65 (Colby's POV)

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I stood there staring at Chloe, trying to force myself to leave. I didn't want to do this but I didn't have a choice. I had to protect my family.

If I didn't go meet the Council, they would retaliate on my Clan. I couldn't let that happen. I trailed my fingers lightly over her cheeks, noticing how she closed her eyes, and bit her lip.

It was like she was fighting tears, only her face was already streaked with them. This was breaking my heart. I sighed and leaned in to press my lips against hers again for just a moment.

"I will be back. I love you Chloe. Forever." Then I left.

Faster than I ever had before, I sped out of that garage, and out of the house before I could change my mind. It physically hurt to leave her like this, knowing that I had lied to her especially. I had no clue what the Council was going to do.

They may have taken a break on me with the first mistake but now...well, I had hidden too much. I had illegally created another vampire, let one of my own men kill an innocent, allowed said vampire to threaten another innocent that I brought into the mix of all of this shit. They would take into account that Chloe was my One and that's why I was allowed to tell her everything but it wouldn't make up for everything else.

My involvement with Aza, going behind the Council's back, making plans with the Rogue Clan, knowing about the poison that can incapacitate vampires, not reporting it, messing around with witches, and allowing them to perform rituals in our home. This wasn't going to be good. Hopefully, I would be able to explain to them that Elias was under coercion when he worked for Millie and that Jade's mind had been messed with by Aza.

They knew how he was. Hopefully, they would believe it. If they took her memories, it would kill Elias...funny, how that turned out.

I didn't wish it upon him though. I would never wish that upon someone that I cared for. Of course, they would kill him so it wouldn't matter anyways.

She was his One, which meant that he wouldn't be able to stay away from her. They would always find their way back to one another, as long as he was alive, resulting in her knowing everything once again. If I couldn't convince them that Jade wasn't some kind of secret spy, then Elias was as good as dead.

I made it to the place where Elias was waiting for me, with still no clue as to what I was going to do to prevent his death. He stood there, back against the dirty brick wall of the old apartment building, hands in his pockets.

He gave me a half smile and brought one hand out of his pockets to wave at me.

"Thanks for coming with me Colby. I really appreciate what you're doing."

I rolled my eyes.

I still had love for the guy but I was still pissed too.

"Not doing it for you. Doing it for the innocent girl that they have trapped inside there. Plus, they'll take it out on Sam and the rest if I don't show, since they made her spill her guts and know almost every rule that I've broken lately."

His smile faded, and he nodded. "Still. I appreciate it. I can't live without Jade and I don't know how to get her out of there."

I nodded shortly at him. "Let's go. We'll figure it out when we get there."

We headed towards the inner city of LA, reaching an exclusive club that was for extremely high end people. It wasn't known that well, only by a few select that were chosen to be allowed in on the secret. Elias and I walked up to the large quiet man dressed in a suit, who was seated by the door.

I nodded at him.

"Council." I said, flashing my fangs.

He nodded, and got up to unlock the door. I walked through, with Elias right behind me, and headed through the smoky room where business men and women were having cocktails and whiskeys, while enjoying each other's company. There was a stage in the front, with a couple of dancers doing their jobs, wearing practically nothing.

We headed down the small winding staircase on the other side of the room, bypassing floors until we reached the very bottom. It was dark, lit only with a few yellow bulbs that illuminated the musty hallway. I motioned to Elias to follow me, and started towards the end where a red light was glowing.

That light signified that they were already in a meeting and we would have to wait our turn. There were a few rickety chairs sitting outside the door that we needed to enter through, so Elias and I sat down to wait. I heard a scream, full of pain, that had my ears ringing.

Elias jumped up, but I pushed him back down.

"Not our problem." I said.

He furrowed his brow.

"But they're hurting someone."

I nodded. "Probably someone who betrayed them or...broke the rules. We have to deal with our punishments."

He swallowed hard, knowing that we could be be next. If they made us feel pain, we should consider ourselves lucky that they don't just kill us. Pain I could deal with.

I was used to pain. It would pass. Short screams, followed by exhausted moans kept filling the air while we waited.

I knew they were doing this on purpose. Trying to psyche us out. Letting us hear what they did to vamps who betrayed them.

I leaned back in my chair, relaxed, kicking one leg out in front of me, and started picking at my nails. To the outside, I looked like I didn't give a shit what was about to happen. On the inside, my gut was rolling in on itself, and I wanted nothing more than to run back home, pack my bags, and steal Chloe away to some deserted island where no one could ever find us.

After a while, I sighed heavily, and shifted my feet looking over to Elias.

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