Go to God and let Him be your refuge

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Go to God and let Him be your refuge.

Verses: 'But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord ; He is their refuge and stronghold in the time of trouble. The Lord helps them and rescues them; He rescues them from the wicked and saves them, Because they take refuge in Him.'
Psalms 37:39-40

Maybe right now, you are really struggling. Maybe with this week being finals week in college, you feel stressed. Maybe you are stressed about Christmas coming up in just a few weeks because you have gifts to buy, wrap, and family to see. Maybe you are really struggling with depression. No matter what you are going through: God wants you to come to Him. God wants you to take refuge in Him.

Sometimes when we are struggling it's easy to get so focused on the problem was a facing that we don't go to God about it. We try to "fix it" ourselves. Honestly, anytime I have ever tried to do something without God, it didn't work. So no matter what you are facing: you don't have to face it alone. You have God, who wants to grab your hand and help you through it. (Psalm 121:1-2)

You go to God by seeking Him in: prayer, worship, and listening to Him. But really I love to go to God and prayer. I love to tell God EVERYTHING! Sometimes when someone is struggling, they feel ashamed. They feel that they shouldn't be feeling depressed, sad, suicidal, broken, etc. No matter what you are feeling: God wants you to come to Him in prayer, for you to be honest, and be open about everything you are feeling.

God loves you, just as you are. (Psalm 136:1) You don't have to pretend that everything's going great. God wants you to say the truth, the whole truth, and for you be real with Him. You don't have to be fake in front of God. Pour out your heart to God in prayer and God will comfort (Isaiah 49:13) and love you. (Psalm 136:1)

God will help you face whatever battle you are fighting. And with God on your side, you can do anything! (Matthew 19:26)

So go to God and let Him be your refuge!


Dear God,

I am coming to you with all my brokenness. I am really struggling and I need your help Lord. I pray that as I pour out my heart to you, that you comfort and love me. I can't do life without you Lord. Please grab my hand and help me walk through life with you by my side. As I seek you, help me grow closer to you. I praise you for this season of Christmas and the birth of Your Son. I thank you for you love, grace, and mercy.

I thank you for all my many blessings and for Your Son.

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen!


Hey beautiful! I hope you enjoyed this! I am officially on Christmas break! Yay!❤️ so I will be updating a lot more!❤️

Thank you so much reading! I love you! Merry Christmas and God bless you❤️

-Caty from SGC❤️

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