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Multiple creatures and various scary things jumped onto the trailer, even going so far as to actually place their hands on us, before screaming or laughing and jumping off. I looked up from where I had my face hidden in Colby's chest, and A FUCKING KILLER CLOWN was so close to me, if I had moved an inch, I would've touched him. I'm not ashamed in the least to say that I screamed bloody murder, and somehow ended up even further down the seats in someone's else's lap.

I don't fucking like CLOWNS. I watched as a couple more got on the trailer and started scaring people off, starting with Sam, Kat, Dev, and Corey. Colby just looked at them, then glanced back down towards where I was.

"You coming or?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

I felt a deep rumbling next to my cheek and glanced up at the person who's lap I was in. Some random dark haired guy, a little older than me maybe, was looking down at me. I started blushing and stood up, straightening my short little skirt that had ridden up with all of my falling on random strangers.

"It's okay, I didn't mind." He replied.

I blushed harder, and walked fast towards Colby when I heard his low growl. He held his hand out to me, glaring at the guy who just winked at him.

"Not smart buddy." He said, grabbing my hand and yanking me towards him.

We turned to get off and found a clown standing right in front of us. Colby didn't say a word, just turned his angry glare upon him. The clown stood there for about two seconds before he decided that it would be in his best interest to move. I was thankful for that.

Colby jumped down off the trailer, then turned back, grabbed me around the waist, lifted me, then set me down on my feet next to him.

"You're gonna get people actually murdered tonight. How about you stay in my lap next time?" He took my hand as I rolled my eyes.

"Fucking clowns Colby. Clowns."

He laughed, and pulled me towards the entrance to the Haunted Trail that we had to go through to get to the Escape rooms. I had a feeling that this was going to be a long night. The haunted houses that I had been to before hadn't lasted over 10 to 15 minutes and hardly ever actually scared me.

This had already been a good 30 minutes and my heart was still racing as I darted my eyes around the darkness, trying to prepare for someone, or something, jumping out at me. The Trail was way scarier than the hayride had been, but we were all laughing, crying, and screaming through the entire thing. Even the guys and Tara.

Colby had to actually grab Jake when a burned mental patient had jumped out at him. Jake had bared his fangs, and actually hissed at the poor guy, eyes going black. The guy hastily walked away, but kept looking back at Jake.

Good thing that it was Halloween.

"Bro, you can't do that. You know how these things work. This isn't our first time." Colby told him under his breath.

Jake shrugged like it was no big deal.

"He caught me off guard. My bad."

Colby rolled his eyes. We didn't have anymore of those mishaps but we did get the crap scared out of us many times before we made it out. I'm used to the basic monsters with chainsaws chasing you out at the end.

They didn't do basic at this place. When a banshee looking creature with red eyes started running at us, screeching, I basically crawled up Colby's body and hid my face while screaming. I heard the others yelling, and felt Colby speed up to get away from the thing.

I didn't raise my head until he stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head.

"You can look now. The big bad monster is gone."

I didn't even have the mindset to glare at him for his chiding remark. I mean, I enjoyed this kind of thing, but I was certain that I was going to have a heart attack if I had to deal with much more. Thankfully, we were almost finished.

The escape rooms were VERY creepy, but with Sam's logical thinking and Colby's curiosity, we were able to finish them before we were eaten alive, or hacked to pieces by some psychotic serial killer. By the time we finished everything, I was exhausted, dead on my feet...and we still had a whole ass party to attend at the house.

"You okay?" Colby asked, as we walked hand in hand back towards the car.

Everyone was quiet, having spent most of our energy on the haunted attraction.

I nodded, and gave him a small smile.

"Just tired. That was way more than I thought it would be. Didn't think I would get that scared."

He smirked. "I knew you would. They go all out at this place. I love it." I rolled my eyes and let him open the car door for me. "See you guys back at the house." He said to the others, while Sam and Kat climbed in the back seat.

I got in the car and lay my head back against the seat. Christ, I was tired.

"Oh my God, I'm exhausted." Katrina whined, putting her feet in Sam's lap and lying back against the door.

"Same." I replied before a huge yawn took me over.

Sam took off her white heels and started massaging her feet. Lucky bitch. Of course, I'm sure that my high tops were way more comfortable than those heels, especially after all the walking we had just done.

Colby took my hand in his and rested it on my thigh for the ride home. We talked a little and laughed about what had happened, but I eventually closed my eyes and just listened. Next thing I knew, I was being lifted from the car.

"What?" I muttered out in my sleep filled daze.

"Shh, it's okay baby girl. I've got you." I heard Colby's deep voice in my ear and felt his lips on my forehead.

"It's party time." I muttered.

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