Just In Time

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Hannahs POV

Its been a week and an half. Prom is in 4 days! Harry hasn't asked me yet. Niall's asked Ally in a cute way. He did a scavenger hunt for her. Granted, Harry already did that for me. Dont get me wrong, i loved that, but i want him to ask me already. 

All i could think of in creative writing class was why he hasn't asked me yet. He sat next to me and handed me a note telling him to meet him in the lunch room. I don't know why we just don't walk together or get something off of campus like we usually do, but i don't complain. 

"Harry, you may leave after this topic okay?" Mr. Young told Harry and he nodded. I really couldn't care less. Ive had allergies for the past 3 days so i look horrible. My brown hair is in my messy bun, I'm wearing a maroon crop top jacket cause Izzy took all of mine cause she thought she would be freezing during her tests today. My yoga pants are making my life a lot easier then wearing jeans so i guess thats good.

"Today you will be writing about music. After most of you look finished, i will give you another topic. And remember kids, STAY CLEAN!" mr. Young says and we all get to writing. 

'Music is one of the things this world will have forever. Music speaks louder than words. I honestly don't know why, but it does. The tune gets stuck in peoples heads faster than words in general. Music is relatable. When you are happy, you listen to the music, but when you are upset, you listen to the words is one of the many quotes for music. When all  words fail, still music speaks. Music is how we connect to our inner souls, our outer community. Without music, this world wouldn't have the creativity it does.'

By the time i finish, Harry is gathering all of his stuff. I lean over and whisper...

"Why are you leaving class early? I though we were walking over to lunch together." 

"Read the note. Ill meet you there. I got some important stuff to do. Love you Hann!" He says grabbing my hand and lifting it to his lips. My skin starts to tingle when he does that. 

"I love you Harry" i say and he walks out without another word, or glance. We have another topic to write about, and most of the ids are finished. When i look up to the front i see Mr. Young already up at the front. 

"Okay. So todays last topic will be about your hopes and dreams. STAY CLEAN!" he says and walks out.

I really don't know what my hopes and dreams are. Honestly, they were crushed when my family started leaving and getting crazy. I grab my pen and decide to write down my hopes and dreams form when i was in middle school.

'1. To be a mother.

2. To be an awesome wife.

3. To be a role model to my little sister Izzy.

4. To be my own person. 

5. To be an independent, yet loving person.'

I guess some of those things haven't changed. By the time I'm finished, mr. Young gets a call on his class room phone. He answers and then hangs up, not saying a word until he comes up to my desk and tells me to pack up my stuff.

"Hannah, you need to go to the cafeteria after class." 

"Lunch is after this mr. Young. I hope you know that." I say not trying to be rude or disrespectful in any way.

"Oh yeah. I forgot!" He says while to the rest of class laugh along with us.

"Well, you continue with your normal day Hannah." He says and the bell rings for lunch right when he finish's.

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