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When I did, she looped the necklace around my neck, and latched it. The heavy stone rested in the valley between my breasts, the chain longer than I thought.

"Maybe give your vampire a chance to catch up and deal with this. Witches and Vampires aren't usually friends. There's a lot of hate there. Not really sure why, it's just a known fact that we don't get along. We're taught to hate them, to be wary of them. I only ended up being involved with them because I met Mike at a club one night. I knew he was a vamp but there was just something about him that I couldn't say no to. Then he fed on me, and I just wanted more and more. Eventually, an intervention was held for me here and I was put in a sort of rehab against my will." She sighed, stepping away from me.

She walked over to the fireplace and picked up an old fashioned mirror. It looked like the old sterling silver kind, with a handle.

Bringing it back over to me, she held it up so that I could see the necklace.

"I needed it, however much I hated it. I was addicted, and it just became my obsession. I didn't care about anything else. Not even seeing Mike anymore. I didn't care which one of the vamps fed on me, just as long as they did. Mike and I don't talk anymore. He got upset with me and I can't blame him. We were keeping our relationship a secret because the masses don't approve. They won't approve of you two either. Just so you know."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "But I'm his One. They can't stop me from being with Colby. I don't give a shit about this witch stuff. I just want the feelings to stop."

She raised her eyebrows then giggled. "Well...his One. Wonder how they're going to take that? I personally think it's time for this hatred to be over. Not liking or hating someone simply because of what they are, born that way or by choice, is just not very humane. And weren't we all human at one point?" She held her hands up, palms out, with a smile.

I smiled back hesitantly. This was a lot to take in.

I didn't even know that witches, like actual covens and real magic, was a thing until a couple of days ago, and now all of a sudden I am one.

"But Colby's clan...they can't hate witches. They allowed you into their home. They helped you with your people."

Melanie looked at me sympathetically, hearing the rise in my voice. "They did but only because they got something out of it in return. A witch's blood is potent, more fragrant to them, makes them stronger than a normal human's would. That's why they let me enter the house. They helped with my people because I helped with theirs." She gave me a knowing look. "I wondered why they were so adamant about helping a human. Now I know. The One is a serious legend that I've never witnessed. I hope that things will work out in your favor."

"Thank you." I replied quietly.

I looked towards where Colby had walked out, chewing my lip.

Did he walk out because he found out that I was a witch?

He better fucking not have.

"If you'd like, we can set up a schedule where I can work with you on controlling your powers, or I can connect you with witches that don't deal in the dark arts, if you're more comfortable with that."

I really didn't want to meet anymore witches right now. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to keep seeing Melanie.

I guess I didn't have a choice if I didn't want to go crazy though.

"No, I'll work with you. Thank you. Just text Colby with the info and I'll meet you whenever you want."

She nodded, and leaned over to grab the big book that she had been reading in.

She held it out to me.

"Take this. Read it. It explains some genealogical traits in there, and what powers you may experience, besides the empathic ability eventually. It also gives you a look into the basics of starting out as a natural witch. In case you're curious. I hope it helps and please contact me if you need anything else or just want to talk about things."

I nodded at her again, surprised when her thin arms went around me lightly. She leaned back and smiled again before leading me down the hall, to the door.

"Till we meet again." She replied, opening the door for me.

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just walked out, and looked around for Colby. At first, I didn't see him so I was just standing in front of the cabin in the dark, shivering in the cool air. Then he was next to me taking my hand, without saying a word.

"Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly when he started walking, still not speaking.

He nodded, but didn't reply.

"Colby, talk to me. Is this because she said I have witch's blood? You're pissed because I'm a witch? That better not be it, because I swear to God, you and I will have to talk about me finding out you were a vampire, TWICE, might I add, and didn't act like a bitch either time! Scared, maybe but-"

He stopped walking and turned to me so fast, I gasped.

"I'm not pissed at you, you annoying ass woman! I'm scared! What is the council going to do when they find out that my ONE is a freaking WITCH? THEY HATE WITCHES. They don't know that we have been working with them. We could be banished or worse for what we've done, just getting their help and giving them our blood AND our venom. That's considered treachery!" He grabbed my upper arms tightly, his rings pinching into my skin. "This is," he shook his head, his dark hair sweeping across his forehead, his eyes flashing even in the dark. "One of the worst things that we could've found out."

I didn't know what to say. Again. It was my fault that he had to worry about this.

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