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"You are technically in charge." Sam said.

Colby nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, technically I guess. I'll take Mike and Jake, if that's cool with you."

Sam nodded. "Okay, I'll take Corey and Tara then. That way Jake and Tara will still be together most of the time, since we're usually together or close by one another."

"Everybody okay with that?" Colby asked, looking around at the group.

"Hell yeah, I'll kick anybody's ass that comes near you brother!" Jake exclaimed punching his fist into the air.

Tara flipped her hair back.

"I'll show those assholes how a woman fights. I got you Sam." I cracked a grin at her tiny self, as she punched the palm of her hand with her small fist.

Tara was a force to be reckoned with and I had no doubt that she would protect Sam.

"This is all so surreal." I said, leaning back against Colby.

His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me tight against him as he kissed my neck, below my ear.

"It is. We should actually talk to everyone about what we learned. You ready for that?"

I was still feeling really relaxed and stress free from the meditation, so I didn't honestly care. I wasn't worried about their reactions so much.

I felt like they would all just think it was really cool, so I nodded.

"Sure. Let's do it."

"What do you mean, what you learned? Is there more news? Christ, I don't think we can handle more news." Sam said, shaking his head.

Katrina smiled at him sympathetically, and took his hand.

"Doesn't look like it's bad news babe." She said softly, before looking at me. "My girl is happy. Can't be bad."

I smiled at her, grateful that she could still read me. "Oh hey, wait!" I exclaimed. "I wanna try something."

I sat up a little and reached behind my neck to undo my amulet.

I felt Colby's fingers close over my own.

"You sure?"

I nodded. I may put it back on but I needed to see if I could do it on my own with the breathing and other tips that Melanie had taught me. Now was the perfect time. His swift fingers undid the chain, and it pooled in my waiting hand.

As I expected, everyone's emotions hit me hard, making me clench my jaw, and lean forwards, breathing through my mouth harshly.

"Let me put it back on." Colby said, reaching for the chain in my hand.

I shook my head and pulled my hand away from him.

"I've got this." I muttered.

"What is she doing? Is she in pain?" Kat asked, worry in her voice as she spoke to Colby.

He shook his head.

"Not physical pain, I don't think. She's trying to block out everyone's emotions and practice controlling her magic. Wish her hard headed ass would have tried it with just one or two of us and not the whole damn house." He said gruffly.

Okay, so he had a point.

That probably would've been easier, but since when had I ever done anything the easy way? I tried the breathing technique, inhaling deeply through my nose until my lungs were full, tilting my chest back a little. I held it for a few seconds, then exhaled slowly through my mouth, concentrating on my breathing.

The emotions were still hitting me: excitement, worry, love, frustration, curiosity, everything. It was almost overwhelming, but since I was concentrating on the breathing, the emotions seemed to dim. I kept doing the breathing technique and concentrated on pushing the emotions away from me, out of my body.

I'm not sure how long it took, or if anyone was speaking while I was doing it. I had seemed to block the entire room out, since it was deadly quiet. Then I was at peace.

There was nothing in my head or heart but my own thoughts and feelings. I opened my eyes, meeting Kat's worried gaze automatically since she was staring at me. I smiled broadly, and laughed.

A smile broke across her face as she sighed.

"You did it. You're okay."

I nodded at her affirmation.

Colby pulled me back against his chest and kissed my cheek.

"I'm proud of you baby girl. Never doubted you."

I turned my head so that I could press my lips to his. "Really? Cuz you just said you wanted me to try it with fewer vamps."

He nuzzled his lips against my neck. "Only because I didn't want you to overdo it or stress yourself. I should've known you could handle it though. My all powerful vampire witch."

I started to giggle but heard several sharp intakes of breath, causing me to snatch my head around to the sound. Everyone was staring at me again.

"Fuck." I whispered, realizing that probably wasn't the best way to tell everyone.

"Damn it." Colby sighed. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

I shook my head, keeping my eyes on Sam, who was staring at me so intently, it made me nervous. I swallowed hard, and held my hands out.

"Yep, vampire witch. How crazy is that?" I giggled nervously.

"How?" Sam asked, his brows knitted together.

Kat was just sitting there, her mouth open in shock. Everyone was so silent. I think Colby heard how hard my heart was pounding so he took over.

"When she went into the coma. I fed her my blood several times. She was so close to death that she should've died. She would've if she wasn't my One. With her being a True Witch, the blood mixed, and changed her DNA basically. It brought her back, but only by transforming her. That's why her powers came on so fast and so strong. She's...enhanced, I guess is the word. Human, but with some vamp extras. She will never get sick, or old. She can be killed by other forces though. Just not natural. If she were to die, she would lose her magical powers and just be a vamp." He shrugged, like it was nothing. "Kinda cool honestly. I get to keep her the way she is forever. Plus, she's a bad bitch."

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