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Instead of the impact I expected, strong cool arms caught me around the waist, and set me back on my feet.

"Just like old times, huh baby girl, still trying to kill yourself." I looked up into Colby's bright blue eyes as he squeezed his fingers into the thin material covering my waist.

"Guess some things never change." I breathed, overcome by how much love was radiating off of him.

He looked amazing.

How did he outdo perfection? I wasn't sure but he did. There was just something about him in his tailored black suit, the white button up shirt open a little ways underneath the jacket.

I really needed to remind myself to invest in that inhaler because this didn't look like it was ever going to stop. He always made me breathless.

"I didn't think you could get any more gorgeous." He said, letting his gaze trail down my body then back up to my eyes. "I was somehow wrong?" It sounded like a question, and he looked kind of confused.

He took my hand, and led me to where Sam and Kat were already standing, waiting on us. I stood next to Kat, while he dropped my hand and went across to stand in front of me, beside Sam.

There was an older vampire standing at the head of us, dressed in black robes, and some sort of red sash that crossed over his body.

"May weee begin?" He asked, his voice thick and heavily accented.

I looked at Colby to find him looking back. We both grinned, and nodded, holding each other's gaze.

"Friends. When we come into this world, we have only ourselves. Most of our journey in life is walked alone. Some of us are content in our solitude, while others spend their whole lives searching for someone else to share with them their passions, their sorrows, their joys. A very lucky few of us can find that person. Someone they connect with fully, our soul and theirs, joining together in a way that most of us will never understand. To find your One is a miraculous thing. We are gathered here tonight because there are two..no, four souls among us that cry out to complete their bond in Joining. Would you all please step forwards?" We did as asked, all four of us in a line, in front of him. "By swearing yourselves to one another this night, you help forge a bond that will be with you in every time and in every place throughout the long journey of years. Joining is not merely a bond of the flesh, but a binding of the souls. The union of flesh is sacred and beautiful, the union of souls is forever. Even when death separates you, that bond will remain forever. Nothing is more eternal than a vampire's love for their One. Are you ready to enter into this binding union?"

"Yes we are." We all stated together.

He nodded.

"Please join hands with your destined One." Colby took my hand as Sam took Kat's. "These hands that are joined, represent the souls beyond the flesh, joined at the seam, where no mortal or otherwise may touch it. The Joining will be forever unbroken, leaving these souls to stand against time together forever."

He held his hand out and I glanced to see what he was doing. A lady walked up, holding two chalices full of a dark red liquid, that I had already been told was red wine, and two small lancets. I knew what that was for.

One chalice was handed to Colby, while the other was handed to Sam. The lancet was handed to me first. I grimaced but knew that it had to be done.

Kind of wished that Colby could just bite me, but that wasn't the way it worked.

"Hold the chalice out to your bride so that she may offer her life blood." The guys held the chalices towards us. "Please allow your life blood to drop into the chalice as you say these words. I pour out my life for you, I offer you my precious spirit. Let this sacrifice bind us, spirit to spirit, flesh to flesh. So that no earthly power may destroy our Joining."

Kat and I both stabbed our fingers with the lancets, and squeezed them over the chalices, repeating the words, me first, then her.

Then the roles were switched and we held the chalices while the guys did the same.

"With this Joining, you are combining your life force, becoming as One."

Kat and I knew what we were supposed to do from going over it so many times. We raised the chalices to the guys lips, holding it for them, while they drank. Colby and I held each other's gaze, and I could feel my heart racing, the atmosphere overflowing with our emotions.

I drew the chalice down and watched Colby lick the stray drops from his lips. Good thing this wasn't an actual church because unholy thoughts crossed my mind. I knew that he knew from the little smirk that he sent me.

I couldn't stop myself from sticking out my tongue before I remembered that we were in the middle of a type of wedding. Our own, at that. Kat and I then passed the chalice over to the guys.

They raised it to our lips, letting us drink. The chalices were handed over to the same lady, as the Priest motioned for us to join hands.

"Everyone bears witness to this rite. Your hearts and souls know that you are Joined. You may show this." This was the equivalent to saying 'You may kiss your bride' in a normal wedding.

Colby drew me into his arms slowly, almost teasingly, then crashed his lips to mine. My brows shot up from the force of it, but the moment his lips molded to mine, I melted against him like I always do. My hands went to the nape of his neck automatically gripping his hair.

When his tongue teased it's way inside my mouth to taste and caress my own, I forgot that others were around.

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