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After eating, Lia suggests that the boys go do their own thing while her and I hang out. Lia and I never got to hangout by ourselves, so I agree with her suggestion.

We are currently in the garden of the lodge sitting on a bench in front of the big fountain, chitchatting about our lives. I learn that her and Namjoon have been dating for a year. I tell her that I never had a boyfriend before.

"Love is an amazing thing. You'll experience it one day." She nudges my shoulder. I sheepishly smile and shrug, not knowing how to respond.

"You met everyone in the lodge right?" She changes the subject. I nod, "Yeah, Jungkook introduced me to everyone."

"Everyone here is like family. We all get along so well, aside from Ally of course." Lia trails off.

"I can tell, everyone was so welcoming. Even Eddie." I smile to myself. Lia wraps her arm around my shoulder and pulls me into a hug.

"Can you make me a promise?" Her voice lowers.

"Sure." I glance at her face, which is covered by her hair.

She looks up and I'm in shock to see her glossy eyes.

"Promise me we'll always be friends?" Her voice cracks. My mouth is slightly open as I stare at her. She wipes her eyes and chuckles to herself, "Sorry. I just never had a girl friend before. All the other girls in this town couldn't care less about being my friend, so I never fit in with them. I always wanted to have a best friend that was a girl, and now I finally have a chance to have one."

"What about the girls in the lodge? There are a lot here." I rub her back. She sniffles and pulls out a tissue from her pocket, "Yeah I talk to them sometimes, but we are not besties or anything. I tried to get close to them...and I did, but then I felt like I didn't fit in. We didn't have anything in common, so I left and became best friends with the boys."

I frown at her story, "I never had a girl best friend either. My dad refused to let me make friends."

She blows her nose and crumples the dirty tissue, "Can you promise me that then?"

I smile slowly and hug her, "Of course. We'll be together forever." I could feel myself getting emotional. After years of being alone with no girls to relate or hangout with, I finally break out of that loneliness.

"How about we go to the mall? I don't want to cry anymore." Lia throws away her tissue.

"I don't have money." I rummage through my empty pockets. Lia pulls out her wallet to reveal a black credit card, "Namjoon's family is hella rich. They were kind enough to give him and I loads of money. We share that money with the boys, and now I'll share that money with you."

"Don't they have jobs in the lodge though? Why do you have to lend me money?" I lightly push down her hand that's holding the credit card. Lia rolls her eyes, "Do you really want to work in the kitchen? Or be a cleaner and clean everything? Or be a gardener?"

"Don't they have quests here too? I thought you can take a quest and make some money?" I question. Lia waves her hand, "Yeah, but the last time we've done that we almost got killed by a giant cyclops. So we decided to use the money we have now until we run out, THEN we'll go back to going on quests." She exclaims.

"What if I wanted to go on a mission now?" I cross my arms. Lia raises an eyebrow, "You're still training aren't you? Wouldn't you want to wait until you've mastered your magic?"

"I'm a quick learner!" I fight back. Lia laughs and grabs my arm, pulling me back inside, "Alright enough talking! Let's go shopping!"

Magic Scouts ✭ J.JK Where stories live. Discover now