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Sam narrowed his eyes.

"No, she's not Corey. She can't control herself around humans yet. It's not safe."

"Well the humans aren't going, are they? Doesn't seem like that would be safe...and it's not safe to leave her here with them so..."

"I'm GOING." I stated, before Sam had a chance to tell me that I wasn't.

I'll be damned if they were going to try and leave me here with no way of knowing anything. Fuck that!

Sam sighed, closed his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"God Danggit, you guys are annoying. Fine, whatever. Devyn can come but it's your job to keep her in line. If you can't, you bring her right back here and chain her back up. You know she's stronger right now because she's new."

Corey nodded and walked out. I'm assuming that he went to go get Devyn.

Then Sam turned his eyes to me.

"Do you know how you just did what you did to me?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Um, no. Not really. I got pissed and it just happened."

"That's why you need to stay here. If you knew what you were doing, it would be a different story, but you don't. We will be surrounded by vampires much older, wiser, and stronger than most of the clan. It's not safe for you."

I shook my head. "I'm going. If I have to figure it out myself, I'm going. I swear to God, Sam, I will figure out how to contact Aza and have him tell me where it is. Or the witches. Someone knows. I'll figure it out after you leave and I WILL show up there. I might be too late, but I'm GOING."

He wasn't changing my mind. I had to help Colby, had to know that he was okay. My anxiety was rising with every second that passed with him gone, knowing that he was in trouble.

Sam glanced at Kat then back to me.

"Nope, she isn't changing my mind either Sam. I'm fucking going and you're wasting time! LET'S GO!"

He rolled his eyes. "Oh for fuck's sake." He growled out.

He kissed Katrina hard but quick.

"I will come home to you." He looked over to Aryia and Kevin. "Stay here. Protect her. Protect the house. I'll contact you if we need you."

"Aww maaan." Kevin whined. "But I wanted to kick somebody's ass."

Aryia pursed his lips, looking annoyed that he was stuck with baby sitting duty. "We're first on the list next fight Sam."

Sam nodded. "Deal. But this is important. I'm trusting you with my life. Don't fuck it up." They both nodded, and he kissed Kat again, before swooping me up in his arms so fast, I shrieked.

"What the fuck?" I yelled.

"We have to hurry and you're too slow so I'm carrying you." He replied, like I should already know this.

I guess that I should but I wasn't aware that I had won the argument about me going just yet.

"Okay then." I said, my voice small.

"Be safe." Kat said, worry in her eyes.

"I love you." Sam said, as we turned to the door finding Corey, holding onto a very agitated looking Devyn.

"Before we go, I was wondering," Corey said, twisting his lips. "Um, you figured out how to help her before, controlled her mood, and even helped with her pain. Think you can calm her down? She smells human blood and it's only natural that a newborn vamp goes a little crazy over it." His chocolate eyes were begging me to at least try.

I nodded.

"I'll try Corey, but I don't know how I am doing any of this."

I looked over and met Devyn's eyes. I could still see her in there, but it was almost overshadowed by the hunger that was searing into me. I could feel it past my amulet, it was so strong.

I seemed to be dealing with their emotions a little easier now though. Maybe I was getting used to them. Sam set me down on my feet in front of them.

Corey had both of his arms around Devyn, holding her in place. She was straining against him a little, licking her lips, her black eyes darting between me and Kat. It was scary to see her this way.

I was used to the utter sweetness of my friend, the understanding, looking back at me. Not this black eyed monster that wanted to kill me. I could feel it.

She was fighting it, but it was there.

"Dev, are you going to try to hurt me if I touch you?"

"I've got her Chloe. Just try."

Dev snarled as I lifted my hand towards her, but it came out as a half sob, making my heart hurt for her. She didn't want to feel this way, especially towards her friend.

"It's okay Dev. I'm going to try and help. It'll be okay." I laid my hand on her bare arms and looked into her eyes. "Sam, will you take my amulet off?"

He swiftly undid the chain, and the hunger swarmed me, ripping through my stomach. It was accompanied by a soul crushing sadness that almost had me hitting my knees. But I didn't.

I took a shaky breath, and held Devyn's black gaze.

"Let me try to help you." I said softly, then closed my eyes.

I concentrated everything I had on my need for her to feel better, to take the edge off. I didn't want her to be so crushed about feeling what was now in her nature. She had to accept herself for who she was now, just as we would.

I imagined the beach, the calm that the waves bring me, the peacefulness of the rolling sea. The beach was my happy place and it always centered me, especially at night. The moon shining bright, the light shining off of the inky waters, looking like it was pouring into my soul.

I felt a warmth build up in me, and I focused on sending that warmth to Devyn, through my hand placed on her arm. I pushed against it, sending everything I felt to her, wanting nothing more than to bring my friend peace.

"Oooh." I heard her soft murmur, as the feeling flowed from my fingertips.

"Is it working?" Corey asked.

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