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Then he kissed me with so much force, the fact that there were 3 other people in the room completely left my mind, and I molded my body against his, while my hands found their way to his hair. I moaned against his lips, then whined when he broke away.

He chuckled, and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"I'll be up soon. Have fun Love."

I narrowed my eyes at him, but couldn't stop my smile. "Yeah, you too. Try not to kill anyone or ORDER having anyone killed."

Kat and I turned to go, and I yelped as I felt his hand swat my ass.

"I'll try not to." He replied, when I looked back at him.

I just shook my head and let Kat pull me from the room. I was worried about the whole situation with Elias, but I knew that Colby wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't help his friend. Elias was one hundred percent still his friend, regardless of what had happened.

I wouldn't be the reason that he lost members of his family. Kat and I made our way upstairs, and stopped at Corey and Devyn's room to see if she wanted to join us. Unfortunately, Tara had to be involved with the vamp business so she couldn't join us.

Kat was about to knock on the door, when Corey opened it smiling at us.

"Hello ladies, Dev is waiting for you. She'd love to help plan the most bad ass party in all of history. I gotta join the guys. See ya!" Then he was gone.

Kat and I walked inside the room, laughing a little over how Corey had said that and just left.

Dev was sitting on her large bed, grinning at us.

"Let's get started!"

For the next two hours, we planned everything down to the last small detail, including the spooky solo cups we would have specially made.

They said that money was no issue, right? We were so involved in where to place the speakers, the fog machines, the black lights, strobe lights, etc, that we didn't even hear the door open.

"HEY!" The loud yell startled us so badly, we all jumped, grabbing one another, and screamed, turning our heads towards the sound.

Sam, Colby, and Corey stood up against the wall, laughing their asses off.

"Oh fuck you guys! That wasn't funny!" I exclaimed, contradicting myself by laughing.

"You actually scared the piss out of me. I may need to go change." Kat replied.

"Assholes!" Devyn cried, getting up and walking over to Corey so that she could smack him across his chest.

"Heeeey." He whined. "That could've hurt me." The look of shock on his face was enough to make me die laughing again.

Corey was a straight clown sometimes. I usually forgot that he was actually a blood sucking monster most of the time. Sam and Colby walked over to the bed, and pulled me and Kat up to stand next to them.

"Did you guys get everything figured out?" I asked.

They nodded.

"Not everything, but we learned a lot. The only problem is that the Council messed with Jade's head and I've gotten word that they now know about you, our involvement with the witches, and probably Millie. If they do, this is going to come down on me and Sam hard, but mainly me. I'm thinking of just making a visit to them to try and explain things. Hopefully, they'll be more understanding if I turn myself in, so to speak."

I shook my head hard. "No, you can't do that! They might lock you up, banish you, or even kill you! Unh uh, Nope, you're not doing that! I can't lose you Colby, not after everything. Not at all. You can't-"

He kissed me, effectively shutting me up again.

Guess he knew what would work. I was freaking out, possibly on the verge of an anxiety attack. My heart was racing and my body was shaking, but his lips against mine calmed me down some.

When he broke away, I realized his hands were on my hips, holding me close.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. Whatever happens, we'll get through it. We always do. The universe can't keep us apart. Sit back down and I'll tell you what I know."

I nodded shakily, and sat heavily on the bed. He sat next to me, and everyone else took a seat where they could.

"I spoke to Aza. He admitted that he found out that the guy was helping Elias and Jade while they were there. He took it as treachery and turned him over to the council, claiming that the vampire was out of his control, and had been on a killing spree. The Council can see into our minds and manipulate our thoughts, like some of us can do with humans. They're stronger than us, but Aza used to be on the Council. He has the same gifts. So he messed with the kid's head, making him believe that he had actually committed the crimes. The Council dug further and found out about us, my conversations with Aza, the witches, you, Millie, everything. Or so he said. The Council hasn't contacted me yet. They may just come for me. If they do...you don't fight them, do you hear me Chloe? I mean it!" His eyes started flashing, emotion boiling under the surface. "You let them do whatever they are going to do, and you stay out of it, understand? They can't touch you guys. You're innocent humans, but you're also a vampire's true soul mate, so they can't take your memories either. Just please, for me, please, don't fight them. Don't smart off at them. Don't piss them off, please baby." I stared into his eyes, hearing the pleading in his voice and my heart broke.

These vamps, this Council, could be coming for him right now, but he was worried I would fight them, or piss them off. I didn't know if I would be able to just sit there and watch them take the man...vampire that I loved...but I nodded. To ease his mind, I agreed.

"I promise." I said softly, the word tasting foul in my mouth.

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