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I furiously shake my head, "No way! He can't be that cruel!" Tears start to form in my eyes. I refuse to believe Ezra's words. I remember seeing mother in bed sick as ever. There's no way that father killed her.

"Well he did!" Ezra raises his voice which makes me jump. A tear falls down my cheek, "No."

"There's a reason he did it." Ezra looks me in the eye, "Zara told him that if he killed mother he would gain her demonic powers, but since she already enchanted that magic onto you...he killed her for nothing."

More tears fall down my face and I whimper, "B-But I saw her—"

"Because he used an illusion spell! What you saw the day mother died wasn't real!" Ezra clenches his jaw. I fall onto my butt and silently cry.

"Ugh, I hate it when you cry." Ezra stands up and leaves without another word. I curl into a ball and sob.

How could he do this? What did mother do to deserve this?

My eyes squeeze shut as more tears flow out.

Mom, I'm sorry.

Jeon Jungkook

Short breaths escape my lips as I run down the many corridors that this castle has. I had no luck in finding the others so far.

I stop running and rest my hands on my knees to catch my breath, "Hello?!" A familiar voice calls out. Just as I'm about to sit down, I hear two more familiar voices. I fully sit up and walk further ahead.

"Namjoon? Was that you? Lia?" I'm hoping that it's them instead of an enemy.

"And Jin!" Jin's voice rings through my ears. I smile and wheeze as I see my friends down the hall. My feet almost topple over each other as I run towards them.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" I hug them, "Have you seen the others?"

Jin, Namjoon and Lia all shake their heads no. I sigh and touch my forehead. Looking down at my hand I see crimson red.

"You're bleeding." Lia inspects the cut on my forehead. I wipe the blood off and move away from her, "It's nothing, just a scratch—" I stop mid sentence as a thought pops into my mind.

"Master Obi...I contacted him!" My eyes widen.

"You did? How long ago?" Namjoon frantically asks. I shake my head and shrug, "Like fifteen minutes ago?"

"Well they better be here soon!" Jin goes to lean against the wall. His back then hits something, making a click sound. Jin then falls back as part of the wall moves upward.

"What the?!" He falls into my arms. The four of us stare at the secret entrance. There's a spiral staircase leading downwards.

"Should we go down there?" Asks Lia. Jin shakes his head, "You all can get yourselves killed while I'll stay safe up here."

I roll my eyes, "No where is safe Jin, if you're up here alone then an enemy will most likely come out and attack you."

Jin clicks his tongue and dramatically sighs, "Fine, but you're leading the way."

I shrug, "Fine by me. There's a possibility that Destiny could be down here."

"I'll stay in the back and keep watch for anything behind us." Namjoon says. I nod and place my hand on the wall before heading downstairs.

"Um...why are we in front of the castle? Shouldn't we be inside?" Taehyung asks as he hops off of Yoongi's back. He notices that the wizards that they all fought before are still on the ground.

"Because it's safe here. I used most of my energy so I need a few minutes of rest." Yoongi lays down on the grass. Taehyung stands over him with his hands crossed, "You can't be serious; our friends are in danger!"

"Do you want me to pass out while we look for them?" Yoongi opens one eye to glare at Taehyung. The sun that is shining down on them suddenly gets covered.

"Was it supposed to be cloudy today?" Yoongi opens his eyes. Taehyung looks up with a huge grin on his face, "Look!"

Yoongi stands up and follows Taehyung's gaze. Up above is the Magic Scouts ship. Master Obi is seen on the deck, waving down at the two boys.

"They came right on time." Yoongi chuckles.

A girl with white feathered wings flies down towards the two boys. She lands safely on the ground and greets them with a smile, "Seems like you boys couldn't get the job done?"

"Oh shut up Rena, I was just resting for a bit." Yoongi narrows his eyes at the black haired girl. Taehyung steps in front of him and asks, "Did someone call the master? Why are you guys here?"

"Jungkook contacted Obi saying that Destiny was captured and that the enemy is planning to kill her." Rena frowns. Taehyung and Yoongi gasp at her words. They both speak at the same time.

"She was captured?!"

"Why do they wanna kill her?!"

"Now is not the time for questions. Master Obi plans on attacking the castle from the outside." Rena turns to Yoongi, "Are you able to fly up to the ship?"

Yoongi nods, "As long as you carry Taehyung." He says. Rena and Taehyung both roll their eyes.

"Fine. Let's go."

Destiny Hart

I can't cry anymore. I've ran out of tears. I've been sitting in this cell for over an hour already. Ezra's words still remain on my mind.

"Hello Destiny." I flinch at the sudden appearance of Zara. I stare up at her with a blank expression, "What do you want."

"I'm keeping watch on your friends, and they didn't end up dead like I wanted them too. Considering that you and your friends knocked out half of my team, I figured out another way to get rid of your friends." Zara plays with her staff. The tip of it glows a slight pink.

"If you plan on hurting my friends then hurt me instead! Don't you dare lay a finger on them!" I sit on my knees. Zara looks at me and chuckles, "Aren't you a hero? You won't be worrying about your friends for long."

"What are you—" My sentence is cut off by a pink beam of energy going into my eyes. My head spins and my vision blurs. Zara watches with a satisfied smile.

"Now Destiny, once I let you free...I want you to kill all your friends."

Magic Scouts ✭ J.JK Where stories live. Discover now