8 (Colby's POV)

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We slowed down as we entered the forest.

"Bro, this is fucking creepy." I muttered, my eyes darting around into the vast blackness created by the cluster of trees.

"We're vampires Colby." Sam replied, but his eyes were darting around just as much as mine.

"Yeah, I know that. Doesn't mean that it doesn't freak me out. Plus..just witches man. This kind...they play with the black arts, demonic shit. There's no telling what they can do to us."

I shivered just thinking about what might happen. I know that it's a little ironic being wary of demonic shit since I was what people thought of as a demonic creature. That's not what vampirism is though.

It's more like a contractible virus, that a lot of us didn't choose to get. Black magic though...that was a whole different story. They willingly worked with actual demons to gain power and hurt others.

From what I've heard, it usually starts when someone is unsatisfied with their lives, and highly jealous of others for having what they want. So they make deals with demons, and force energy from others to make their dreams come true, or to take revenge on someone that they believed did them wrong. The whole thing was just...gross.

This coming from someone who drinks blood, I know, but it was. It involved innocent animal blood and bones, nasty concoctions, devilish chants, and even sometimes humans, adults and children.

"Can we trust this girl?" I asked Sam, joining him on a barely visible path that led deeper into the woods.

I could feel something watching us. My eyes darted up and around, expecting to see something, but all I could see was blackness.

Even my eyesight couldn't penetrate it.

"I think so. She used to come to the house all of the time. It's only been a few months since she stopped."

"Why'd she stop?" I asked.

That could be important.

He shrugged.

"I dunno. She never said. Seemed willing to help us on the phone though. She wants to be fed on in return for her help."

I jerked my gaze to him. He wasn't looking at me. Instead, he was watching his feet as we walked forwards.

"Well, who's gonna feed on her?" I exclaimed, surprised that he had agreed to this.

He looked up and met my eyes.

"We are. She wants you and I to feed on her at the same time. Said she missed it and wanted immediate payment."

I shook my head violently. "Uh uh, Sam, we can't! What about Chloe and Kat?! Plus, it's gonna make us sick. Can we even swallow it? I haven't even tried since I got sick that one night. Why couldn't we have brought someone with us, like Elton, or Jake and Tara?"

Sam stopped walked, jerking my arm so that I would stop with him. "Because that's not what she asked for. She asked for us. Something about wanting the leaders of the most powerful clan to feed on her, so that others knew that she was 'wanted' or something. I don't know. Maybe there's something going on within her coven. Kat knows. I told her. If you wanna tell Chloe when she wakes up, then do that. For now, it's not an issue. If we get sick, we get sick. It'll be worth it right? If we can get what we need, if she can help us wake Chloe up?"

I felt sick to my stomach already but he was right.

So why did I feel like I was about to cheat on Chloe?

"Okay." I sighed. "But I'm not gonna like it."

He cracked a grin. "Yeah, me either."

"Thank you for doing this for me Brother." He nodded and We started walking again.

After another few minutes of walking, we heard noises coming through the trees.

"You hear that right?" I asked Sam, stopping in my tracks, next to an offbeat path leading into the trees.

The sounds were coming from that direction. He nodded and put his finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. We could hear low chanting, feet shuffling, and a fire crackling.

All of a sudden a screech went through the air, while the chanting intensified.

"The fuck are they doing?" I muttered. "Creepy ass witches."

We headed down the path, keeping our eyes and ears open for anything unexpected. Sam patted my shoulder and pointed up ahead. Far off in the distance, there was a glow from a fire, with the shadows from several people moving around it.

"Ready?" He asked quietly.

I nodded.

"Now or Never."

We took off, using our speed to get there in a matter of seconds. The witches didn't even acknowledge that we were there. They just continued whatever the hell it was that they were doing.

They were wearing black cloaks like you see in the movies, with some sort of design on the back. Looked like an upside down pentagram, a circle around it, then another outer circle around that. There were other different symbols inside of the outer circle.

I shook my head, and glanced at the fire, trying to ignore their chanting. I didn't even want to be here, much less get involved in this set up. I looked down around the fire and automatically realized that was a bad idea.

The air was scented with wild blood, herbs, and maybe sulfur. It was pungent, and thick. The blood was in a metal bowl next to the fire, with a fresh bird carcass next to it.

Not sure what kind of bird, but it was black. I could see what looked like small bones floating in the blood along with twig looking things and probably herbs. Fucking weird.

The chanting was getting louder, grating on my nerves. I grimaced and looked over to Sam. He was watching the witches, while he chewed his bottom lip.

His hand came up to fix his wind blown blonde hair. I chuckled to myself when I realized that I had mirrored his actions, fixing my own hair. He caught my eye and grinned.

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