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Everyone looked up when we walked in the room.

"Hey guys, not saying we don't trust you but we're checking everyone to find out who is so messed up inside. That person needs help. So Chloe is gonna touch each of you to see if it's coming from you, okay?" Sam didn't waste time in telling them what was going on.

"Okay, that's fine." Kevin said standing up and walking towards us.

He stopped right in front of me. I sucked in a breath as he reached out and placed his hand on my shoulder. There was nothing from him but peace.

A total calm and happiness that soothed me.

I smiled at him, grateful that it had dulled the sadness a little.

"Not me, right?"

I shook my head. "Nope, you're happy as can be."

He let go of me, and punched his fist in the air. "Yes baby! I knew it!"

Sam and Colby looked at him like he was crazy.

"Of course you knew it. It's your feelings." Colby said wryly.

Kevin just shrugged with a huge smile.

"Still. It's nice for others to know too."

They rolled their eyes and grinned at him.

The others got in line in front of me so that I could "read" them.

"This is weird." I said, taking Elton's hand.

He just grinned wolfishly at me, and I felt a surge of chaos but not in a bad way.

More like an "I wanna fuck shit up just to have fun" kind of way.

I shook my head smiling at him. That man never stopped.

As Aryia stepped up to me, Sam spoke up.

"Hey where's Mike?"

Aryia shrugged. "Don't know. Said he had something to do. I think he's meeting up with some girl he likes or something."

Sam's brow creased. "This late? Aren't most humans asleep by now?"

The guys laughed.

"Yeah, but not all. You know he'll be back before sunrise." Aryia touched my arm, and I nodded at him, signifying that it wasn't him.

I still felt the sadness and guilt churning in my stomach, but with everyone else's emotions being so close to me, it had dulled it just a little. Corey danced up to me and I laughed, as he flipped his hand out towards me. I took it and just felt happy, and in love.

He really loved Devyn. She was human so we knew it wasn't her.

I turned back towards Sam and Colby.

"It's no one here. Where's Jake and Tara? It's not Mike if he's not here unless he's skulking outside somewhere."

Colby chewed his lip, looking at me. "You doing okay with all this? Not overwhelmed?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm okay. It's hard with the sadness, but being in here, surrounded with everyone's...peace, for lack of a better term, that helps. It dulls it. It may hit me full force when I walk out of here but who knows?"

He nodded and leaned over to kiss me, pressing his soft full lips against mine feverishly. Automatically, the fire in my stomach started and I wrapped my arms around his neck, molding my body to his. Cheers erupted from behind me and I remembered that we were in a room full of spectators.

I broke away, wiping my lips a little, and felt my face blush hard. Colby just grinned, and I felt the same happiness that Corey had radiated off of him, just more intense.

"Jake and Tara are in their room. Let's go." Sam said, smiling at us.

I think he liked seeing his brother so happy. We headed out of the garage and down the hall to their room.

"Does it seem to be getting more intense?" Colby asked.

I shook my head.

"No. I don't think it's them." In fact, the closer we got to their room, I was positive that it wasn't them.

Sam started to knock, but I put my hand on his arm stopping him.


They looked at me quizzically, then they realized why. I'm sure they heard what I could feel was going on in there. They were feeding but it was more than just that.

They were...having a very good time.

"Let's go." Colby replied hastily, knowing that I could feel how intense it was inside that room.

I nodded, and hurried away with them, back down the stairs.

"Okay, so we just need to check outside. If we don't find anything around the closer areas, then you stay here, and Sam and I will check further out to see if there are any vamps close by."

I nodded in agreement, and we walked out the large, wooden double doors. The feeling got stronger as soon as the night air hit my face, making my gut clench in on itself.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, one hand going on my chest, while the other gripped my stomach. "They're definitely out here somewhere." As soon as I said those words, the feeling started dissipating, fading further away. "They're leaving!"

Sam and Colby gave each other a look, then Colby grabbed my upper arms and kissed me quickly.

"Go back inside. We'll be back soon."

I nodded, then they were gone. I headed back inside the house, deciding to see what Katrina was doing. I made my way up the stairs, and back to Sam's room, knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" She called out.

I opened the door and looked inside.

She was lying in bed, watching YouTube on Sam's laptop.

"Hey, I'm glad you're still up. Did Sam tell you what was going on?"

She nodded, and sat up, scooting the laptop off of her lap. "Yeah..." She nodded, chewing her bottom lip, and flipping her blue hair off of her shoulders. "So, how does it feel? Knowing you're a witch. That's some heavy info."

I went and sat down on the bed next to her, curling my feet under me. "It's weird. I don't really think it's hit me yet. I'm just me, but now people are telling me that I have these powers and that my parents and their parents did too." I shook my head. "I don't know. It's a lot to take in. Plus the entire thing with witches and vampires not getting along."

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