New Me

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Chapter 19: New Me

Hannah's POV

I wake up and find that my boyfriend called me once and 10 texts from Niall. Before I could even raise my arm, Izzy comes over with a big box.

"Izzy what's that?" I say sleepily

"A box full of pictures." She says while placing it on my bed.

"What's pictures?" I say while reaching to open it.

"It's a box full of you and Niall, me, mom and daddy." She says while handing me some pictures.

"Put these under your bed okay!?" Izzy says with a big smile. Her eyes sparkle like the sun, and her hair glows. Gosh why can't I look like anyone else in my family!?

"Okay Izzy." I say taking the box and putting it under my bed.

"Okay. Hurry up Hannah. Someone is here to talk to you!"

"What time is it Izzy?"

"1:30 pm. You slept for a long time."

I go down stairs with my sister holding my hand and someone is setting on the couch. I walk over to the couch and the girl turns around to see a face I don't want to see.


"Hey Hannah!" She says acting like we are best friends.

"Umm... Hi Clair?!"

"Hey can I talk to you upstairs?" She says with a evil smile. I swear, I was going to punch her day lights out!

"Umm... Sure?" I say while walking to the stairs with Izzy behind Clair.

"Oh Izzy! I need to talk to Hannah alone. Is that okay?"

"Okay..." Izzy says and walks away.

We get to my room and she closes the door behind her and I'm on the opposite side of her, putting my brown hair up and putting on a big jacket cause it was col on my room.

"So what do you want Clair?"

"Oh, I was just wondering, if you and Carson are still together? And if you and Niall are still best friends." Why the freak dose she want to know that?

"Umm.. Yeah. We are. Niall's coming back in 2 days. And yes me and Carson are still together. Why do you wanna know?" I say as she's walking closer to me.

"Oh just wanted to know."

"Oh sure Clair. Now what's your real reason?" I say while backing into the wall.

"Niall texted me saying 'hey Clair to you wanna get some lunch sometime next week?'" As I read that text, she is talkin but I didn't listen to her.

"Wow. He really said that?"

"Duh! Guys like me Hannah. I just wanted to rub it in your face an to tell you, If you come near us, or if you ruin this relationship, I will hurt in ways that haven't even been invented. Got it?"

"Umm Clair... Yeah I will not promise that. So sorry!" I say with a sarcastic voice.

"I will make sure of that Hannah. So I will make sure you don't come near us. You don't want to mess with me!" With our faces so close.

"But it's fun to Clair!"

"Okay. You don't want your poor little Niall to get hurt don't you?" I was confused.

"Why would you do?" I say with my eye brow up.

"Oh you know. Tell him stuff that you don't even know. or maybe... No that would be to much..."

"What would you do?" Now I'm getting impatient.

"You can figure that out later. Bye Hannah!" And she walks out my bedroom door and goes down the stairs and walks out the front door. Gosh I hate her!

"Come on Izzy. Let's go eat." Then after that, we go get her favorite place to eat, 'Wendy's' and it's pretty good. Love it, but Taco Bell kills them. We go get her a teddy bear cause she wanted one so bad and she wouldn't stop complaining so I had to get her to shut up.

"Hey Hannah..."

"Yeah Izzy?" I say while walking through the front door.

"Can Niall come over?" She says while taking my hand and using the other to hold her teddy bear.

"He's not coming home for another 2 days. But when he comes home, he can." She then gets a big smile. I walk into my parents room to find a note on the bed. I look to see it was from my mom. It said...

Dear Hannah,

Get out of the house tonight! Me and dad are gonna be home tonight and I don't want you girls to be home alone. So take Izzy to her friends house then you go somewhere. I love you! Bye.

Love, Mom

Now this shocked me. They never get along so in my mind, I'm thinking 'this is going to be great!' I really hope so. I go back out to the kitchen to see Izzy on my phone talking. I look at my phone to see she's talking to Niall. I didn't really want to talk to him since the whole Clair thing. She looks at me then she said she had to go, then hangs up.

"Hannah! Let's go get your hair done. Like make it a different color!"

"I don't think so. But I need a trim. Let's go. I'm taking you to your friends house after this okay?" She looked at me with a sad look.

"But I don't want to. I want to stay with you Hannah!" And she then, hugs my waist. How can you say no to this? You can't. That's the problem.


We go to the hair Solon and after about an hour, I look at the mirror to find my hair different. It's short. Not very short, but shorter than it was. It was even with my mid-shoulder. Before it was to my elbow. Wow. It's a new me! Then me and Izzy go home and now it was 10:00pm an she was about half asleep. I take we to my room am she fell asleep in my bed. Gosh is she so cute when she's asleep. Then I fell asleep with her.


Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't updated! It's just been a busy time. School and all that crap. But I hope y'all like it so far! QUESTION TIME!!!

Favorite pizza topping? Mine is peperoni an cheese. Goin classic!

Alright Vote, comment, do what y'all do and yeah!

Alrighty, bye!

. . CASS


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