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Colby sighed and let his head hang a bit.

"Elias, a friend of mine. He was coerced into doing it."

"Can't he just undo it?"

Colby shook his head. "No, it doesn't work that way in the real world. This isn't Twilight. Once they're gone, they're gone, buried too far down for anyone to reach them. Unless you take drastic measures or have some kind of weird good luck and they start coming back on their own."

Okay, judging by his Twilight reference, I knew that he heard me call him Mr. Cullen. My heart kind of sank when I heard that the guy that took my memories couldn't bring them back.

"Okay so wait though, when you compelled me about the kiss, that memory came back! And some of these memories are coming back! Does that usually happen? Are all of my memories going to come back or what? What do we usually do in a situation like this?" I looked over to him expectantly.

He was propped half way up on the headboard, pillows and one arm behind his head. Prissy was lying on his chest, while his free hand stroked her fur.

When did he lose his shirt?

I got preoccupied for a moment, admiring the hard planes of his chest, and the softer curve of his stomach, when I heard him call my name.

"Chloe? Are you even listening to me?"

My head snatched up, and I met his gaze with a full blown blush flooding my face. "Uh yeah, of course I am." No, no I wasn't.

He narrowed his eyes at me and smirked. "What was I saying then?"

Damn it. He had me and he knew it.

"You were saying that um, we wait and see what is going to happen. That my memories will be back soon, and uh," I pursed my lips and chewed the inside of the bottom one. "Yeah, I don't know. You're shirtless. You distracted me. It's your fault." I shrugged, admitting defeat.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Okay, keep your eyes on mine. No wandering gazes."

I leaned towards him, as I was sitting cross legged on the bed, and stared straight into his blue eyes. Oh hell, this might not be any better. I was drowning.

How was anyone supposed to have a coherent thought or even be able to function around this man?

"I said that we don't know. This isn't a situation that has happened before. Usually when someone is compelled, the memories are just gone. With you, I dug deep and found some witches that were willing to help, but that's not a guarantee either. Now, the memories coming back on their own," He threw his hands out, palms up. "I know why they came back when I compelled you, but I don't know why they're coming back from Elias compelling you. I'm just as lost as you on that one."

"Wait, so why did they come back with you? Maybe we can do whatever happened there and make them come back."

He shook his head, a sad little grin on his face. "No, that won't work. Look, you've taken in a lot of info this morning. I should sleep soon, so let's just read your story, okay? I promise I'll explain the rest later."

I sighed, and scooted back against him, my laptop propped against my knees. "Okay, fine. Let's read."

I felt so nervous letting him read my work. My heart would drop as he got a serious look on his face, or swell when I saw a smile cross his full lips.

"Oh." He said, his eyes scanning the pages.

"What, what is it?" I asked, looking back to the screen. "Oh God!" I exclaimed, trying to shut the laptop.

He snatched it from me before I could.

"No, no, no, this is the good stuff!"

I groaned and let my head fall into my hands. I had apparently put in sex scenes. Of course I did.

Wish I had REMEMBERED that before I just let him start reading. Shit!

"This is really good." He said in a strained voice after a minute.

I looked up to see what was wrong to find his eyes glued to the screen.

Best to just go about this in a completely scientific matter.

"Okay, thank you. But is it a memory or just something I wrote?"

"Oh, this is definitely real. I remember this VERY well."

I blushed again, with the way his eyes shot up to meet mine, burning into them.

The blue looked almost liquid, and the black of his pupil was expanding.

"I should probably read it then. See if it triggers anything."

He exhaled hard, and shifted on the bed. I couldn't help but notice that he was keeping the laptop directly over his groin as he fixed his pants.

"That's not a good idea. Not right now. If you read this, then you're gonna get...ya know..." He trailed off, and licked his lips staring at me.

"I don't know actually. I'm gonna get what?"

"You're gonna make me say it? Okay then, you're gonna get to feeling some type of way, and I can smell when that happens." He tapped the side of his nose. "Vampire, remember? Not a good idea, because that affects me really badly and I know you're not ready for that. So maybe just read the other stuff for now? Please?" I couldn't help but smirk at how he was actually pleading with me right now.

Who said I wasn't ready for that anyways though?

I was pretty sure that I had always been ready...but I shrugged.

"Okay, since you asked nicely. But I'll want to read those soon."

I heard his sharp intake of breath, as I settled back against him again, and scrolled past that part so that I could start reading again. We went over the things that I had written and he pointed out what had actually happened and what hadn't. Sometimes, it felt like I might get a flash of a memory, but instead the pressure would just come and go.

Never actually hurting or doing much of anything.

"This is so frustrating!" I groaned out, grabbing my head with both hands.

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