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I shook my head at him.

"No, I remember everything baby. Every little thing. All of it."

Colby sucked in a very loud breath. "What? Everything? All of it?" He sounded like he was just repeating what I had said and wasn't really comprehending it.

I grabbed his face between my hands and stared into his eyes.

"I remember everything. I remember you. I remember Sam and the guys, and Devyn, and Tara. I remember our dates, if you could call it that. I remember our nights together..." I let that one sink in and watched as he licked his lips again. "I remember everything about you Colby Brock. I remember how obsessed I was with you, and with knowing you. I remember that I loved you the first time and that you made me love you again the second time."

"Everything?" He asked again, his eyes burning into mine.

"Everything." I repeated.

Then suddenly, we weren't sitting on the bed anymore. Instead, he was standing up, holding me around the waist, my feet not touching the ground as his lips crashed into mine.

"You have no idea," He murmured against my lips, before placing another kiss on them. "How much," another kiss. "I've been praying" Another kiss. "To hear you say those words."

"You remember The One?" He asked, setting me gently down onto the floor.

I nodded, smiling at him.

"You'll always be my One Colby."

Then we were downstairs, pushing open the garage door, both of us with giant smiles on our faces.

"Hey guys! Chloe- huh...what time is it?" Both of us looked around the empty garage. "They must already be in bed. Damn it."

He turned back towards me and picked me up around the waist again, swinging me around.

I started giggling, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Oh well, we'll tell them when they get up."

"Deal." I replied.

We were suddenly back in his room, my head spinning.

"Okay, you gotta start warning me. Too much, too soon." I replied, leaning back into him to steady myself.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "I'm just so happy. I can finally just be me again with you. I forgot that you aren't used to that all the time." He yawned hugely.

"You're still tired even after my blood?" I asked him.

"Yeah...I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately and I've been living on blood bags for the longest. I think I'm just worn out. I don't wanna go to sleep though." He pulled me by my hand over to the bed with him. "I just got you completely back. I don't want to miss a second with you."

Oh my God, my heart. He was full on attacking it.

"You won't." I replied. "Let's just lay here and you get some rest. I'll still be here when you wake up. Or, I might be downstairs with the girls, but I'll still be here." I tapped the side of my head. "I'm supposed to hang out with this girls tonight actually." I remembered. "Tara asked me earlier."

He lay down, and pulled me down with him.

I snuggled into his chest, smiling, and started tracing his tattoo with my finger.

"Well, Tara and the girls might have to wait. Haven't decided if I'm ready to share you yet again."

I was okay with that.

His arm tightened on my hip, pulling me closer to him, and I threw my leg over his.

"There's nowhere else I wanna be. Now close your eyes and get some sleep Brock. That's an order."

He smiled, and closed his eyes. "Yes ma'am."

Prissy jumped back onto the bed, and walked up his legs to his chest, before curling up, and purring. His grin got wider, and his free hand came up to stroke her fur. Everything was as it should be.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, remembering something.

His eyes shot open and his hand stilled in Prissy's fur.


"Millie. Is she still trying to kill me or what? Is Elias okay? How did you-"

His hand left Prissy and came to my mouth, his fingers pressing against my lips.

"Millie is dead. Elias is fine. The rest can wait. I love you." He closed his eyes and brought his hand back down to Prissy.

"Well...okay then." I said, laying my head back down on his chest.

To be honest, I was kind of scared to sleep. I didn't know why my memories came back or how, just that they weren't supposed to come back.

What kind of trippy thing was in my head that allowed this to happen?

And was it permanent? I would have to try and remember to ask him tomorrow. I lifted my head a little so that I could look at his beautiful face.

He was already asleep, his unneeded breaths deeper and slower. God, I could stare at him forever.

How did I get so lucky?

Why did I get so lucky? It didn't make sense, but I wasn't going to argue with a higher power. Colby's hand had gone slack across Prissy's fur and she looked at me accusingly.

"I didn't do it, ya bitch." I whispered, smiling at her.

I reached over his stomach to start petting her. She closed her eyes and set off with a deep rumbling purr. I closed my eyes, and let the formally lost memories play back in my head, over and over again.

Lingering on lost kisses, and magical nights...or mornings, I guess.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep until I felt someone jump on my legs.


I sat straight up, scaring Prissy, who jumped down and skittered across the room. Katrina sat at the foot of the bed, a giant smile on her face.

"Oh my God, what time is it?" Colby groaned out.

Kat smiled and put her hand to her mouth.

"Oops." She laughed.

"S'not funny. I need to sleep." Colby grumbled, turning on his side, and pulling his pillow over his head.

"Colby, it's already 2 pm. You can't sleep much longer."

"Watch me." His muffled voice came through.

I laughed lightly, while Kat rolled her eyes.

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