Sharing Time

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Chapter 6: Sharing Time

Hannah's POV


It's Sunday now and me and Niall haven't finished our project! Crap! After we all woke up, we went to Niall's house so have breakfast and hang out for the day. Reid and brad came along for the ride. Literally, we went to the carnival and we found him on the same ride as us!

"Hey Niall we need to finish our project soon. It's due tomorrow!"

"Oh crap! Sorry! We do need to finish that today. Well, it's like a bonding project, so we jut finish tomorrow! See how smart I can be hannah :)"

I just laughed at him and he had his little smirk. Gosh! Could he be more adorable!? WAIT! WHY AM I SAYING THAT!

We went to the ring toss, and Niall tried, like 10 times but he couldn't get it. So I went an tried. I got it the first try! And I got a big dinosaur!

"You have really bad aim Niall."

"Yeah I know. I tried to win that for you!"

He tried to win that for me!? Holy crap!

"Well, I won this for you!" I said with a huge smile!

"Really hannah! I will name him, Joey! Joey the dinosaur!"

"What ever makes you sleep at night Niall."

His eyes twinkle like Kelly just bedazzled his eyes! She bedazzles everything! Her jacket has more sparkles then the Queen's crown!

It was 8:30 pm before we knew it. Jack and Kelly were having so much fun. So were Niall and I. The last ride we went on was the fairs-wheel. And I am terrified of those things.

"Can we go on a different ride?"

"Oh is little hannah scared?" Jack said laughing at me.

"No! I just strongly don't like him! There's a difference!"

"Come on hannah!" Kelly said with a 'come on dude' look.

So I went on it with Niall. He looked t me with calm eyes. Gosh!

"So what's up with you and fairs-wheels?"

"Well, when I was little, me and my mom came on this and it stopped working for about 1 hour, and I was at the top! So it was scary!"

He just laughed at me.

"Don't laugh at me! It was scary!"

"It's okay. I got you. Don't need to be scared."

He wrapped his arm around me and I got tingly feeling in my stomach.

I placed my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat go fast! Dose he like me? He is probably ready for the ride to end. I don't blame him. I was defiantly ready to get off this death trap!

(When hannah gets home)

Niall wanted to walk me to my door. I was okay with it. All I wanted to do was go to sleep. I said bye to jack and Kelly, who waved back with big smiles. Looked like they had fun!

"Niall! Remember project tomorrow! Don't forget to finish!"

"Okay. Besides, I'm almost done!"

"Okay. Just, don't forget to bring it, present it and all the stuff after it and..."

He leaned down and kissed my check!

"I promise I won't forget! Now get to bed love. Long day ahead of us!"

"Bye Niall. It was fun hanging out with you! I hope you like Joey. Treat him with respect alright!"

"Promise. It was fun hanging out with you to. Night!"

I walk in with a smile on my face with my mom right infront of me! With a happy face!

"Mom are you okay?"

"He kissed you on the freaking cheek and he's cute! I approve for you to date him!"

"Mom I don't like him!"

"What ever makes you happy Hun. Goodnight."


(Next day at school)

"Okay! First up is jack and kelly!"

Mrs.Kennedy is really nice! My favorite teacher by far!

They did their project and so did Reid an Brad. Crap!

"Niall, did you finish your project!?"

"Yes! It's all done and ready to present!"

"Okay last one is Hannah and Niall."

We walk up and I look at jack an Reid look at me with a smirk. Was that about Niall kissing my cheek? No!

"So Niall you will go first!" Mrs.kennedy said with a smile at me! Awesome! I don't have to go first!

"Well, hannah and I hung out a lot this weekend, and I found out she's really cool! She's awesome, and she's funny, and she's scared of insidious 2 and cries over sad movies like the notebook and she's scared of ferris-wheels. But aside from that, she's so cool and she's an awesome friend. She's super fast at tag and she hates the color white. She doesn't like wearing it cause she's afraid she's going to spill something and she likes the color red. An that's what I learned about Hannah Jo!"

Wow! That was really good and had many details like the wearing white thing! He really listened!

"Okay! That was really good Niall! Your turn Hannah!"

"Okay. I learned about Niall is that he's from Ireland and he moved here this summer, and he loves the color blue and he likes to wear polo shirts and he sneezes like a kitten. He writes songs and he loves singing. Even though I have never heard him sing, he's probably awesome! He's such a cool person! He loves the carnival and he has really bad aim at ring tosses! He loves scary movies and he's very protective. And that's what I learned on Niall Horan!"

"That was very good Hannah. Thank you guys! You can sit down."

We walked to our seats and Niall turned to look at me.

"Your a really good listener!"

"I shall say so myself to you mr.Horan!"

He just laughed and might I say, he's laugh was really cute. But, he is probably, just gonna be my friend. Best friend.

Best friend is a good title for him!


Hey y'all! Sorry it's a little long. I liked the carnival idea then I remembered I names it Sharing Time, so I threw that together! QUESTION TIME!

What's your favorite season!? Mine is winter. I love the summer to but the winter has Christmas and I can wear jeans! Haha. So tell me what y'all think and do what y'all do!

Alrighty! Bye!

. . CASS


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