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After finding the envelope, we all head back to the lodge and show master Obi. His eyes go wide once I told him who it was from.

"What did you just say?" His face is pure shock. I furrow my eyebrows a bit in confusion, "Zara Marley." I say a bit slower. Master Obi looks at the envelope and takes a deep breath.

"Do you know her?" Namjoon asks. Master Obi nods with a frown, "I do. She's been an enemy of mine for many years."

We all exchange worried glances at each other before looking back at the master.

"She's been trying to take over the continent for years. When Ally was young, she even tried to steal her magic. I used a protection spell on Ally, so that Zara wouldn't steal her magic." He walks around the desk and walks past us out of the office. We follow him.

"We've been fighting for a long time. She even tried to take over the lodge. I haven't seen her in a few years, so I thought she was dead." He halts and we almost bump into his back, "Seeing that she's back, and that she's with your father...she could be planning something." He turns to us.

"I understand that. My father is ruthless. I know he's the one that has my book." I tell him. Master Obi sighs and looks at the envelope in his hands, "Like I said, it's very dangerous that your father has the book in his hands, especially since he's with Zara." He looks down at me, "You must get it back."

Jungkook steps in, "Then that's what we'll do!" His face fills with determination.

"This isn't a simple quest, you'll need backup." He grabs an empty glass bottle and drops it onto the wooden floor, catching everyone's attention.

Master Obi clears his throat, "Attention Magic Scouts members! We have a very important quest going on. Destiny Hart's spell book has been stolen by the one and only Zara Marley and Ian Hart!"

The crowd gasps and whispers. Confusion written all over their faces. I notice Ally in the corner with a guy. She stops and looks like she's paralyzed. Her mouth is wide open along with her eyes.

"Zara Marley? As in the evil witch?" A man questions as he scratches his orange hair.

"Who's Ian Hart?" A woman asks. Her green fairy wings flap behind her back.

I step in before master Obi can answer, "Ian Hart is my father. He has evil intentions, which is why I ran away from home. He has my magic spell book. This book is incredibly dangerous. We have to get my book back before he uses the spells and takes over the continent with Zara!"

More gasps and whispers are heard. Jungkook places his hand on my shoulder for comfort. I take a deep breath, "My brother, Ezra, is also involved. I will do anything to stop them. So my team and I are going to Zara's place to get my book back!"

"Yeah!" My team screams in unison. They al raise their fist in the air. I turn around and smile at them.

"Thank you Destiny." Master Obi nods, "This is a very dangerous quest, so we will keep watch on them. I will use my telepathy to keep in touch with you all." He turns to us, "If anything happens you don't hesitate to call. Got that?"

"Yes sir." We nod.

"Ally," Master Obi calls his daughter. Ally flinches and walks up to her father, "Yes?"

He places his hands on her shoulders, "I need you to go with them. The more wizards we have the better. Can you do that?"

Ally locks eyes with me. Her grey eyes are filled with worry. I almost feel bad for her.

After a few seconds of silence she nods, "Alright. I'll go."

"Thanks Ally." Master Obi kisses her forehead.

"I'm coming too!" Eddie pops up. I notice Jungkook tense up beside me.

Master Obi studies him for a moment before nodding, "Very well then." He stands aside so we can gather in our team, "I trust all of you."

Magic Scouts ✭ J.JK Where stories live. Discover now