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My fault that Millie came after him and his family, having to involve Aza, and now the Council. He had already hidden way too much from them for them to forgive him.

"What do we do?" I asked, my voice timid and scared.

He looked down at me, his gaze so intense it stole my breath.

"We figure it out." He removed one of his hands from my arms and ran it roughly through his hair. "Together." He dropped his hand from my arm and took my hand again. "I'm sorry that I walked out but I couldn't think about anything except that I might lose you again and I can't let that happen. No matter what. Is Melanie going to be able to help you?"

I gave him a half ass smile, too worried to make it a real one, and held up the amulet around my neck. "She already did. Plus she's going to text you when I can meet up with her. I guess she's going to be giving me...lessons? On how to control it. I can feel that you're worried but not very much. It's dull."

He nodded and didn't say anything else. We walked a good portion of the way back, not speaking, before he picked me up and ran to the car. The car ride home was quiet as well, making me wish that I could fully feel what he was feeling.

All I was getting was a slight hint of confusion and worry. He parked the car and got out, opening my door for me before I was able to even get out of my seatbelt. He took my hand and helped me out, wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked to the door.

"Who is so sad?" I asked, feeling that familiar pang in my chest.

Tears sprung to my eyes as the feeling got stronger.

"Oh my God, they are heartbroken." I gasped out.

Was the amulet not working or was the feeling so intense that I was feeling it this strong though the magic?

We stopped walking and Colby placed both of his hands on my hips, turning me to him.

"What do you mean? I thought you couldn't feel it anymore."

I shook my head, trying to fight the tears. "I can still feel it but it isn't supposed to be so strong. This is intense. I-"

I took in a big, shaky breath before I continued.

"I'm crushed. I feel like I've lost someone that I love very much, and I don't know if I'll ever get them back. There's guilt too. So much guilt." I placed my hand against my heart, pushing, trying to ease the pain. "The amulet is working because I still can't feel you that much and I know you're going crazy right now. You need to figure out who this is. They need help."

He nodded, and pulled me close to him for a moment. "Let's get you inside first, and then I'll talk to the others. See what's going on."

I was crying now, the tears flowing freely from my eyes, and I didn't even know why. I just knew that I never wanted to feel this way. It seemed like this is what it would feel like if I lost Colby, or Kat.

It's what it felt like when I lost my parents. I was gasping, trying to calm myself as we walked through the doors. I couldn't feel anything from anyone except whoever the sad one was.

Colby picked me up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my wet face against his chest. He walked us to his room and lay me on the bed, where Prissy jumped up and lay against me, giving me comfort.

I wiped my face and smiled up at Colby who was sitting next to me on the bed.

"I'm always crying nowadays, it seems. I'm sorry."

He gave me a sad smile, and leaned over to press a soft kiss against my lips. "Don't be sorry. I couldn't deal with what you're dealing with. You gonna be okay here, while I go check with the others?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm only feeling a percentage of what this person is feeling. You need to check on them. It's crippling. Seems to have lessened slightly up here though."

"So, not Sam because he's in his room with Katrina. I can hear them. I'll go downstairs and check with the others. Be right back. I love you." Then he was gone.

"I love you too Colby Brock. I'm sorry." I whispered into the empty room.

"STOP SAYING YOU'RE SORRY!" I heard him roar from downstairs.

I couldn't help but to giggle, even though I was still incredibly sad. I thought about taking the amulet off, to see if I could tell who it was but decided against it. The pain was so crippling that it would probably kill me unblocked.

Instead, I lay there petting Prissy until he returned a few minutes later.

"Well?" I asked when he walked in.

He closed the door behind him and walked back to the bed, looking down at me.

"There's no one in the house that is upset. Or at least no one that would tell me anything. I don't feel emotions like that from other vampires but I know these guys. They weren't lying." He collapsed down onto the bed, putting his head in his hands. "Of course, I said that about Elias too and look where that got me."

I sat up, getting behind him so that I could massage his shoulders.

He groaned when I started working his muscles.

"I didn't think vampires could get tensed up. I thought your body automatically healed it or something."

He chuckled a little. "I think that my body is in a constant state of being tensed the fuck up. There's just so much that's been going on. And this feels really good."

I put more pressure onto his shoulders, then worked down his arms. "I'm sorry that you have to deal with all of this. Seems like it all started with me. I hate-"

His hand came up to stop mine that was on his arm.

"Chloe, shut up." He replied wearily. "I would rather live my life in a constant state of turmoil than be without you." He turned, making me release him, so that he could look into my eyes.

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