2 (Colby's POV)

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I could hear the aggravation in Aza's voice.

"It has never happened before in recorded history. Now, there are millions of books in their archive that MAY have some information that you could use, but it is more than likely speculation. Nothing concrete. My advice to you. Wait. Wait and see. Be patient. Have Millie, and take your frustrations out on her. You can have your little traitor Elias. He has a human female with him as well. My people have fed on her a few times and he caused quite a ruckus about that. They aren't in perfect condition but you are welcome to them, if you want. Do with them as you wish. Is that all you need?"

I sighed, and pinched the bridge of my nose, squeezing my eyes closed. "Yes. Thank you."

"Anytime friend. Anytime. I'll text you the details where you can pick up the...trash." Without another word, he disconnected the call, leaving me holding a dead phone against my ear for the longest time.

Elias had a human girl with him and Aza was handing him over to me, along with Millie.

What was I supposed to do with that information right now? Wait. I was supposed to wait.

How in the hell was I supposed to do that? I scooted up on the bed, so that I was sitting next to Chloe's chest, watching it rise and fall slowly. She was still breathing.

Hopefully, it stayed that way. If she died and became a vampire, I wasn't sure how she was going to react. Hell, I wasn't sure how I was going to react!

Would she be the same person? I knew that I had changed after I turned. We all had.

We weren't the same people as we were before. I knew that I would still love her, obviously, but I didn't want this to change who she was, who I fell in love with to begin with.

I heard footsteps and then a soft knock on my door.

"Yeah Sam, come in."

He opened my door, Katrina right beside him.

"How is she?" He asked, looking at Chloe on the bed.

Katrina put her hand over her mouth to cover the heart wracking sob that escaped.

"What?" Kat swallowed hard, then tried again. "What happened?" She asked, her eyes coming back to mine.

I sighed, and stood up.

"I think her memories were trying to resurface. I don't know why though. That's something that I don't understand. When a person is compelled, their memories are buried so far, they're pretty much just gone. I thought that when I compelled her, that memory started coming back because she was my One. Now though, I'm not sure that's the reason. I didn't compel her this time and they're still trying to come back. Elias erased so much." I shook my head, and clenched my fists, getting angry again. "I think her brain is revolting against itself, every time that she has an almost memory. She was getting flashes when she was reading her story, and said that she had a migraine. But it happened every time that we started talking about what she forgot. Then when she saw you...I think it was too much for her."

Tears were streaming down Kat's face and, in that moment, I envied her for it. I had no such release available to me. All I could act on was anger.

You could bet when I got Millie and Elias, that's exactly what I would act on.

"Oh my God." Kat choked out. "Is she gonna be okay?"

I didn't wanna answer that.


I looked back to Chloe on the bed.

"I don't know Katrina. I just don't know."

I heard her gasp and looked back over to them. "You gave her your blood! Is she gonna turn?"

I nodded slowly, gauging her reaction.

Didn't want her freaking out on me.

"If she dies within the next 24 hours then yes, she will become a vampire."

She didn't reply but her eyes got wider.

Sam put his arm around her waist and drew her close to him.

"It'll be okay. If that does happen, we'll teach her everything she needs to know. We'll keep her under control and safe."

Katrina scoffed at him, throwing her hand out towards Chloe. "Like you kept her safe from this?! This is my fault! I'm the one who dragged her into this mess! I'm the one who introduced her to you guys! She would be fine right now, if I had just-just!" Her breathing started coming heavier and faster, her hand flying to her chest, as more tears poured down her face.

Sam wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, and started speaking softly in her ear. This whole thing was breaking my heart. It wasn't Kat's fault.

It was mine. I shouldn't have trusted Elias...but I thought he was my friend, part of my clan. I had no clue that he would do this.

I had trusted him with my life...and he had taken that away from me.

From all of us.

"This isn't your fault baby. This just happened. She would've been brought into this anyways. There's no keeping someone away from their One. Not when they live in the same town. Colby and Chloe would've found each other regardless. Just like you and I did. Ssshhhh."

He rubbed his hand up and down her back to soothe her, while her sobs quieted against his chest. The look in his eyes was gut wrenching when he met my gaze.

"We are going to fix this Colby. We will get Chloe back. Memories and all. No matter what we have to do." His stare was hard and I understood what he was saying.

The ritual, if it came to that. He was willing to let me go through with it, if nothing else worked. I nodded at him, letting him know that I understood.

"What do we do in the meantime?" He asked, still rubbing his hand on Katrina's back.

I shrugged.

"We wait. We wait and see if she wakes up in the next couple of days. Then we contact the witch. Did you find her by the way?"

Sam nodded. "I did. I managed to track her down through some girls that Aryia knows. I have her number at least. You want me to call her now or wait?"

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