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"I can deal with her being chained up for a little while. You guys wanna deal with that while I go find her some fresh blood?"

Sam and Colby nodded, and Corey stood up, a big grin on his face. He leaned back down and kissed Dev on the lips.

"I'll be back soon my Love." Then he was gone.

I took my hand away from Devyn's chest, confident that she wasn't feeling any pain now.

"So you're going to just chain her to the bed or something? For how long?"

Colby's deadpan gaze had me raising my eyebrows. "Until she can control the urge to kill you and Kat, or any other human that might walk through the doors. We have to be certain that she doesn't make a mistake. A mistake like that...it will destroy her." I noticed the change in his eyes when he said that.

I almost tend to forget that he accidentally murdered his old girlfriend and the torment that he put himself through because of it. He was never going to get past that completely. I wasn't sure that anyone could, especially someone who cares as much as Colby.

He turned his emotions off because he cared too much, felt everything too much. It's easier not to care at all. I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips.

He gave me a sad smile then turned to Sam, who stood there magically holding chains.

Where the hell had those come from?

"She can't break those?" I asked, knowing that vampires were super strong.

They both shook their heads.

"No. These are the same ones we used with Millie. They're spelled or something. Makes vampires weak."

I stood back and let Sam and Colby attach chains to Devyn's extremities, before connecting the ones on her legs to each other. Sam zipped out, then back in, holding a drill and some other things in his hands. Looked like a door knocker but I soon realized that it was one of those metal rings that is connected to the walls for the chains to attach too. Like in a dungeon.

My life was weird. They made quick work in attaching it securely to the wall, then connected the chains on Devyn's wrists through the metal loop. They tried to make sure that she had enough slack in them to be comfortable.

Devyn moaned a little and her eyelids fluttered as they were securing the chains, pulling them to make sure.

"What did you do?" Colby asked, his eyes meeting mine. "She should have been dead for a lot longer and definitely not waking up this fast. What happened when you were touching her?"

I raised my eyebrows and shrugged. "I don't know. I thought I was just taking her pain away, or helping to ease it. I don't know what I'm doing, so how would I know what I did?"

He shook his head and yanked on the chain connected to the wall one more time. "This is too fast. We need to get you girls out of here before she wakes up. She'll be crazy with blood lust and it won't matter that you're her best friends. She'll just wanna feed."

I nodded, looking back at Devyn who shifted a little, like she was restless. The trademark shadows were already under her eyes and her skin was a bit paler than normal. Not too much, but noticeable to me.

A picture of her with those red and black eyes, the little veins prominent underneath, popped into my mind, and I shuddered. This was going to take some getting used to. Devyn was the sweetest person that I had ever met, not a mean bone in her body.

Now she was going to be part monster, wanting to kill me just for being human. I couldn't even imagine her being anything but the gentle person that she was. The guys seemed to think that she would still be Devyn.

I prayed they were right. Corey came back in with a dark haired guy that I had seen at the house before, but never paid much attention to.

He just looked familiar.

I'm guessing this was Devyn's food.

"She's moving a little. It shouldn't be long Corey. We're gonna get the girls away from here."

He nodded, and placed his arm on my shoulder. "Chloe, thank you so much for what you did. I have never known a vampire to not have to feel the pain of the transformation. I was dreading that part so much, knowing how horrible it is, how intense, and knowing that I couldn't do anything to help. I will forever be grateful to you for taking that part away for her."

I nodded and smiled, not able to stop my gaze from darting to the dark haired guy.

"Let us know if you need help. We'll keep an ear out." Colby said, as he and Sam led me and Kat from the room.

We headed back downstairs.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, stopping halfway down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" Kat asked, sounding scared.

"How is she going to be able to not kill the guy that Corey just brought in If she can't control her self?"

Colby gave me a soft smile. "Because that's Corey's job. To make sure that she doesn't do anything that she'll regret while she's not herself. He won't let her kill him, I promise. He's going to feed her from his wrist, and stay right there to pull it away when necessary."

I felt a sense of relief at his words, and swallowed. "Okay. Thank you."

He just pulled me against his hip and led me the rest of the way down the stairs and to the garage. Everyone was sitting in their spots, quieter than I was used to. They looked up when we came in, but didn't speak, only nodding their heads at Sam and Colby.

"How long is it going to take, do you think?" Tara asked, practically jumping up and down in her seat.

Apparently she was more excited about it than anything. We took our usual seats, me in Colby's lap.

Sam shrugged.

"No idea. Probably not as long as we first anticipated though."

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