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"Without you," I shook my head at him again, feeling the tears prick my eyes as I brought my hand to his cheek. "I wouldn't be...happy." I finished.

He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath, before opening them again.

"I can't cry so stop trying to make me." He replied gruffly, his voice going deeper than normal, while the pupil of his eyes contracted.

I gave a watery laugh and wiped my own eyes.

"Fate isn't such a bad thing after all, huh?" I asked softly.

He shook his head.

"I love that bitch. Almost as much as I love you. Now, we're gonna party tonight and celebrate your book. Sound good?"

I nodded and leaned up to kiss his nose. "I don't care as long as I'm with you."

So, we did just that. The plans were made, the friends were told, the others were invited. I got hugged by so many people, and drank so many drinks, I lost track of who was who.

After the party, the original crew ended up back in the garage, like we always did. As I looked around the room, I remembered the first night that I walked into this room. Everyone was sitting in the exact same spot...except Colby and I.

I remembered him walking through those doors, an angry, menacing creature that I couldn't take my eyes off of...I shivered as I remembered the hate that was in those beautiful blue eyes, tinged with red and black when he first looked at me. I felt his hands squeeze my hip lightly and then snake around my waist to pull me closer against him.

"You good?" He murmured, his lips close to my ear.

I turned my head towards him and nodded.

"Just remembering the first time I saw you. The first time you looked at me." I replied.

He bit his lip, then slowly released it, letting it slide from his teeth.

"I'm glad I didn't kill you." He said, his voice rough.

I couldn't help it. I snorted, slapping my hand over my mouth, trying to catch the laugh before it released.

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that too." I responded, after I calmed down a bit.

I lay back against him, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck, while I let my eyes roam around the room. I started out experiencing so much pain in my life at a very young age. The death of loved ones, harm at the hands of adults who were supposed to take care of me, emotional abuse from my peers...then I found Kat.

That one sliver of light in a life otherwise consumed with darkness. She made it all worth it. She made it better.

Then we had to grow up, and live our own lives, apart from one another. Those were dark days for me but I thought that I had found someone that truly cared for me...until I found out they didn't. Then I found Kat again...and Colby.

Someone that intrigued me from the very second that I laid eyes on him. From the shock of blue hair that he used to have, his piercing blue eyes, his hard demeanor...he was a jerk. But he wouldn't get out of my head.

I had to know more, even when he hurt me, even when I thought that I shouldn't. Even when I knew it was dangerous for me.

Now he was the light that broke through the darkness in my life. My own personal Moon.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" His voice broke through my thoughts.

I blushed, as I dipped my head and looked at him from under my lashes.

"Just thinking about how things have changed. How much I love you." I replied softly.

He cracked a grin, his big beautiful smile spreading across his face.

"I wonder what would've happened if Katrina hadn't tore me a new one that day. Shocked the shit out of me by the way. She had always been so soft spoken before." He said wryly as he looked over to Sam and Kat.

She just winked at him and twinkled her fingers.

"I'll do it again whenever I need to bub. You don't hurt my bitch or I'm coming for you." She shrugged. "That's just the way it is." I giggled at the way she was just so matter of fact.

The alcohol running through my system made it funnier than it actually was probably.

"You would've went after her anyways." Sam murmured staring at Katrina as she laughed with me. "You can't stay away from your One. They own your heart. Forever."

Colby looked back to me, just as my head turned, and our gazes locked. I was feeling the emotion swirling inside the room, coming from Sam and Kat, myself and Colby...I honestly don't know what else everyone else was up to. I leaned towards him, and pressed my lips to his, softly at first, then with more force as his tongue teased against my lips.

It was intense but peaceful, overwhelming but calm...it was everything all rolled into one. One giant enigma, just like him.

The hardass that used to scare me, with the soul and heart of an angel underneath. The One who thought he was a monster, because of something that was out of his control.

When we broke away, I snuggled back into him and wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes.

"You wanna go lie down? You've had a big day." He murmured against my forehead after he placed a kiss there.

I shook my head.

"No. I just wanna be here. With you. With them. Our family. There's no other place I'd rather be."

He kissed me again quickly, then went back to talking to Sam and Elton about the things that Elias needed to do with the Deviant clan. I don't think they would ever be able to entirely let go of the clan. It was part of them, part of who they were, who they are.

I listened to Kat talk with Dev and Tara about what it was like turning into a vampire and what she should expect. Only a few more days and that would happen. I think that Sam was still a little apprehensive, simply because he had that stupid idea that they were monsters stuck in his head too.

It's what she wanted though, so he conceded. He would always give Katrina what she wanted and for that, I was truly grateful.

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