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Hannah's POV

So it's been about 4 months since me and Niall kissed on New Years and I honestly can't say how much I miss his lips. But him and Ally have been dating for ever it feels like. I really don't like her. But I have myself to count on. That's all I have.

4 months

It's stupid April and Ethan hasn't talked to me since I showed him around the school and I'm alone since Niall had a fight over him and Ally...

(Flash back 2 months before)

"Niall why can't you just see that we are perfect for each other!" I said trying not to cry my eyes out.
"Hannah I can't do this! I thought we had a chance but we honestly don't have a future! I have Ally and you have someone in your life you probably don't even know about yet!" Niall said almost yelling.
"Niall I just can't see myself without you!" I said with tears filling my eyes.
"HANNAH WE WILL NEVER BE TOGETHER! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD GOSH!" He said yelling at me, knocking over a lamp. The lamp crashed the second it hit the floor, it made me jump.
I looked down at the lamp and Niall leans down to clean it up but I smack his arm.
"You don't need to clean it up. I got this. Just go.." I said tears falling on the broken pieces.
"I'm sorry Hann....." I cut him off
"Just go Niall..." I said whisper like.
He walked out and I heard his car door shut and I just threw one of the other lamps onto the floor and it smashed into pieces and started crying even more. Did I mention I love him? Well, i am in love with him. Niall James Horan, I love you. But I couldn't say that knowing he would shoot me down.

As I was picking up the lamp pieces I saw jack and Reid walk into my house and I look up and they just crash down on the floor and I start sobbing into their arms. I honestly can't handle all of this. I hate being in the stage of being hurt.
"Hannah, I'm so sorry. Whatever happened, you can tell Reid and i" jack said rubbing his arm up and down my back.
"He doesn't love me..." I said finally being able to say words.
"What? Niall obviously loves you!" Reid said actin like he was shocked.
"No Reid! He loves Ally. He told me there was no future for me and him." I said standing up to get the broom and dust pan.
"Hannah..." Said my perfect little Izzy.
"Yeah baby girl?" I said as she was peeking around the corner scared to come near me.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"It's a long story. Come here sweetheart." I said holding my arm out and she walked slowly towards me and brushed some glass away and sat down.
"Niall and I just had a fight."
"Well are you guys going to be okay again?" She asked looking straight forward.
"Well Iz, I really don't think we are going to be together." I said almost crying again.
"Hannah, you guys are going to be fine like always. You are Niall and Hannah. You can't be without each other. It's like ice cream without brownies! You can have them separately but it isn't that good unless it's together!" She said looking at me.
i couldn't say anything but just hug her and jack and Reid. Gosh I hate feeling this way!

(Back to present day)

School isn't done yet. We got about 3 more months to go and Ally is transferring to my school. Just to make my day any better!

I haven't moved from my white couch all day. Izzy is at her fiends house for the day. I am starving.

I get my keys and get into my car and look at the time. It's only 4:45 pm. What the heck?

I drive to get some food from Taco Bell cause you know, that's my food place. I walk in and I see a face I would love to kiss again.


I walk in and he isn't looking at me so I just slowly walk behind him and try not to make myself look like a fool.
He was ordering his usual.
3 tacos with hard shells and 3 cinnamon twists things.
He walks away not turning around and I literally have to whisper my order so he doesn't hear me.

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