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"Your situation is confusing. Nothing comes easy to you, does it...?"

I looked away from Tara's probing stare. No, nothing had ever come easy to me, but that didn't stop me from getting what I wanted. I just had to work harder for it.

"Not really, but that's what made me who I am." I turned my head back to meet her gaze. "I'm ready for whatever happens, and I'll fight for what I want. What I want is Colby...and this life. My life."

Devyn laid her hand over mine. "That's exactly the way that I feel. In a couple of hours, I'll be able to fight on a level playing field. Fuck, I'm scared." She laughed out nervously.

Tara threw her arm around her, while Kat rubbed her leg that was propped up on the bed.

"Girl, don't think about it so much. Corey is going to be the one doing it, and you know that he would never hurt you. It'll be over before you know it, and then I can have fun showing you all the cool stuff that you will be able to do!" Tara crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue making us all laugh.

"Okay, you're right. I feel better. Just nervous." Dev said, rubbing her hands on her thighs.

"That's expected. I would be too." I replied. "So, does anyone know anything about what Colby plans on doing about the Council and Jade? Cuz I feel like he's keeping something from me."

They shook their heads, but I noticed that Tara kind of side glanced to the door.

"No, the guys haven't said anything. I've been up here instead of downstairs with the meeting. Thought it would be better to comfort Dev than listen to them rant about boring job details. I know he plans on calling them after he makes sure that everything goes okay with Devyn. That's all I know."

I nodded. "Okay...thanks. Let's change the subject!" I pulled my legs up onto the bed and turned, sitting cross legged and facing the other girls. "Dev, you have to tell me how the sex is after you turn. I NEED to know these things. You know, for educational purposes."

She blushed and we all laughed. For the next couple of hours, I forgot that I might be losing the love of my life, and concentrated solely on hanging out with my friends. Stress free, just for a couple of hours.

We laughed, and cried, calmed Devyn down a couple of times, and just had fun, like normal 20 something year old girls.

Then Tara looked towards the door again, and back to Devyn.

"It's time baby. Are you ready?"

She sighed, just as a soft knock sounded on the door. "Yeah, it's now or never right? I'm ready."

Corey opened the door slowly, and walked in like he was afraid to be there. "Hey baby." He said, looking at her with worried eyes. "You sure you wanna do this? You don't have to."

Devyn smiled at him sweetly and nodded. "I'm sure. I want to be with you forever so why wait?"

He smiled back and came over to the bed. The other girls and I stood up.

"Good Luck Dev. We love you." I said as we started to walk out.

"See you soon girls. I love you too." She said, her voice breaking just a little.

I was happy for her, but also scared at the same time. This was a giant deal. Her entire world was about to be flipped and part of mine.

I was used to Devyn being one of the only other humans in the house. Someone I could ask questions to about the whole vampire/human relationship. Kat and I hadn't been involved in this long enough to know much so we always went to Devyn.

I guess we still could...it just wasn't going to be the same. I was more worried about her than anything though, even though I knew that Corey wouldn't let anything happen to her. The nagging thought in the back of my mind surfaced.

Accidents happen.

No, not here. Corey loved her so much. Too much.

He wouldn't let anything happen. That was a stupid thought. As we exited the room, I concentrated on knowing that she would come out of this fine, and be so calm and relaxed that she wouldn't even feel the pain that was supposed to come with turning.

That's what I wished for anyways. Sam, Colby, and Jake were standing outside the door waiting for us. Colby wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me close to his side as we headed back downstairs to the living room.

"How long is the...process going to take?" I asked, trying to hurry downstairs because I could already feel Corey and Devyn's love and fear pressing through the magic of the amulet.

"Not long. Corey will let her drink his blood, then feed on her until her heart stops. Then we just wait. She'll be dead-"

Sam stopped talking as mine and Kat's gaze snapped to his.

"I mean, she'll be asleep for a little while. Then the pain will start, but she won't wake up until it's over and her body is ready. It's different for everyone I guess. When Corey is finished feeding, we'll go in and set up the restraints. Keeping her in her room so that she'll be more comfortable."

"She'll be fine. Devyn is strong and Corey won't let anything happen to her. I promise." Colby said softly, as he sat down on the couch, pulling me into his lap.

We wasted time watching YouTube, and talking for the next little while, until the vampires lifted their heads to the ceiling, hearing something that Kat and I could not.

"It's time." Sam said, standing up.

I stood to let Colby up.

"Can we...?" I asked, motioning towards the stairs.

I wanted to go see her. I knew that she was technically dead, but the curiosity of the situation was eating away at me.

Colby looked at Sam, who covered his mouth and whispered something that I couldn't hear, before nodding at Colby.

"Yeah, you can come if you want."

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