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There were loud yells and movement, someone running, then scuffling noises. The person under me shifted and groaned. I recognized that voice.

It was Sam.

"Are you okay?" He asked, pushing me to help me stand.

I nodded, peering through the haze, trying to figure out the confusion of everything that was going on around me.

"Maybe you could stop trying to kill me, yeah?" Sam joked, smiling at me.

Someone yelled, sounded a lot like Tara, and Sam took off yelling "Stay there" over his shoulder.

Someone grabbed my arm, making me jump. They yanked, making it feel like my arm was going to come out of it's socket. Then they were gone, and I heard bones crunching sickeningly against flesh, as someone grunted in pain.

"YOU DON'T TOUCH HER! YOU DON'T EVER TOUCH HER! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" Colby's voice, but not one I recognized, set off my nerves again.

It was dark, deadly, and full of more rage than I had ever heard before. It was terrifying. I followed that deadly voice till I managed to see Colby hunkered down over another body.

He was beating that body to a pulp, blow after blow, his knuckles slinging blood every time he pulled back, only to sink his fist into the body again. I ran straight to him, my body still zinging with energy somehow and stupidly grabbed his arm. His face turned in my direction, all black and red eyes, fangs protruded dangerously close to my face, mouth wide open, as he hissed at me.

I shrank away from him, but kept my hand on his arm.

He noticed it was me straight away, and I watched the blackness of his eyes fade, replaced by the worried sky blue.

"Chloe, I'm sorry. I didn't know-"

I shook my head at him and motioned towards the person he had been beating. I guess it was a person...or a vamp.


Definitely a guy, that much I could tell. Colby had literally pulverized him, his face all bloody and gashed up, resembling something close to ground meat. I'm guessing Colby's bulky rings were going to need to be seriously cleaned after tonight.

"Is he...dead?" I asked.

Colby looked down at the guy and shook his head, before landing a kick to the guy's head.

"He's a vampire. A beating can't kill him. I can't kill him. This is already going to bring the higher ups down onto our heads...he deserved it though." He gritted his teeth and looked back at me for a split second before snatching me up into his arms, causing my feet to leave the ground. "He put his hands on you. He was going to hurt you." He let me go just as quickly, dropping me to my feet and rounding on the unconscious guy again.

"What are y-"

My words were quickly cut off and Colby reached his hands down around the man's throat, choking him...or so I thought.

There was a sick crunching sound, a wet ripping noise that made bile rise in my throat. I turned my back from the image that accompanied the noise that would forever be embedded in my brain, and swallowed against the nausea. Colby just-

The love of my life, the sweet, gentle soul that cared for all of his clan, would do anything for me, begged for the attention of my cat until he received it...had just ripped a man's head clean from him body.

I shivered, feeling the shock trying to enter my body. I took several deep breaths, trying to calm myself against the hysteria that I felt rising. I could do this.

I had been around vampires enough to know that this sort of stuff happened. They literally killed people on these jobs that they did, if they needed to. I knew this.

It was totally different seeing it however. He did that. With his bare hands.

The hands that had so lovingly caressed my skin, making me feel more than I had ever imagined...I tended to forget that he was a deadly creature that could and would kill at the drop of a hat. I jerked just a little when he placed his hands on my arms, his fingers circling above my elbows. Then I took a deep breath and lay back against him as all of the craziness still surrounded us.

Shouts, fights, the sounds of fists meeting flesh, swears and grunts of pain, vampires spinning around so fast that it was making me dizzy. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed being with Colby, even just for a second. I noticed that his hands were sticky...I automatically knew why and chose not to look.

I may be accepting it, but that doesn't mean that I need to see his hands covered with blood, and transferring that blood onto me.


My eyes jerked open, and I felt Colby tense, his chest against my back.

"Go." I said, moving away from him.

He leaned in and kissed me fiercely, but quickly.

"Be right back. Just blast someone if they come near you." He grinned.

I grinned back and then he was nothing more than a blur, heading towards Sam's voice. I backed up against the wall, trying to stay out of it. I still felt energy zinging through my veins but not like before.

It felt more like it wanted to stay inside me this time. It wasn't pushing to get out, and I wasn't sure how to control it or force it out to only harm the bad vamps and not my friends. Now that I think about it, I wasn't even sure that no one got hurt earlier from the freaking explosion that I had somehow caused.

I glanced over to the cell that had been holding Colby...or where the cell had been. Now it was just twisted iron, and busted concrete blocks.

"Oh my God." I uttered out, realizing that I could have hurt someone with what I did.

"Chlooeee!" I heard Colby yell my name and my eyes shot to his.

Somehow I took in the scene around me at the same time.

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