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"Besides, if I live forever as a human, you don't ever have to feed on anyone else, ever again."

He chuckled deeply. "You make a good point. I'm glad you aren't upset about it. I like this version of you. You're very easy," He paused, and flashed a wicked smile at me, while I narrowed my eyes. "Going. You're very easy going."

I rolled my eyes, and looked out the window, seeing our home as he pulled into the driveway. I noticed that his smile fell a little as he peered up at the lit house. He parked in our usual spot, opened my door and helped me from the car.

We walked hand in hand inside our home. There were yells and loud laughter coming from the garage, so loud that I could even hear it clearly from where we were by the door. Maybe I was getting vamp hearing too.

Hmmm. That might be annoying but it could also be useful. I'd have to ask Melanie exactly what powers I would be getting from the vamp side.

That was for another time though.

"What the fuck is going on in there?" Colby asked, his brows coming together. "I swear, I can't leave them alone for more than five minutes."

He shook his head as we started walking to the garage. I reached for the door knob but Colby's hand came around mine, stopping me.

"Is it safe?" He asked.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Is what safe?"

He shook his head and held up his finger. "You're sure?"

Oh. He wasn't talking to me. Guess I didn't have super vamp hearing after all.

He lifted his hand from mine and motioned for me to go ahead and open the door. A grin split across his face at the wild laughter that echoed through the small hallway from inside the room.

"What's going on?" I asked, before opening it.

"You'll see." He said, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, and opened the door. A burst of wind shot across the room, blowing my hair back, as hands, I think they were hands but it was all so fast, grabbed me and I was spinning around the room at top speed. I felt like I was on that old fair ride, the Enterprise.

It looks like a spaceship and the gravity is sucked out so that you're stuck to the moving pads that you lay back on, while the ship just spins in circles constantly. That's what it felt like, only so. much. faster. I couldn't even speak to tell them to stop whatever was happening because all of my breath had been stolen from my lungs.

Right when I thought that I would definitely get sick, the movement stopped abruptly. I was hanging onto Devyn's neck with a death grip, while perched on her back, my legs around her waist.

How the hell did I get here? I tried to unlatch my fingers, but I couldn't. They were stuck.

"I think you're gonna have to help her." Devyn said to Colby as he showed up next to me.

I looked at him, and he started chuckling.

"You should see your face right now. You feeling okay?"

I didn't even answer, unable to find my voice. A weird croaking noise left my throat, when I tried to clear it. He unlatched my fingers, then pulled me off of Dev's back into his arms.

"Sorry about that." She said, smiling at me.

Colby set me down, but held onto me while I tried to get my bearings and stand straight. I tried to clear my throat again.

"Erm. Yeah. Why?" Apparently, I couldn't form full sentences yet?

She laughed.

"Just because! I wanted to show you that I feel amazing and it's all thanks to you!" She spun around in a circle, her brown hair flying around her gracefully. "I'm not insane with hunger, I'm not feeling emotionally unstable. I don't want to kill you! Whatever you did, I'm so thankful for it. I've been testing out my new abilities since I woke up a little while ago. I have so much energy, it's insane, but the only emotion that I'm feeling is happiness."

Corey laughed, his warm brown eyes glowing as he watched her.

She met his gaze, and a small smile crossed her lips.

"Well, happiness and something else."

She sauntered across the room to him, and sat in his lap, his arms automatically coming around her. Her lips pressed to his in a very intense, heated kiss. I felt like I was intruding just looking at them, so I looked away back to Colby.

He was grinning hugely, while watching them, so I elbowed him in the ribs. His eyes flicked down to mine and he shrugged.

"Free show, right?" He asked, mimicking Jake's words about us earlier.

"You guys are insufferable." I replied, rolling my eyes, a smile crossing my lips.

I heard a fierce growl and turned, shrinking back against Colby. It was Corey. He was now standing, Devyn in his arms, her legs locked around his waist, as she attacked his neck, and ran her hands up and down his body.

Oh. Okay.

"Be back." Was all he said, before they disappeared.

"Bow chicka wow wow." Jake said, getting up to roll his hips as he sang. "Somebody is getting their first take at vamp sex. NOICE."

Everyone started laughing, and Colby and I went to sit on his bean bag. When it quieted down, Sam grabbed the remote and turned the music on, a little louder than usual. When I glanced at him questioningly, he just smiled and nodded towards the ceiling.

I raised my eyebrows, my mouth forming a circle, when I understood. Corey and Devyn. Yeah, no, I didn't want vamp hearing at all.

I was perfectly fine NOT knowing every little thing.

"So, I spoke to the guys while you were out." Sam said, motioning to Colby.

"Yeah, about what?" Colby replied, as he leaned his chin over onto my shoulder.

"Who wants to be in the guard. Everyone here obviously wants to be in the Guard. We can only choose 4 personal guards though. Two for you and two for me. I thought you could choose first."

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