11 (Colby's POV)

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Melanie sat down next to Chloe, and pushed her hair back from her face.

"She's not at peace. Wherever she is, inside her mind, it isn't a pleasant place." The witch said quietly.

Sam walked back into the room and came to stand next to me.

"So what are we doing?"

The witch stood back up and looked at us. "Strip the sheets and blankets, cover the bed with the tarp that I brought, and then put her in the middle of it."

She pulled the bag that she had brought with her off of her shoulders, and knelt down, pulling out all kinds of different things.

"Tarp?" I asked, apprehensively.

I only used those when we knew things were going to get bloody. She nodded, still digging things out of that bag.

Jesus, was it bottomless?

"Yes, things are going to get messy and I wouldn't think that you would want your things ruined. Might want to use this second one and put it next to the bed."

"What do you mean by messy?" Sam asked, probably thinking the same thing that I was.

She sighed and looked up at us.

"The ingredients that I have to use, and the symbols that need to be painted, the circle that has to be made. Honestly, she'll probably get sick when she wakes up. It's not going to be pretty. Now, are we going to do this, or are you going to keep asking me questions and wasting all of our time?"

I couldn't stop myself from making a face at her. "We were just asking, shit."

I heard Sam let out a very low chuckle beside me.

How the hell didn't that piss me him off? I moved Chloe to the couch, inhaling her scent as I did. Oh fuck, I needed more blood.

I turned back to find Sam stripping my bed of everything, then laying out the tarp.

It didn't take long with our speed.

"Um, I'm going to zip downstairs really quick. I'll be back."

Melanie's head shot up. "No. You can't feed right now. You'll need to be hungry when this is finished, so that you can feed on me."

I shook my head and opened the door. "Won't be a problem. Trust me, you don't want me hungry."

I heard her protest again, but I zipped downstairs, into the garage. The freezer was completely full, minus a bag or two, but I didn't want to completely fill up, so I only took two. I popped my fangs into them, back to back, sucking the blood down.

Wasn't good, but did the job. I zipped back upstairs, and walked back into my room. I let my eyes fall over Chloe first, her hair spread out on the couch, her chest rising and falling with her even breathing.

Her lashes cast shadows on her pale cheeks. I would love to see color on them again.

"Soon, baby girl." I whispered in her ear, as I leaned over to kiss her dry lips.

The witch had already drawn a circle onto the tarp, as wide as the bed. Now she was finishing up symbols around it and inside of it, drawing with her finger and what I could smell was some kind of blood. It wasn't just blood though.

Something was mixed with it.

She backed away and looked at her work, before leaning down and grabbing a rag out of her bag to wipe her hand.

"Okay, you can put her directly in the middle of the circle. Do not smear the symbols or the circle."

She crouched back down and started mixing together some things in a metal bowl. I hate this shit. Anything for Chloe though.

"You want me to...?" Sam asked, looking at me.

I shook my head.

"I got her."

I picked her up in my arms, my heart feeling a pang with how limp her body was. I made sure to cradle her against my chest so that her head didn't flop around. I walked to the bed, side stepping the witch, and laid Chloe down gently in the middle of the circle.

Melanie stood up beside me, the bowl in one hand, a blade in the other.

"I need her blood." She replied, her voice hesitant.

I closed my eyes for a second, then took the blade and picked up Chloe's hand. I pressed the sharp steel to her palm...but I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt her.

Not on purpose.

"She can't feel it." Melanie said, her voice soft.

I closed my eyes and tried. I really did, but I couldn't force myself to draw her blood, to cut her.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed, dropping her hand, and the blade.

It bounced off the bed onto the floor. Sam picked it up without a word, and stepped past me, picking up Chloe's hand. I turned my back, just as I saw the witch lean forwards with the bowl.

Suddenly, the smell of her blood filled the room, making my gut twist in on itself.

"Ooohh," I groaned, pinching my nostrils shut.

I think it's worse now than it was when she cut her finger at the coffee shop.

"You good brother? We're almost done. Why don't you go get a bandage? We're gonna need it."

I didn't reply, just darted to the bathroom, and heaved in a deep breath of almost fresh air. I could still smell her blood out here, just not nearly as strong. I would forever be grateful to Sam for this.

I got the first aid kit, then waited, not wanting to go back into my room. I heard Melanie's voice start chanting, getting louder and more forceful with each word. I sighed and made my way back into the room.

Sam was standing against the wall, near the closet when I walked in. He glanced at me and put his finger to his lips. I nodded and stood beside him, watching the ritual.

It seemed to last forever, all of the weird hand movements over her body, the chanting, and the sprinkling of her blood mixture over her face. Witches were weird man. Then my heart almost jumped out of my body.

Chloe sat straight up in the bed, heaving in a heavy breath, before Melanie grabbed her shoulders and turned her sideways, so that she was leaning over it. Chloe heaved and gagged, throwing up onto the tarp.

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