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Last chapter was just to show what happened with the witch since people were asking. Now we're back to Sam and Colby coming home to Chloe and Kat.

"Yeah, about that. Um, Colby can you guys give me and Kat some time alone. Please?" Sam's voice was strained, almost as if he were actually begging us to leave.

Damn, he must've really missed Katrina. I smirked a little against Colby's neck and pulled back, so that I could look in his eyes. My smile faded as I saw the dark, dark shadows beneath them.

I brought my hand to his cheek and ran my thumb across one of the shadows.

"You need to rest. Let's let them have their time and I'll go lie down with you while you sleep. Believe it or not, I'm not the slightest bit tired." I smiled at him sweetly.

He chuckled a little, and removed his arms from me, stepping back a little.

"I'm going to go downstairs for a minute. I'll meet you in my room in a few."

I made a face at him.

I was excited to tell him that I remembered our first kiss...wait, was that our first kiss? Kat said it was but... I shook my head.

Something about that didn't feel exactly right.

"I'll walk with you, if that's okay. Don't really wanna be alone right now."

He chewed his bottom lip, and brought his hands up to rub the back of his head. "Um..I'll be right back. It won't take long at all. I promise." He replied.

Feeling that he was hiding something, I narrowed my eyes.

"Why can't I just walk with you?"

He glanced at Sam, then Kat, then back to me, looking worried. "Chloe, I-"

Sam cut him off.

"Why don't you just sit with us for a minute? It won't take long and you guys can tell me all the girly gossip that I missed out on." He fluttered his eyelashes, and snapped his hand out like a diva.

I couldn't help but laugh at him, along with Kat.

"You're a goof." She said, looking at him with so much love, my chest actually ached.

I looked back to Colby, seeing that he was still watching me.

"Is that okay?" He asked softly. "I just need a minute. I swear I'll be right back."

I sighed, and nodded. "I feel like this is one of those things that I'm not supposed to ask about, maybe something to do with this big secret that everyone keeps almost bringing up, so I guess so...but be right back? There's something that I need to tell you."

He grinned at me, his dimples popping, and kissed me swiftly, before heading out the door. I lowered myself back down onto the bed, and watched as Sam sat down in the chair that was next to the bed.

"Weren't you asleep when I left?" He asked Kat, winking at her.

She giggled a little and nodded.

"I was, and I could have sworn that I was asleep in Colby's room with a very unconscious Chloe."

He grinned at her. "Yeah, we did a thing. You seem to be extra happy about it. How are you feeling Chloe?"

"I feel great actually. Not at all like someone who has had their memories wiped, then fell into a coma for forever. I was just talking to Kat about how I almost feel like myself again. We were just hanging out in your room, having a little mini sleepover like we used to do back in high school while you guys were gone."

He nodded, and grinned, looking back to Kat.

Then his eyes snapped back to mine, and I grinned widely.

"Wait, you remember Katrina? You remember high school with Katrina?"

I nodded excitedly. "I do!"

He stood up and was suddenly standing in front of me, picking me up in a giant hug. Damn, Sam was actually really strong.

It didn't seem like he put any effort into it.

"Oh my God, that's so great! Wait until Colby finds out that you remember! He's going to be so happy then we won't have to do that stupid, dangerous ritual, or keep hiding-"

"SAM!" Kat yelled at him to make him stop talking.

Damn it.

"What?" He asked, his eyes going wide as he turned his head to face her.

"Stop talking. She doesn't remember EVERYTHING. Just me."

His face creased into a frown. "Well damn..." He looked at me and smiled again. "But that's something! It's a start right? I'm so happy for you!" He let me go and grabbed Katrina. "And for you baby. I know how much you missed your best friend. I'm glad you have her back."

"Me too." She replied, smiling at me over his shoulder. "Also, she remembered the kiss at the Mini Golf place."

I smiled back at her, and waited for Sam's reply.

"What the fuck? Actually?" He pulled back from her slowly and looked at me.

Colby walked back into the room then.

"Hey, you ready to- what's going on?" He had noticed the way that Sam was staring at me, mouth open, eyes wide.

"Uh, hey Brother. Chloe has something she wants to tell you."

I grinned at him, as he looked at me expectantly. "I remembered Katrina." I said proudly.

He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Babe, you had that memory before I left."

I shook my head impatiently. "No, I remembered ALL about Katrina. Everything."

"NOT EVERYTHING." Sam interjected, before Colby could reply.

"Shhh." I said sternly. "I remembered my past with Katrina and moving here to be closer to her."

He stepped closer to me, only leaving about a foot of room in between us, him standing in front of me while I sat on the bed. "Do you remember anything else?" He asked, almost as if he were scared to know.

I nodded and felt one side of my mouth curve up into a smile.

"I do. I remember the kiss at Mini Golf."

His eyes went even wider, the blue almost glowing as the silver ring expanded. "Whaat?" He breathed out.

I nodded again, and laughed a little at his expression. He closed the distance in between us in a second and snatched me up, pressing his lips against mine in a heated kiss. I couldn't breathe.

He actually stole my breath right from my body.

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