How can I be the same?

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Hannahs (Andreas) POV

(Monday morning)

I wake up to Harry to my left, his arm played across my stomach, wrapping his hand under my side. I look down on his beautiful sleeping face. He really is such a beautiful guy. He is such an amazing boyfriend, amazing friend.

"I love you" i say into his locks of curls. I feel him tighten his grip around me. I think he heard me, i stay in my same position for a couple moments longer. I see that its 7 in the morning. I huff in disappointment. Why am i naturally waking up this early?

Harry rolls over so his arm is off of me. I decide to take a shower. I get up and take my pjs off, turning the water on. I close the door so Harry doesn't wake up. But he might wake up anyway.

I step into the warm water. I just stand in the water way for a second. Its so warm and calming. I turn to get the shampoo. I begin to think what Harry and I have in the future. What if we get married? What if we don't go to the same collage? What if i don't go to collage?

My thoughts over come my actions and i forget to close my eyes so shampoo gets into my eyes.

I squeal from the pain, turning into the water to clean off the shampoo around my eyes. The shampoo comes out, but not for some time. Harry comes in and turns towards me.

"Babe, whats wrong?!" I look up and squeal again! He could see me, naked! I use my arms to cover myself and turn away. Even though its not a clear shower door, you can still see more than enough.

"Oops! Sorry!" he turns around and i put the conditioner in my hair and begin to speak.

"I got shampoo in my eyes, but I'm fine! Now go away!" I hear him laugh, this isn't funny!

"Okay okay. Its 7:10 just to let you know!" he walks out and i take the soap and wash my body.

The water on my now, soft hair feels great. I turn the water off and step out and wrap the towel around me. I walk into the mirror and wipe off the steam with another towel. I step back and look at myself.

My hair has gotten longer. Its now to the middle of my stomach. Last time i checked it was right under my shoulder. My eyes look different too. My cheeks more red than usual, my eye brows look fine, my hair is straight. I blink a few times and realize i have changed in the last couple of months more than i really ever noticed.

"Hey, can i come in?" Harry says behind the closed door.

"Yeah, i am just leaving..." i open the door to find Harry shirtless. I stop walking and take a second to take in his body.

"Good. Ive been waiting since i left the bathroom!" he smiles and walks past me, closing the door.

"Holy crap" i say under my breath.

I walk over to my suit case, opening it and searching for an outfit for today.

I pull out a pair of army green shorts, ripped on the bottom, and a gold flow bro tank. I pull out my white high tops and slip them on. I walk to the bathroom door and knock on it, hearing Harry say come in.

I walk into the steaming room, going straight to the sink, to blow dry my hair. When i pick it up Harry stops me.

"Your hair won't dry when its steaming in here Hann" i roll my eyes and Grab the brush.

"Its Andrea" i say and hear him huff but say sorry.

I brush out my hair and decide to put it in a side braid instead of actually doing it. I take out a few loose hairs and straighten them down. I pull out my makeup bag and begin my makeup routine.

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