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He kissed me then set me down on my feet in front of the cabin door. The door swung open just as Colby raised his hand to knock on it. Standing in the dim light was the same witch that was in Colby's room when I woke up.

She smiled at us and stepped back.

I walked inside, and turned back to see Colby still waiting at the entrance.

"I can't come in this one Melanie. I was invited into the other cabin. Not this one."

She let out a short laugh. "I forgot. Sorry. I've officially invited you inside this cabin. Welcome to both of you."

Colby walked inside and stood next to me.

We both waited for Melanie to close the door and turn back to us.

"Follow me into the living room where we can be more comfortable to talk."

Colby took my hand and we followed her down a hallway, into the back room. It was really more of a den than a living room, but whatever. There was a fireplace built into the wall of the old cabin, brickwork mantel surrounding it.

A skull, maybe a deer with antlers, was hanging above it on the wall. I couldn't be sure because I'm not an expert in that, but either way, it was creepy as fuck. There was a dusty bookshelf against one wall, so large that it was as long as the wall itself, filled with tons of books.

My fingers actually ached with the need to see them, and I found myself letting Colby's hand go and walking towards them. Right when I was about to pull one out to look inside of it, I felt a hand on my arm.

"Please don't. These are all very old and can be dangerous." I turned my head and saw Melanie next to me, smiling apologetically.

I pulled my hand back from the books and hurried over to where Colby was standing next to a mint green couch. It looked soft enough so I sat down. Colby sat beside me, and Melanie took the wooden rocking chair that was off to the side, but moved it to face us.

She had one of the large books in her lap.

"So, did you find out anything?" Colby asked her, getting straight to the point.

She smiled at him fondly, reminding me that he had fed from her. My jealously reared it's ugly head, and I frowned at her.

She caught my look and laughed lightly.

"There's no reason to be jealous of me Chloe. I am no threat to you or your relationship. On the contrary, I want to help you and I think that I can."

We heard a loud bang from a screen door, and it made me jump. Colby placed his arm around me as two young guys walked into the room, shoving each other and laughing.

"She was so into you bro! She wanted that- oh." The conversation between the guys stopped when they walked into the room and saw us.

I couldn't help but smile at their embarrassed expressions.

"Sorry. Didn't know that we had company."

Melanie stood up and walked over to them. "It's okay. Charlie, this is Colby. One of the vampires that helped us heal you."

I glanced at Colby and saw his eyes were wide in shock and disbelief.

Nudging him with elbow, I asked "You okay?"

He glanced at me with his wide eyes and nodded. "Yeah. It's just the last time I saw him, I honestly thought he wouldn't make it through the night."

Charlie nodded at Colby and walked over to him sticking out his hand to shake. "I remember. Thanks for that. I'm forever in your debt. Anything you need."

We both stood up and Colby took the guy's hand but shook his head. "No, that's not necessary. I'm just glad that you're doing well. And besides, it was an even trade." Colby nodded his head towards me. "I got what I needed."

The guy nodded at me and smiled sweetly. "Still. If you ever need a witch's help, I will gladly see what I can do."

"Good to know. Thanks." They released hands and nodded at each other.

As he walked away, his arm brushed mine and he gasped. I looked at him, confused.

"I'm...sorry?" I said, unsure if that called for an apology but not knowing why he had gasped.

"My fault. I didn't realize that you were-"

"Charlie! Not now." Melanie's demanding tone echoed through the room effectively shutting him up.

He shrugged and started walking out with his friend.

"No, wait!" I called "Didn't know that I was what?"

They kept walking into another part of the cabin, ignoring me.

"I'll explain what I know, if you will both just have a seat." Melanie walked back over to the rocking chair and pulled the large book off of the coffee table back into her lap.

It was covered with a dark blue fabric, worn white in some places by age and use. It had some kind of weird symbols on it, including a symbol I recognized as the symbol for the Air element. I remembered reading up on witchcraft for one of my stories a long time ago.

The elemental powers: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Researching it and seeing it directly in front of you were two completely different things. I reflected again on how weird this was.

"What did he mean by what he said?" I asked again, sitting next to Colby on the couch.

He took my hand and squeezed lightly. Melanie flipped through the pages of the old book before stopping.

She smoothed down the pages with both hands then looked up at me.

"It means that you are not a normal human being. You have witch blood in you."

I felt Colby's hand go slack in mine and I glanced at his shocked expression before looking back at Melanie.

"What do you mean I have witch blood in me? Is that why I can feel what other people feel now? How did it get in me? Was it somehow transferred when Colby fed on you?"

I couldn't stop the questions from falling from my mouth so Melanie eventually just spoke over me. "No, it wasn't from Colby feeding on me. You were born this way."

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