Not Again

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Chapter 18: Not Again

Niall's POV

So today Carson gets back from his cruise and I'm really pissed off. He's gonna tell her he loves her and she's gonna say the same thing back to him. Gosh dang it! All I can think about is Hannah. I want to hug her when ever I want. Tell her I love her. But I can't. We are best friends and that's it. It's just, when we were freshman, we would always hang out. Like, everyday. Now that I'm part of One Direction, I can't see her. I don't call or text her cause if I hear her voice, I think I might go into tears. Now I'm not talking to anyone. And no one is asking me if I'm okay. But I'm not! Gosh dang it! It breaks my heart to see then together. And when we skyped, when I saw them kissing, I swear I felt like if I died right there, I would. It made me feel like the worst person ever. I really couldn't handle so I get my phone and text Harry to come into the room and say I have to go just to get away from them.

After the call ended, my eyes started to get watery then Harry asked if I was going to finish my food, I balled. 1st off yeah I am going to finish my food, and 2nd he didn't comfort me or anything like that. I was 50% happy he didn't then 50% not happy. I feel like crap now.

But I can't ever forget the night we almost kissed. Before her soccer game, I was tying her cleet, trying to figure out what to say to Carson and then we started leaning in. Then she came in and I almost went for it then Harry and Louis came in screaming making us both jump. I wanted to punch a tree right then. A poky, hard, mean tree. I just feel like have have the energy and rage to run to her and just hold her hand and kiss her. It's sad to think that I can't. Then..... I hear my phone vibrating in my pocket and I pull it out to see Hannah's calling me. I pick it up as soon as I could swipe my finger.

"Hey Niall!"
"Hey hannah. What's up?"
"Oh nothing really. Just really bored."
"Oh that sounds fun. So is it snowing?"
"Yeah. It's pretty cold. But...."
Her voice trails off and I hear screeching. Then the line gods dead. What happened? I hang up then I get a call from a weird number.

"Sorry! I was in my kitchen and the sink was full of water and I dropped my phone. Now it's broken. Oh well."
"It's okay. So tonight at 5:00? Skype?"
"Yeah. But is it okay if Carson comes?"
My jaw started to tense and I tighten my fists into strong balls.
"Cause he's coming back from his cruise and I wanted to see him." And then I remembered that he's gonna tell her he loves her.
"Okay. That dosent bug me." I lie to save her some time.
"Okay. Well Niall I have to help my sister pack her stuff. She's moving to her apartment with her boyfriend. Bye Niall"
"Bye Hannah."
And then I hung up and cried. I really can't handle this. It doesn't feel good when the girl of your dreams that you almost kissed on the night that she said yes to her ex-boyfriend is going to be told she is loved by someone else.

Hannah's POV

Niall sounded upset when I talked to him. But I get to see him later and Carson's coming back and I get to see them both. My favorite 2 guys. I feel like Niall is going to tell me why he's upset. I need to know why he's upset to help him feel better.

(Later that day)

I hear a knock on my door and I open the door to find my boyfriend on my porch smiling with my 3 other best friends!
"CARSON!!!!" I jump into his arms and I don't let him go for a second then I see Jack pick up his arm to his chest acting offended
"Hannah! What are we? Sand?"
"Oh shut up. How have y'all been?"
"Fine. Bored." Reid said while we fish bump. Brad doesn't say anything but he just walks in. We ate dinner at Taco Bell and by the time we ended it was 4:57 pm.
"Hey guys! Time to get ready!"
Everyone ran to the living room with my computer open and calling him. But Carson wasn't over there. I turned my whole body and I couldn't find him. I turn back to face my best friends to find my boyfriends beautiful hazel eyes.
"Hannah I have to tell you something."
"Okay?! You can tell me."
He grabs my hand and before he could take me anywhere, we hear all the boys scream "NIALLLLLLLLLL!!!!" We walk over the see all the one direction boys.
"Hey guys! What's up?"
"Nothing. When are you coming back?"
"Soon. Count down 3 days!" And that really shocked me. He's coming back!
"Hey guys can I talk to brad?"
"Yeah sure." But jack only whinnied while Carson dragged him away. It was pretty funny cause jack was screaming when we locked him in the closet. As I walk over to my room, I hear the boys talk. I couldn't help my self my stop.
"So have you told her?" Brad
"No. I really want to tell her but I can't. He's plan in on telling her he loves her." Niall
"But Niall. You love her. You have to say something." Brad
"I can't. Brad. I can't tell her. It's so hard. Besides she only sees me as a friend. Nothing more. But I know she felt sparks when we almost kissed." Niall. Who's her talking about?
"Okay. I will go get the other. But you have to tell her."
"I will Brad calm down. But it's not easy to tell your best friend your in love with her. And falling for her everyday."
This kind of confused me.
"Okay. But when you get home your telling her!"
"I will tell her when I tell her."
"Fine. But you tell her anything different, your dead!"

I walk out without even moving my body on my own.
"Her brad can I talk to Niall?" He looks up at me with a scared face.
He walks off and I'm there left with Niall. For the first time ever, it's kind of awkward to talk to him.
"Hey Niall let's make a deal."
"Okay what's that?"
"Let's make a bet. The first one who swears..."
"Had to make there phone crack!"
"No that's boring."
"Fine." he sits backward with he's arms crossed like a little kid told to sit in the corner for stealing a juice box.
"Has to twerk in front of the whole school!" Niall says really fast.
"Okay..." I say.
"Okay. I have to go. Bye."
"Bye Niall."
"Oh and Hannah?"
"Yeah Niall?"
"Umm..... Can I tell you something?"
"Sure Niall."
"What Niall?"
"You Know what! It's nothing. Bye."
"Okay bye."
Then we hung up. I wonder why he was going to say. oh well. Then by that time, it was 9:45 and everyone had to leave. Carson was the last one leave.
"So tonight was really fun."
"Yeah it was." I say while he wraps my waist. And I snake my arms around his neck, and brush he's hair.
"You now your beautiful right?"
"No. But you make me feel like it."
"Okay so I have to tell you something."
"Okay tell me"
Carson looked down at my shoes then at my lips. Then he leans in. We were standing there kissing then he pulled away.
"Hannah Jo. I love you." Those words made me smile. But I didn't say anything. I was to shocked.
"Can you say something? I'm kind of scared...."
I didn't say anything instead of pull him to me and crash our lips together.
And then I felt his tongue on my bottom lip we just stood there. My stomach flipped inside me and then I felt sparks. I really felt like he's mine.
"So I'm taking that as a yes?!" He says with a low voice.
"Yes dummy!" I say with a sarcastic voice tone. And then we were kissing again. Tonight was the best night. But I was still wondering why Brad and Niall were taking about. I guess Niall loves Jenna. Carson leaves then I feel my phone vibrate in my sweat pants pocket. It was from Niall.

From Niall!: so Jenna isn't real.

To Niall!: She's not real?

From Niall!: no.

To Niall!: okay.

I was kind of happy when Niall said that but also mad. But then I didn't feel mad. I have the house to myself! My sisters moved out and Izzy is sleeping over at her best friends house and I don't know where my parents are but this morning they told me they were not coming home. So I went strait to bed. I said to myself
"Tonight was great. I know my boyfriend really loves me. My best friends are happy, and Niall doesn't have a girlfriend. It's a great night!"


Hey y'all! So sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's just I had a lot of stuff to do. I have a lot of projects and stuff. But how has y'all's day been? Mines been great! QUESTION TIME!!

What's y'all's favorite song?
Mine is Dark Horse by Katy Perry and gorilla Bruno Mars.

Alrighty. Bye!

. . CASS

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