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10 years ago, year 2110

Destiny Hart

"See that basket filled with fruits? I want you to take it while I distract the old lady." My Father, Ian, whispers to me and my brother. I gulp as I watch the old lady inspect the shiny red apple.

"I don't like this idea. Why can't we buy our own food?" I look up at my Father. He narrows his eyes and leans close to my face, "Because money is precious to me. Now go get that fruit basket or else!"

Ezra slaps my back, "Come on sis! Don't be such a wuss!"

"I'm not a wuss! I'm just a good person!" I yell back. My small hands ball to fists. My Father slaps the back of my head. I hold my head with shaky hands and wince.

"You will obey my orders and not question me. Understood?" He says with gritted teeth. Tears blur my vision as I nod slowly. Ezra rolls his eyes.

This is what I've been dealing with for the past two years. Two years ago my Mother died from an illness, so know it's just me, Ezra, and Father.

My Father was always like this and my Mother hated it. When she was alive they would constantly argue about everything. My Mother was like an angel, while my Father was the devil.

It's quite funny to think that my Mother was an angel because of her power that she enchanted onto me when I was born. When my Mother was young she was cursed with the power of a demon from her parents. This caused her to use powerful dark magic. Despite having dark magic she still used it to do good things. Everyone in the town of Redmore loved her. She loved to help people which inspired me. Now since this power lies within me I want to be just like her, but with my Father in the way of doing bad things there's no way I can become a wizard like her.

My Father forces Ezra and I to do bad things because he wants us to be like him. He wants us to grow strong enough to take over the continent. Whenever I disobey his orders he will hit me.

If Mother was still alive she probably would've divorced my Father. I would've lived with her whilst Ezra lived with Father.

Ezra has always followed our father's footsteps. He doesn't care about heroics. He even didn't like the idea of Mother being on the good side. He likes the idea of controlling other people.

My Father also learned dark magic, but it's not as powerful as mine and Mother's. The same goes with Ezra. I'm considered the most powerful in the family, but I hate it. I use to think I can help people with my power, but now I think otherwise thanks to my Father. He claims that my power is a meant for evil. He thinks he can use me for evil. Since I live under his roof, I have no other choice but to follow his orders.

As Ezra and I crawl towards the brown, wooden basket filled with fruits, Father starts speaking to the old lady. A frown is planted on my face the entire time. I'm facing the ladies back so I can't see her face, but the soft tone of her voice makes my heart break. She doesn't deserve this.

Ezra grabs the basket while I look around for any witnesses. Once we are in the clear Ezra waves his hand. Father notices and finishes up his conversation with the old lady. Ezra and I run out of the market as fast as we can. We stop running once we reach the cherry blossom tree that was across the street. Father arrives within five minutes, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Well done kids." He grabs the basket out of Ezra's hands and makes way towards our home. I walk silently behind the two with my arms wrapped around myself. The puss on my face remains as we make way to our house which is in the woods. I hate living in the woods, I want to be in the city around all types of people.

I don't any friends. My Father forbids Ezra and I to have friends; he says we don't need them. Ezra is completely fine with this while I'm not.

I always watched from the window as children played around. One time I spotted two boys playing ball not too far from our house, so I decided to go and say hi to them.

"Hi!" I smiled at the two boys in front of me. One looked a little older than me and the other looked to be the same age as me, "I'm Destiny!"

The boy with dark brown eyes and brown hair smiled at me, showing his missing tooth.

"Hello! My name is Taehyung!" He threw the red ball up into the air and catches it. I nod and looked at the other boy.

"I'm Jungkook." He shyly smiled. His doe eyes nervously meet mine. His hands were placed behind his back as he shuffled back and forth.

"Can I play with you?—"

"DESTINY HART WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" My Father's loud voice made the three of us jump. I jerked my head around and gulped as my Father spotted me. He scowled and stomped over to me. I winced as he roughly grabbed my arm, "What did I tell you about leaving the house?! Stupid girl!"

Taehyung nervously scratched his head, "Sir, she just wanted to—"

"WHY ARE YOU TWO ON MY PROPERTY?! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" He screamed at Taehyung and Jungkook. The two boys screamed and quickly ran away. I started to sob as I watched them leave. As my Father dragged me into the house I slowly reached my arm out towards the running boys.

"Please...don't go."

Magic Scouts ✭ J.JK Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora