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Present time, year 2120

Destiny Hart

I hide behind a tree, watching the deer in front of me.

"Come on." I mutter under my breath as I grab my bow and arrow. I pull the arrow back slowly and focus my aim on the deer.

"Don't move." I whisper. My fingers ready to let go. Just as I'm about to shoot, a loud crunch echoes through the forest making me jump and lose my aim. The bow ends up hitting the tree that was behind the deer.

"No!" I watch as the deer hops away. I groan and stomp over towards the tree. With all my might I yank out the arrow.

"Were you going to kill that deer?" A foreign voice flows through my ears. I jump and spin around. My hand grabs my chest as I exhale loudly.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." The guy chuckles. My breathing calms down and I take a good look at his face, which looks familiar.

"Thanks to you my dinner ran away." I huff and cross my arms, leaning against the tree behind me. The guy chuckles and steps closer. His eyebrows furrow a bit as he studies my face. I raise an eyebrow and move away as he comes closer.

"Something on my face?" I start to back away. The guy shakes his head, "Sorry, you just look familiar."

"Familiar huh? No one has ever seen my face besides my Father and brother." I turn around and start to walk away.

The guy snaps his fingers and gasps, "You were that girl! The one who came up to my friend and I when we were playing in the woods!"

I halt and slowly turn around. My long hair covers half of my face. I think back to the time where I met those two boys eight years ago.

No wonder why he looked familiar. Those same doe eyes.

"How do you remember that?" My voice lowers and I fully turn around to face him. The guy scratches his head and steps a little bit closer, "Well your dad really scared my friend and I that day. Also I just have good memory."

The image of the two boys screaming and running away crossed my mind. My grip on the arrow in my hand tightens.

"My father scares everyone." I mumble. The guy notices how tense I am and he clears his throat, "You probably forgot my name...I'm Jungkook." He reaches his hand out towards me. I look at it and shake his hand, "Destiny."

"Destiny." Goosebumps rise on my skin as his deep voice says my name. "How could I forget that name?"

"May I ask what you're doing here hunting deer for dinner?" Jungkook leans against a tree. I copy his action and lean against the tree opposite of him.

"I live here. I haven't ate since yesterday." I shrug. Jungkook tilts his head, "Didn't you live in that house in the woods?"

"I did, but I ran away about a week ago." I cross my arms, "I needed to get out of that house. I've been trapped for years under my father's control."

Jungkook's eyes turn sad and he frowns, "I'm sorry to hear that." He fiddles his thumbs, "Why don't you come to my lodge? You have magic right?"

I look up at him and raise an eyebrow, "Yeah, and what lodge?"

He smiles and looks down at his boots, "It's called the Magic Scouts lodge. This lodge is run by our master Obi. Wizards of all ages join. We learn and practice magic, also we help people who are in danger and go one quests. We're kinda like superheroes in a way." He shrugs.

"Hmph. Never heard of it...but I don't think I'm fit for a lodge. Thanks for the offer though." I start to walk away but Jungkook grabs my wrist.

"Everyone is fit for a lodge! Why say no? You'd rather live alone in the woods?"

I scoff, "I'm not completely alone here."

He raises an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Who else is here with you then?"

I purse my lips, "Animals." I mumble. Jungkook laughs, "Animals that you kill for dinner."

"Oh shut up! A lodge isn't for me. My magic is completely different and...evil." I trail off. Jungkook releases my wrist and stares at me with a confused expression.

I sigh, "My mother enchanted me with her magic, which is demon magic." I rub my forearm. Jungkook gasps, "Demon magic?! As in dark magic?"

I nod, "I grew up on the dark side. I'm not meant to join a lodge." I ignore the sadness that's building up inside of me.

"Are you evil?" He asks. I shake my head, "Of course not. I want to be just like my mom, a wizard who helps people."

Jungkook stays quiet for a moment before grabbing both my shoulders, "It doesn't matter what type of magic you have, you can still join the Magic Scouts lodge! You want to be like your mother? Then join us! We can help you, we can give you a home."

My mouth is agape as I stare into his reassuring eyes. Jungkook looks at me with a determined face, waiting for my answer. I look away and lick my lips, "I-I don't know. I never even been around a group of people before."

His arms fall back to his side and he smiles, "I'll introduce you to everyone. I know they'll like you." His bunny like teeth like poke out. I think for a few seconds then slowly nod.


"Awesome!" He grabs my wrist and drags me out of the woods. Startled, I yelp, "We're going now?!"

He looks over his shoulder while running. His eyes sparkle, "Uh yeah! There's no time to waste! Let's go!"

Magic Scouts ✭ J.JK Where stories live. Discover now