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Jeon Jungkook

"Ugh." I slowly sit up. My bones crack as I move. I'm completely covered in dirt from the earthquake that occurred moments ago.

What the hell happened?

"Hello?" I call out to see if anyone is here. My voice echoes through the empty hallway.

How did I end up here?

I'm back in the castle, in the hallway where we first walked in. The castle looks perfectly fine. It's like the earthquake didn't hit the castle at all.

I suddenly remember Zara slamming her staff against the ground before she disappeared.

Did she use some kind of spell?

"Destiny? Taehyung? Anyone?!" My voice bounces off the walls. I'm about to walk down the hallway until a voice stops me.

"You're that ice wizard...aren't you?"

I look up ahead into the dark corridor and watch as a tall figure appears out of the blackness. He's middle aged and looks kinda like Destiny.

Wait a minute..

"From that look I'm guessing you know who I am?" The man smirks and folds his hands behind his back. I steady myself and cover my hands in frost, ready to attack at any moment.

"You're Destiny's father." I growl. The man chuckles and nods his head, "You're smart uh..." He twirls his finger around trying to figure out my name.

"Jungkook." I grit my teeth.

"Jungkook." He repeats, "My names Ian." He steps closer and I take a step back.

"Calm down son." He raises his hands up and laughs, "I'm just going in for a handshake." He reaches his hand out towards me.

I slap his hand away, "Where's Destiny and the others? What was that shaking? Where is the spell book?!" I reside my voice at each question. Ian raises an eyebrow, "Lot of questions there. I'm afraid I can't answer any of them."

"Why not?" I glare and clench my fists. Ian sighs and grabs a chair, "Because..." He examines the wooden chair and looks back at me, "You're an enemy!" He throws the chair at me. I yelp and fall to the ground. Warm crimson liquid falls down my forehead from the impact.

"You're not getting your icy hands on that spell book." Black mist swirls around his hands just like Destiny.

I steadily stand up and create an ice sword, "What's your goal anyway?" I jump forward and swing the sword down. Ian grabs it with his hands and the sword shatters into a million pieces. I grunt and step back. He then lands a punch on my jaw. I fall back and grab my injured jaw. Ian walks up to me and places his boot on my chest.

"I want to rule this shitty place, but first I need to become the ultimate dark wizard...and for that to happen I need to kill Destiny and take what her mother gave her." He explains. My teeth clench from his words.

"I won't let you lay a hand on Destiny." I growl and grab his boot. I fling him across the room with all my strength. Ian knocks down a random sculpture and it shatters on top of him. I take this opportunity to lay another attack. I slam my hands on the floor and tall, sharp icicles erupt from the ground. Ian flinches and moves out of the way just before the icicles can hit him. He lands on the floor and is about to get up until he jumps and places his finger against his temple.

"What is it Zara? I'm a bit busy right now." He pants. I stop my movements to listen. I can't hear what Zara's saying, but I'm sure what she's saying isn't good since that Ian's frown turns into a wicked grin.

"Great, bring me over there." He says before ending the conversation with Zara. He looks at me with that wicked grin still on his face.

"Looks like your girlfriend is ours."

My heart drops to my stomach. They captured Destiny?

"Don't you dare touch her!" I dash forward ready to attack. Right before I can lay a hand on Ian, black mist surrounds him and he disappears. I end up falling in his spot.

"Shit." I wipe my mouth, "I have to find the others—" My eyes widen as I remember something.

"If anything happens you don't hesitate to call. Got that?"

Master Obi!

I press my finger against my temple and use the enchantment that Master Obi put on us so we can call him using telepathy.

"Master! We need you and the Scouts to come quick! Destiny has been captured and they plan on killing her!"

Master Obi responds immediately, "What?! Where are you and the others?"

I look around the trashed area, "We all got separated. I'm going to go find them. Just please come quick." I end the call and stand up.

Don't worry Des, I'll save you.

"Hello? Jungkook?" Master Obi furrows his eyebrows as he tries to contact Jungkook.

"That damn boy, always trying to play the hero." Master Obi smiles to himself. He straightens out his coat and gathers the Scouts.

"Everyone prepare yourselves for battle. Destiny has been captured by Zara and the others need our help! As Magic Scout members, I'm counting on all of you to fight for your comrades!"

The Magic Scout members chatter amongst themselves. Master Obi notices the fear in their eyes.

"Take your fear and turn it into strength! We're wizards that help others! We can win this battle!" Master Obi raises his fists. The crowd cheers and copies his action.

"Let's show them why they shouldn't mess with the Magic Scouts!"

Magic Scouts ✭ J.JK Where stories live. Discover now