66 (Colby's POV)

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He had his head back against the wall, staring at the ceiling.

"Wish they would hurry the fuck up." I said wryly. "If they're gonna kill us, let's just get it over with yeah?"

Just my luck the door opened then, and a red headed lady that looked probably about 10 years older than us was standing in the door way with a smirk.

She had heard me.

"Be careful what you wish for Mr. Brock. Right this way please, gentlemen."

Damn. I took a deep breath and we both stood, following the woman into the room. I say room, but it was much more than that.

The walls were concrete bricks, like in the older dungeon type movies that you see. It really did look like a dungeon. The Council members were seated behind a table that swept all the way across the far side of the room.

It was raised so that it gave the illusion that they were towering over whoever stood before them. It was supposed to be intimidating and show their power. It worked.

I've never been one to admit that I was scared, even of the Council. I always just did what they asked of me, countering with questions when I needed to. This though...this time was different.

I was here for very serious accusations that I had failed to report. That was considered treason simply because I didn't divulge sensitive information. I understood their reasoning behind it, which is why I swallowed against the fear rising in my throat as I stood before them, looking up at the blonde man in front of me.

If you saw him on the street, you would think that he couldn't be more than 30, if that. But I knew better. This was Hillmond.

The top dog of the Council members. They all worked together to make a decision but Hillmond was where the ultimate decision lay. If he didn't like something or disagreed, then he would force his power.

His father was the original Council member which made him a legacy, when his own father turned him just so he could take over. His father chose to be killed. Said he had enough of this life and he was bored with it.

Wanted to know what happened after. To his left and right sat other Council members, various genders and ages. All old as shit and judging me with their eyes.

I felt a chill go down my spine as Hillmond smiled at me. He didn't like me that much because his vampire girlfriend tried to fuck me. That wasn't my fault.

I tried to show him that she was a cheater and didn't care about him, but he was strangely enough still with her. In fact, she was standing directly behind him, leaning up against the wall, smiling at me.

I avoided her gaze. Couldn't remember her name, and this was definitely not the time to make him think about that incident. I kept my eyes on him, my chin lifted.

Elias stood next to me, doing the same.

We would not show weakness.

"Would you like a chance to explain yourself for all of the transgressions that have been brought against you, Colby Brock?"

I swallowed and nodded. "I would Hilly, thank you."

Probably shouldn't antagonize someone who is judging whether I live or die right now. I swear I didn't mean to. It just slipped out.

I watched as he tightened his lips into a straight line and glared at me.

"I'm sorry. Yes, I would like a chance to explain our side of things. While we did make a few errors that should have been reported, there is more to it than that. Jade, the girl that you have in custody, is an innocent. She is not a spy. Aza, your former Council member, leader of the Rogue Clan, messed with her head. Made her believe things that aren't true. I want to prove her innocence first."

I felt Elias' gaze on me, but I kept my eyes locked with Hillmond's.

He cocked one eyebrow at me, tilting his head like he was trying to figure me out.

"So you want to save the human girl...and not try to defend yourself?"

I shook my head. "No. I would prefer to do both...but if I'm only given one chance then yes. I'd rather save her life. She is only involved because she had the misfortune of falling in love with a monster. She is Elias' One. He needs her, just as she needs him. Even if you take her memories, she will lead an unhappy life, feeling empty inside. Probably taking her own life in the end. She was captured and tortured by a vampire that I didn't know that I created. It was an accident. This vampire, Millie, she went crazy. She wanted a relationship with me and proceeded to try and force that to happen. A lot of vampires and a few people were hurt in the process. Jade, most of all. She deserves her freedom and her chance at happiness with Elias. I ask that you grant that of them."

Hillmond looked like he didn't know what to think. "Who are you?" He asked, before biting down on his bottom lip thoughtfully. "This isn't the cold, cocky man I remember. You wouldn't have given two shits about this stupid human girl last year."

I felt Elias bristle when he called Jade stupid. I tapped his hand with my finger and slightly shook my head.

Can't let him get to us.

"What has changed with you?"

I sighed. This was it. Confirmation that Chloe was involved with us.


"I had my emotions off. I no longer wished for it to be that way."

He raised his eyebrows again. "So you turned them back on? What would make you do that? Or should I say whom?"

I wet my lips and bit down, trying to keep my control. "I found my One. I had no choice in the matter, it just happened the way these things do."

Hillmond pursed his lips, his lips flicking between me and Elias. "This One business is more common than we thought."

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