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Colby laughed and leaned over nuzzling his mouth against my neck.

"Why do you want to be even more scared when you are a human, with mouth watering witch's blood running through your veins, living with a house full of vampires who would love to be able to taste that?"

I felt his tongue run down the side of my neck, and I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my throat.

His hand closed over my mouth.

"There are kids on this ride Love."

I glared at him over his hand. He just cracked that damn smile and touched his tongue to his top teeth, then bit down when the trailer started to move. I moved my head to the side, so that he would move his hand away from my mouth.

"I hate you." I said, still glaring at him.

Just then, a loud, ear splitting screech went off all around us, making us all jump, even the big bad vampires.

"Fuck!" Jake said, grabbing onto Tara's arm.

I couldn't help but laugh even though my nerves were jumping.

"Sorry visitors, that's just the warning siren letting us know that we shouldn't go through the forest. There are...many unexplained things inside these woods." The guide at the front of the trailer said into his microphone.

"So why are we going into the damn woods then?" Jake called out to him.

Everyone laughed but it soon trailed off as the tractor crept into the blackness of the forest.

"This is stupid." I whispered to Colby. "You can't see anything in here and we're riding on a damn trailer. How in the hell do they expect to sc- AH GODDANGGIT!"

A blinding white light flashed on right beside me, revealing a pig man covered in blood, hanging half way over the trailer. He was reaching towards my foot. I yanked it back, and scooted closer to Colby.

"You were saying?" Colby asked, a smug look on his annoyingly beautiful face.

"Fuck you." I whispered.

There were kids on this ride. I had to keep reminding myself of that fact. When I get scared I cuss. It's just reflex.

The pig man giggled maniacally and hopped up onto the trailer, ran down it, then hopped off the other side. Okay, guess they were allowed on the trailer with this one. I saw a blue flashing light up ahead.

"What's that?" I heard Kat ask.

I was trying to figure that out myself. Eventually, I was able to make out an old rusty school bus that looked like it was broken down. There was a little blonde boy, in ragged, torn clothes standing in front of it, waving us down.

Damn it, little kids freaked me out.

The trailer stopped next to him.

"Can you please help me? The bus broke, and everyone disappeared, leaving me here all alone. Can you-"

Everything went pitch black again, causing some people to scream.

I was proud to say that I did not scream, but I did hear Colby laughing at me because I might have grabbed his arm. The we heard the little boy speak again. Only this time, his voice was a little sing songy, and he kept repeating the same words.

It sounded like he was walking around the trailer, his voice close sometimes, other times further away.

"Can you help me? I can help you. He can help you. He's waiting. He's waiting. He's waiting!" His voice got progressively higher pitched and crazy sounding, sending chills down my spine.

"I take back what I said." I whispered to Colby, gripping his arm tighter.

"About what?"

"About Hayrides. This is effectively freaking me out."

He laughed deeply, allowing me to feel the rumble in his chest. I didn't realize that I was almost sitting in his lap. The trailer started moving again, as the flashing lights started back up.

Now the bus was gone, and so was the kid. Weird.

How did they move a whole bus without anyone hearing it?

"Hi." I heard a soft voice come from beside me, so I looked over...and about fell backwards off of the trailer.

Would have if Colby hadn't caught me. I scrambled over into his lap as quick as I could, staring at the little boy. He was literally sitting right next to me and I hadn't even noticed!

In the back of my mind, I heard Kat and Dev let out a short terrified scream, and Jake say something like "Nah kid, stay over there."

The little boy kept his eyes locked on me and leaned towards me. I pushed back into Colby as hard as I could, while feeling him laugh at me.

"It's not funny!" I shrieked as the kid stood up.

This just made him laugh harder. I saw Sam bent over at the waist, laughing and wiping his eyes. Glad they were getting a kick out of it.

The kid got about 6 inches away from my face and whispered loudly "He's waiting," before screaming in my face and jumping off the side of the moving trailer.

"Oh fuck!" Colby exclaimed, watching the kid run into the woods.

I cut my eyes to him.

"Scare you a little bit, did it?" I said sarcastically.

His eyes met mine, and I could tell that it did.

"I didn't expect him to scream like that, is all. Startled me."

I scoffed. "Yeah, startled me too. I'm not moving by the way. This is my new seat."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and tightened his grip. "That's fine with me. I'll keep you safe from the big bad monsters."

I smiled, and leaned back into him, as creepy music swelled, the further into the trees we went. This almost felt as if we were in an alternate reality. Everything about LA was so extreme and so much bigger than what I was used to, but I loved it.

Much better than those dippy little haunted houses that I used to go to and it was honestly creeping me the fuck out. The trailer eventually stopped after passing all kinds of creepy displays, like people being mutilated, and witches performing blood sacrifices...ironic.

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