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"Do you hear that?" Corey asked.

"Shut up Corey." Sam replied.

I wanted to ask what they heard, and almost did, my eyelids barely fluttering.

"Don't." Sam hissed.

He must have known or saw me. I made sure that my body was still relaxed, but he knew what I was going to ask. Stupid vampires with their stupid super hearing.

"That sounds bad Sam." Corey whispered, while Devyn gasped.

What the fuck was happening?! This was driving me crazy!

"Shut the fuck up!" Sam said, his voice hard, but he started moving faster, my arms swinging with the motion.

Something was wrong. I could feel it. Their anxiety was sky rocketing forcing it's way through the magic of the amulet around my neck. Something was wrong with Colby.

I forced my body to stay limp, even though the only thing I wanted to do was jump out of Sam's arms and start screaming Colby's name until he answered me. Go faster Sam! Finally, he slowed down, then stopped.

He just stood there. No one said anything, and I was going crazy unable to see or move.

After what seemed like forever, I heard a very faint voice say "You may enter."

A door opened, and we moved.

"You dare to bring a witch into our chambers!" A voice hissed.

He said witch like it was the most disgusting thing he could think of. My body tensed for a split second from the malice that I heard, before I remembered to relax.

"We've brought her as trade. This is Colby Brock's One. As you've just said, she is a witch. We've only just found out. The Clan isn't okay with this and it's not something that we can accept. We know that Colby can't help who his One is, but we feel like you could erase her from his mind and he'll be okay. You may have her in your custody to do with as you wish, as long as you let us have him back. Our clan needs him." Sam's voice was so demanding but respectful at the same time.

I almost didn't recognize it.

"You expect us to just hand him over because you've brought us a witch? If we wanted a witch, we would have one. Mr. Brock has broken our laws, repetitively, fully aware of what his actions would entail. He's being questioned now for further information."

Sam's arms stiffened around me. "We're aware. We can hear him."

Hear him?

What does that mean?

He can hear Colby?

What does he hear?

A million questions were running through my mind but I could do nothing to get the answers to them.

"I'm sure you can. He tries not to scream but seems like he just can't help it sometimes."


WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HIM?! I jerked in Sam's arms, unable to help myself, and felt him grip me tighter. Anger started burning through my veins again, boiling my blood.

I could feel the energy building and I wasn't going to be able to stop it. Something better happen now. Right now.

I didn't know how long I was going to be able to hold onto my self control. It felt like it was literally burning holes in my fingertips. My hands twitched involuntarily, as I heard Sam hiss in a breath.

The only reason that I could think of that he would be doing that is because he was still hearing Colby in pain.

"I want to see him. NOW."

He wasn't being nice anymore. His voice was deadly, giving me the feeling of standing in front of a cobra snake ready to strike. The annoying voice sighed, like he was just so done with all of us.

"You can see him. That doesn't mean that he can leave or that we are accepting your deal, but you may see him." For some reason the voice sounded happy about letting them see him. "You can leave the witch here, just drop her on the floor."

"NO." Sam replied quickly.

"Excuse me?" The voice said.

"She comes with me until we make a deal." Sam said sternly.

"As you wish." The voice sighed.

We started moving again, the tension still building inside my body so much, I couldn't stop the light whimper from leaving my lips. It was actually getting painful.

"Is she waking?" The voice asked, as we moved behind it.

"No, she's still out. The solution used on her is causing nightmares. She'll still be out for a few hours."

Apparently, the voice accepted this because they didn't question it any further. We walked for what felt like forever, until my inadequate ears started picking up on something. Something that made my heart shatter inside my body, and my very soul feel as if it were being ripped to shreds.

Colby was somewhere, inside this building, literally screaming, a deep roar of pain that resonated off the walls and invaded my ear drums. I couldn't take this! There is no way that I could lie here and pretend like I was basically dead while the reason for my continued existence was being tortured.

It was like I felt every scream and grunt of pain, feeling it seer through my body, making the tension crackle against my veins.

"Colby!" Sam cried, just as the other voice spoke.

"Here he is. I'll leave you for a minute. It will probably be the last time you see your leader."

"Chl-Chlooe." Colby's voice moaned out my name, full of pain and grief. "Wha-what's wr-wrong S-Sam?" His beautiful pained voice grunted out.

"Shhh." Sam replied, then gripped my wrist with his slender fingers.

The signal. I almost didn't remember, occupied by the overwhelming pain I felt from the building tension and from Colby's screams. I cracked my eyes open, glancing up at Sam's face hesitantly.

He nodded, and set me down, putting one finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. I nodded, then turned towards where he motioned. I was scared to look but knew that I had to.

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