5 (Colby's POV)

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Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I love reading your comments and hearing what you think about the story so far. I'm not sure how long Obsessed is going to last since it's really only on here to finish off Addicted. I'll probably lengthen the chapters of Addicted when it's over so that I can fit it all together, when this one is finished. Please keep commenting and voting! I appreciate you all and love you so so so so much! Happy Spooky Season!!!

My eyes followed his movements, and I saw Millie and Elias hanging from chains, both of their arms, bound at the wrists above their heads. Sitting in an over sized dog cage off to the corner behind them, was a terrified human girl, her sweet brown eyes shining with tears. Her dark hair was matted, and I could smell her blood from here.

Her body was covered in grime, her clothes were torn, and her skin was gashed in places. There were multiple bite marks all over her. And that was just the skin that I could see.

Elias kept trying to swing around so that he could see her.

"Jade!" He yelled, kicking his legs out, trying to spin in his chains.

One of Aza's vamps swung a metal pole towards him, letting it slam into his stomach. Elias huffed out a breath as he grunted in pain. That had to hurt.

Why did I feel bad for him?

"You were told to shut up! You never learn, do you?" The vamp laughed wickedly, and hit him again, across his chest, just for the hell of it.

Elias would be on his knees right now, if the chains weren't holding him up. The vamp swung back again, and I stepped forwards, grabbing the pole.

"That's enough. Hit him again, and you'll be the one strung up." I growled, my face inches from his.

His lips pulled back over his teeth in a sneer as he stared at me for a moment. I could tell he was deciding whether or not he wanted to try me. Let him.

"Jared, stand down." Aza's voice rang with authority.

The vamp glared at me for another split second, then let the pole go, leaving it in my hands. I rounded, swinging the pole and letting it connect with both Elias and Millie's knees. The crack echoed through the room, enveloped by the following screams from them both.

I dropped the pole and met Elias's gaze. His eyes were full of pain, both physical and emotional. He opened his mouth to speak and I shook my head.

"Better if you keep your mouth shut right now. I don't want to kill you...yet, but it's really hard not to. Don't push me." I growled out.

"Colby, I," Elias started but I got in his face quick.


His mouth clamped shut, and I turned away from the hurt look in his eyes. He had no right to be hurt or to look at me like that. After what he did...he was lucky that I wanted information.

That Sam had talked me out of killing him instantly.

I walked over to Aza, after motioning to Sam and the others to get them down off of the chains.

"Is there anything else? Do you have any new information for me on...my situation?"

Aza swung his head from side to side, with a slight grin on his thin lips. "No. I'm sorry. Has she still not woken?" He didn't look the least bit sorry.

"No, she's still not awake. Do you have the poison with you?"

I had asked him to bring what I needed for the ritual, just in case the witch couldn't help. If I didn't end up using it, then I could at least find out what was in it. Hopefully, anyways.

He nodded, and held his hand out to one of his people. The vamp girl was dressed in black from head to toe, her hair just as greasy as Aza's, her clothes dusty and worn. She held out a small bottle to Aza and he took it.

The bottle legit looked like an old potions bottle of some sort, full and rounded at the bottom, with a skinny neck, and a cork stuck in the top.

It was full of what looked like black liquid.

"This is potent Colby. Nothing to play with. Only take what the ritual calls for, no more. It can kill you, or comatize you forever. Be careful, my friend. I wish you luck."

I nodded at him, and turned away, seeing Sam holding Elias up, while Elton had Millie. Corey got the human girl, and compelled her to be calm while he held her in his arms. The other guys were acting as guards in case they tried anything funny.

"Let's go." I replied, putting the bottle inside my jacket pocket.

They were all looking at me with concern. I hadn't told anyone about the poison or what I had to do. Sam hadn't asked me again, so he only knew that whatever I was doing was dangerous.

I avoided it this time too, and walked out the door with them following. We couldn't take Elias and Millie to the house so instead, we took them to a place that Mike had set up. The place that him, Kevin, and Aryia used to stay before they moved in with us.

They still owned it, mainly for when we had to do things like this. It seemed like a good idea. It had a basement, that was soundproof.

Aryia and Mike both loved making music. Even after they became vamps, that didn't change. They still did it as often as they could, and honestly, they were pretty bad ass.

The doors were left open for us, and we took the captives straight down into the basement. The other guys had it set up with plastic on the floor, and all of our necessary....tools that we might need. I could feel the old Colby coming back through.

The one who enjoyed torturing the ones who did him wrong. Hell, he enjoyed torturing anyone just to get the anger out of him for a short while.

"Chain em up." I told them and went over to the metal box of tools that was sitting on the table to the side, and started looking through them.

"Colby, I really need to tell you wh-"

Elias wasn't able to finish what he was saying because just as I turned around Elton punched him as hard as he could in the jaw, knocking his head to the side.

"It doesn't matter what happened, you fucking traitor. Nothing can change what you did." He growled out.

He had a look of utter disgust and hatred on his face, before he spat at Elias.

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