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I thought about it for a minute and I have to admit that I was intrigued by the idea.

"You said that I let you bite me. So I let you feed on me? Instead of blood bags?"

He nodded, bashfully, looking cute as hell.

I took a deep breath and moved my hair to one side.

"The parts in the story where you fed off of me were real?"

We had skipped over that part, neither of us mentioning it. He nodded again.

"Okay, so feed." I replied calmly, while my insides felt like they were trying to rearrange themselves.

His face was priceless though.

"Huh?" His mouth dropped open, his eyes wide, perfect eyebrows going up, hidden behind his hair. "No, I wasn't going to do that! I was just kissing you and you always like it when I did that so-"

"Colby, shut up and bite me." I cut him off.

His eyes narrowed at that, and the soft, bashful look was gone.

I sucked in a breath, watching him.

"You sure about that?"

He leaned towards me, and I made myself stay still, even though my body was screaming at me to run. There was a predatory look in his eyes, but I could tell that he was purposefully trying to see if I was scared of him. I wasn't going to let him win.

I wasn't scared of him. Just cautious. He was a fucking vampire for Christ's sake.

I had a right to be.

"One hundred percent sure. You won't hurt me."

I stared back at him, determined to sit still and not show how nervous I was. I had already done this before. Granted, I couldn't remember it, but I read about it and I'm guessing that I related myself to the main character.

I mean, come on. Zoe? That was so obvious. She seemed to really like it.

"Okay then. If you're sure." His voice was deep and gravelly, like he was working through some emotions.

I nodded slowly and gulped.

"I'm sure." He leaned closer to me, and grabbed my arms, pulling me into his lap. "Oh!" I said in surprise. "Okay then."

He chuckled and leaned his head into the crook of my neck. I sighed, feeling his cool breath wash over my skin, preparing myself for a little bit of pain.

"Wait!" I gasped out just as his lips touched me.

He leaned back up.

"What is it?"

I bit my lip. "Is it going to hurt?"

He smiled and shook his head. "No. It will pinch, then you'll feel great. Like really great. It's actually a drug. You're going to be feeling pretty loopy afterwards."

I chewed my lip nervously, looking into his blue eyes. "Okay." I said quietly. "I'm ready."

His head lowered again, and he started pressing soft kisses onto the skin of my neck, making his way to the center on the side. His arms came around me, holding me comfortingly, and I leaned into him. I felt his lips one more time before I gasped as I felt a stinging sensation on my neck.

It was strong, like a bee sting. It hurt but it wasn't intolerable. I squeezed his forearm, until the pain subsided, then my head and body started to float.

This was nice. Comforting even. I smiled, letting my head fall back, his hand catching it.

I giggled a little bit, thinking about my situation. My boyfriend was a vampire and he was sucking my blood right now. I laughed out loud that time, unable to stop myself.

Then it happened. Everything. Everything happened all at once.

My head, the pounding, the lights flashing non stop, back to back, the searing pain that I couldn't escape...and the memories. They just started to pile in, one by one, faster and faster. Every single one from the time I first saw Colby, the balcony kiss, mini golf, the argument, the break up, Millie, everything.

Then Elias.

I saw Elias corner me and take my memories as I begged him not to and tried to keep my eyes closed.

"Chloe, what's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry, I tried to be gentle. Hey, why are you crying?"

I hadn't even realized that he had stopped, or pulled back from me. I opened my eyes, and saw his worried blue ones gazing into mine.

"Colby!" I gasped out and clung onto his neck tightly, pulling myself up against him.

"Hey, It's okay baby girl, I'm here." Those words.

"You've said that to me before. Several times. That's what you always say when I need you." I murmured out against his shoulder.

"What did you just say?"

I didn't answer him, smiling against his skin, reveling in all of the memories that had found their way home. My head was slightly pounding but it was oh so worth it.

He pulled me back away from him and I whimpered.

"Tell me what you just said because I think I was hallucinating."

I smiled at him, through the tears that were still raining from my eyes. "I said that's what you always say. When I need you. The 'It's okay baby girl, I'm here,' thing."

His hand came up to my face, brushing back my hair, then grasping the side of my head. "How do you know that? Did you have another memory? Did you remember that?" His voice was frantic, and I watched as he licked his lips, stained dark red with my blood.

I nodded, feeling a little high and giddy but not as much as usual.

Guess the pain had sobered me up pretty quickly.

"I do remember that. Every time you said it, even in what I thought were my dreams. Thank you for always being here for me."

He stared at me another second and then enveloped me into a bone crushing hug. I didn't care that it was hard to breathe. I only cared that he was with me, that I remembered all of our times together, good and bad, and that I wanted to be as close to him as possible.

He loosened up his hold and pulled me back a little but kept his arms around me after a few minutes.

"So that means that they're coming back. The memories are being triggered. We don't need to do anything drastic. We just have to wait."

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