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"There shouldn't be any reason that we can't stay here." Colby replied, looking a little happier about the situation.

"Wait, wait, wait." Jake said, moving his hands back and forth. "We're going to be the personal Council's Guard?"

Sam and Colby nodded in unison.

"Hopefully." Colby replied, grinning at him a little.

"And you're gonna be on the Council? Bitchin!" Jake said, nodding his head as a half smile formed on his face.

Everyone laughed, and Colby looked at me.

"What do you think about all of this? Are you okay with it?"

I bit my lip, going over everything in my mind as I held his intense blue gaze.

I nodded slowly, and released my lip from my teeth.

"I guess so. That means that you'll have a say in vampire/witch relationships, so that's a good thing. I think that you and Sam would be a great addition to the Council."

He smiled, the apples of his cheeks rising up, and his dimples popping out.

God, I love that smile.

"I mean, you can't be any worse than what was there before so you're good, right?"

He rolled his eyes at me, but held his smile. "Shut up."

I shook my head. "Make me."

His eyes flashed a little and leaned closer, his lips a breath away from mine. "My pleasure." He growled, sending chills down my spine, and he laughed when he saw the goosebumps pop out over my neck where his breath had passed over.

I clenched my jaw and sighed. Then leaned forwards abruptly, connecting my lips to his with such force, I pushed him back before he realized what I was doing. Even with all of the people in the room, it didn't stop him from yanking me across his lap so that I was straddling him and shoving his hands up the back of my shirt and bringing me flush against his body.

I was only planning on kissing him quickly, then telling him to shut up, but he messed that up. Didn't really care at the moment though. His hands were roaming up and down my back, like he didn't know where he wanted to put them.

My own came up to the back of his neck and gripped the hair there. He groaned into my mouth, as I pulled slightly, bringing his head up a little. My mind was buzzing, white noise filling it, as he opened to me, and the kiss became more intense.

His hands finally decided on resting on my hips, digging his fingers into the fabric of my pants so tightly, I was sure to have bruises. Suddenly, electricity shot through mine and Colby's lips, shocking us fiercely. I snatched away at the same time he did, bringing my hand to my lips.

"The fuck was that??" Colby asked, rubbing his bottom lip.

I blushed.

"I think I got a little too excited...this might be a problem."

When everyone started laughing, I remembered that the room was full of people.

Colby grabbed me by my upper arms and moved me to the side a little, so that he could see everyone.

"So you guys just thought it was okay to stay and watch?"

I could imagine Jake shrugging as he said "I mean, it was a free show....Ow!" I could also see Tara shoving him in my mind.

I shifted, trying to move off of Colby's lap. The bulge I felt pressing into me from his tight ass jeans was distracting. I fell over onto the bed, and righted myself just in time to see him situating his jeans.

That almost looked painful. He cleared his throat, and my eyes shot back up to meet his, knowing that I had been caught staring. The little smirk on his face made me roll my eyes.

"See something you like?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Of course I did, but wasn't gonna say it.

"You apparently did, from the look of things." I replied sarcastically, nodding down towards his lap.

He laughed, a deep sound that sounded like pure happiness.

"You're damn right I did."

"Okay okay, Colby maybe go call Victoria back and talk to her about our conditions before you get too caught up with things. Chloe...maybe go call Melanie..so that you don't make Colby explode during...certain moments." Sam replied exasperatedly.

I couldn't help myself though. He left it wide open.

"I thought that's what I was supposed to do Sam." I replied, furrowing my brows at him in confusion.

He looked at me the same way.


I nodded towards Colby, who already had that smirky look on his face.

He knew what I was talking about.

"I thought that I was supposed to make Colby explode. Isn't that kind of a big part of it? I mean, I don't know how you and Kat are in bed, but when Colby and I fu-"

"Oh God danggit Chloe!" I burst out laughing at his face.

It was one of shock and embarrassment, with a little bit of anger. It was hilarious. Kat was standing slightly behind him, with her hand over her mouth, her shoulders shaking with her quiet laughter.

Sam shook his head and looked to the ceiling, before looking back at me.

"Just call the damn witch, yeah?"

I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. Colby was looking at me with a kind of pride in his eyes. Of course he would be proud of that.

I looked around the room and noticed that mostly everyone was laughing and nodding in approval.

"Alright, to the garage so we can talk about some of these things. Try to figure out who's going to be on the Guard, the personal Guard, and then the leader of the Clan. After I call Victoria." Colby said.

He took my hand and pressed his lips to my knuckles, staring at me with a promise in his eyes, before standing up to go.

"Make your call, then I'll see you down there. Stay away from Corey and Devyn's room."

I nodded, and watched everyone file out of the room, before picking up my phone.

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