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I felt Colby's hands on me, and I scrambled away from him, gasping for air.

"Fucking vampire?!" I screamed, looking into his eyes.

"Chloe, I can explain." He replied, worry lacing his voice.

I shook my head violently from side to side, staring into his eyes.

"Your eyes were black. They were black Colby!" I yelled pointing at his face. "Now, tell me that's not blood on your damn lips! Tell me it's not!"

I was starting to freak out. Vampires weren't real. It was just folklore that people wrote about, or made movies about.

"But you've always believed in all of that stuff Chloe." My subconscious was breaking through my scrambled brains.

"I can't tell you that." Colby replied sadly, shaking his head a little.

He was walking slowly towards me, his hands held out, like he was trying to show me that he wasn't armed or something. You can't take your damn teeth out Colby. That's the only dangerous thing you're carrying.

"Legends have to come from somewhere. Haven't you always believed that these types of creatures are out there somewhere? Hidden from us, living their own lives, maybe even right up under our noses." Damn it. She was right. My subconscious was right.

I had always believed that the legends had to come from somewhere. Every mystical creature had to have some sort of truth to it. My breathing slowed down, but I watched Colby warily as he got closer and closer to me.

I didn't, however, back away. I stood still and let him come closer until he was standing directly in front of me.

"So you're a vampire? An actual vampire? You suck blood and all that?" I asked, my voice raspy.

I cleared my throat, nervously.

"Yes. If that's what you want to call it, I am a vampire. We all are." My eyes grew wide as I saw all of the other guys standing behind him.

Mike, Kevin, Corey, Aryia, Elton, Jake and even Tara. I gulped. Elton had a creepy ass grin on his face like he wanted to prove that he was a vampire.

I'm good, thanks.

"All of you? Devyn? Sam?...Kat?" My voice got higher as I said my best friend's name.

He shook his head again and placed his hand on my arm.

I didn't jump but I looked down at it for a minute before looking back up into his eyes.

"No, not Kat. And not Devyn. Just us. But they know about it."

I noticed how he didn't say not Sam. So Sam was one of them too.

And he was upstairs in his room with my very human best friend.

"Is Katrina...safe?"

Colby nodded. "Of course she is. She's with Sam. He would never let anyone hurt her, not even himself. He loves her."

It was really hot in here. My throat was dry. I needed some water.

"Okay. Um. I'm gonna go to the kitchen." I turned on my heel quickly and walked back into the kitchen, to the sink.

I grabbed one of the cups turned down in the dishwasher and rinsed it out, then filled it with water. I took a big gulp of the tepid tap water before realizing that this was California and the water was disgusting. I gagged a little, then noticed Colby standing next to me.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, dropping my glass.

Colby moved faster than I had ever seen anyone move. Hell, I didn't even see him move.

I just saw my glass falling then him standing there holding it.

"How did you-"

I shook my head. "Nevermind. Vampire."

Perfectly logical for him to be able to move that fast. Probably had super strength too. And advanced hearing and vision.

All of the typical things that came with being a vampire. Or so all the books said. I let out a deep breath that I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice soft and filled with concern.

I looked up, meeting his perfect blue gaze. The silver ring contracted and his pupils grew a little as he looked at me.

I nodded.

"I think so. This is weird. I don't think I've processed it. Wait, did you bite me? Cuz I just saw that. I saw you bite me."

He set the glass down on the counter and held his arms out to me, asking if he could hug me. You would think that my survival instinct would have set in by now and I would have tried to run screaming out of that house full of vampires, but no. I followed my heart, the crazy sentimental bitch that she was, and fell into his outstretched arms, noticing the coolness of his skin a little more now.

So that was why he was never actually warm. I felt his arms go around me tightly, and I didn't want to be anywhere else.

"I did, but only because you let me." He replied.

"Did I already know? Is this the big secret?" I asked, my voice muffled by his chest.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, you already knew. This is what everyone has been hiding. You're taking it much better than I thought you would actually. Better than the first time even, and that was pretty good. Guess it's cuz you're a writer and you already semi believed."

I thought about that for a minute, just standing quietly in the kitchen with Colby's arms around me. "Huh." I said out loud, when I realized something.

"What?" He asked.

I pulled back from him and looked up into his eyes.

"My story. It's true. The whole thing. I didn't make it up. It's literally about us. About this."

He shrugged. "I wouldn't know. You won't let me read it." He pouted, poking his bottom lip out at me, making me giggle. "All I know is that you said the main character was based off of me and you did say that it would be about vampires."

I bit my lip, really wanting to read my story now. "Is my laptop here?"

He shook his head. "No, it's at your place still. I can get it for you though. Or you can go with me. It'll be quicker if I go alone, but however you want to do it."

I smiled at him. "You go."

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