 20: Really?

Hannah's POV

So today is Monday. Worst day of my life. Niall comes back in 2 days. I'm really excited to see my best friend but, I don't know I just feel a weird feeling ever since Harry called me saying he wasn't talking to anyone. An he was crying. Some questions are going to be asked.

I get ready for school and right when I put my hair in my messy bun, I hear a knock on my door. Not my house door, my room door. I open it to find Carson right outside

"Hey Hannah!" He says while he hugs me and kisses me on my cheek.

"Hey Carson. Ready to go?" I say while we let go of each other.

"Yeah. Let's go." We walk down stairs and I grab a banana to get for breakfast then we get into his car and we drive. There was an awkward silence in the car. I just just on my phone looking on twitter just to see tweets from Niall and the boys. Jack is on vacation and Brad isn't really talking. Not since I heard what him and Niall were talking about. Then I feel like someone was looking at me. I turn to see it was Carson.

"What?" I say blushing

"You are just so beautiful." That made him blush to.

"Why thank you!"

"Okay. We are at school Hannah." I look up to see we were. Wow! That felt really long. We walk into the school and I go to my locker to see something was slipped into my locker. I open it and a note falls out. I open the note and read what it said.

Dear Hannah,

So your probably at school. Well, duh cause if you weren't, you wouldn't be reading this note. It's Reid. Niall needed me to come down to see him and the boys. Brad isn't going to be at school either he's with me. And as you know Jack is on vacation. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Okay bye. Love you young one!

From, Reid

Well there goes me week in wanting to hang out with them. But why did Niall need them? He's coming back in 2 days I think he could've waited that long. And before I knew it, I felt arms go around my wait. I turn around fast to see Carson.

"Are you supost to be in class young lady?" He said with a smirk.

"I should ask the same as you older one." He just grabbed my hand and he walked me to my class.

The day went by really slow. It felt like 3 hours in 8 subjects. But Suprise I had 3 tests I didn't study for. In math, science and social studies. I didn't get to see Carson after school cause I walked home. He had to leave early. I got my keys takin away for about, 5 more years. That's what it feels like. I have about 2 weeks until I get them back. As I'm walking back home I get a call from Brad.


"Hey Hannah. So I only have a short time but Niall wanted to tell you something. So here he is."

"Hello?" I hear Niall say. Gosh his voice sounds so perfect. Wait, what am I saying?

Niall's POV

I got a Suprise visit from Brad and Reid. That made my day but all we did was come back to the house and play on our phones. Then Brad came out at talked about Hannah.

"So Niall, Are you going to tell her?" My face starting to get red cause Reid was right next to him!

"Tell who what?" Reid says.

"Nothing. Brad shut up."

"He's going to tell Hannah he loves her!" Brad says and the minuet he says that I wanted to ponce on him!

"You love Hannah!?!?!" Reid says yelling standing up and jumps on me.

"Yeah you do!" Brad says.

"Holy freaking crap! NIALL!?!!"

"Shut up guys." I say while throwing Reid off of me.

"So tell us, what do you like about her?" Brad says while getting his Opra face on.

"Well, where do I begin. She's my best friend. When I say here in middle school for the first time, I stared at her until she walked away. I thought, she's my new future wife. We were then, assigned partners for mrs. Kennedy and we hung out that while week and weekend. When we went to the carnival with you guys, I really felt like this is it. Then we went on the fairs wheel and she was scare of heights, then I wrapped my arms around her to make sure she would fall. Then when I came back, when we were watching the movie, she fell asleep in my arms. Her brown hair, how it bounces when she runs it walks. Her hazel eyes. They sparkle in the sun light. How she will always have my back and how I will always have hers. She is my everything. I wish I could tell her that. But I can't"

"Why can't you?" Reid says while wiping his face.

"Are you crying?"

"No. I had something in my nose to make to want to cry."

"Really Reid. Really?"

"Shut up. So why can't you tell her?"

"Cause. She has a boyfriend who told her he loves her and she said it back. And she only sees me as a friend. I can get over her. Or at least try. But it's hard to."

After I said that, I realized Brad calling Hannah. I run over to him and he's already on the phone! Crap. He hands me the phone.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Niall. So what did you have to tell me?" He's my moment to tell her.

"" And before I could tell her, the phone dies. I yell out

"WHY DOSE THIS WORLD FREAKING HATE ME!" I want to tell her more than anything.

But I just can't. I really can't.


Hey y'all. Personally this is my favorite chapter!! How I picture it, it's just amazing. So sorry I haven't really updated for a while. But I can only for sure update on Sundays cause it's my free time. But QUESTION TIME!

What's you favorite subject? Not counting lunch, or recess. I miss recess.

But oh well. Mine is science. I like my teacher and it's after lunch so yeah.

I really hope y'all like the story so far.

Alrighty. Bye my lovelies!

. . CASS


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