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"Remember what I said, don't hesitate to call out for me if you run into any danger alright?" Master Obi places a telepathy spell onto us so that we can stay in touch with him.

"Understood sir." I nod. We're all standing outside in front of the Magic Scouts ship, getting ready to leave.

"We're counting on you to save the continent! You're the best team in the lodge!" A boy with bright blond hair shouts as we hop onto the deck. Other lodge members cheer us on and say good luck to us.

"Yeah! We're counting on you!" A little girl and black pigtails cheers. I smile and wave at everyone as the ship starts to fly. I lean over the railing and raise my fist. Everyone down below copies my action. As well as Jungkook and the others.

"Ready guys?" Jin types in the address into the holographic map that's in front of the wheel. We gather around him and look at the map. Zara's place isn't that far from here. I notice that her place is in the middle of nowhere.

"Where the hell is this place? There's no other houses or buildings." Lia scrunches her eyebrows.

"Probably a loner." Yoongi shrugs. He then plops himself onto the hammock that's on the deck, "No one bother me until we arrive."

"Anyway," Jin rolls his eyes, "It shouldn't take us too long to get there. We should be there within an hour or two."

"Sounds good to me." Eddie claps his hands, "It's been a while since I kicked some ass."

Jungkook scoffs, "Calm yourself boy."

I ignore the two boys and walk over to the edge of the deck. I rest my arms on the railing and sigh deeply. I hear footsteps follow me and I smile to myself, thinking about who it might be.

I swivel around, "Jungkook—" but stop once I see Lia stand there with her arms crossed.

"I see you were expecting someone else?" She smirks and raises her eyebrows. I shake my head and chuckle, "I'm just used to him always coming after me."

"You do know that he likes you right?" She rests her arms on the railing. My heart skips a beat and my stomach flutters.

I press my pointer fingers together nervously, "As a friend—"

Lia cuts me off with a groan, "Oh don't give me that. We all know that you two have feelings for each other."

I sigh while looking out into the blue sky. The white clouds float beneath the ship. I'm tempted to reach down and touch one.

"I have an important quest to accomplish, Lia. I don't want to think about love." I almost choke on my words. I never experienced being in love with someone, so the feeling is completely new to me.

Not that I don't like it though.

I know I meed to focus on the mission here. If I don't get this book back then the entire continent is in danger. I have to focus.

"Just so you know, he talked about it with Namjoon the day of your festival date." Lia tries to hide her smile, "Namjoon told me that Jungkook was super nervous about taking you out. He wanted to make sure that you have a good time. It's adorable."

Heat rushes to my cheeks and I bite my lip. I have no idea how I should respond to that.

"I get that we're on an important quest here, but afterwards, think about it." She pats my back before leaving me alone to think.

Jeon Jungkook

I stare at Destiny as she talks to Lia. I didn't realize I was staring until Eddie waves his hand in front of my face. I snap out of my gaze and face him.

"You okay there bud?" Eddie asks. I clear my throat and look down at my shoes, "Yeah."

Eddie looks at Destiny and sighs, "Go talk to her."

My heart stops for a second from his sudden words.

"Huh?" I raise my eyebrows. Eddie chuckles softly and sits down next to me on the steps, "You like her don't you? It's pretty obvious nowadays." He smiles to himself. I'm surprised that he's even talking to me about this.

Doesn't he like Destiny?

"Don't get me wrong, I like her too, but you two are made for each other. Also," He awkwardly scratches his head, "I don't even think she likes me."

I play with the ring on my middle finger, "I don't know what to say."

"You should tell her how you feel. It's best to do it now." He pats my back. I bite my lip and look at Destiny again. She's standing alone in front of the ship, looking down at the clouds. The wind making her dark hair flow like ocean waves.

"What if she doesn't feel the same?" I look away from her. Eddie scoffs and shakes his head, "No offense Kook, but that's a stupid question."

I blush and scratch my neck, "I'm...scared." I trail off. I never confessed to someone before, hell I never even felt this way about anyone, "What if I mess up?"

"Showing that you're nervous just proves that she has an effect on you." He says. I sigh and look at her again. She's still in the same spot, only this time she's looking up.

"Okay," I slap my thighs and stand up, "I'll do it."

Magic Scouts ✭ J.JK Where stories live. Discover now