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One of the enemies scream out. The remaining wizards starts charging with their wands pointed at us. The crew and I spread out and start fighting. Luckily there isn't that many of them.

"How dare you trespass Lady Zara's grounds!" One is the wizards, a woman, yells at me. A green beam of light shoots out of her wand and I dodge it.

"Lady Zara? What is she your queen? Did she brainwash you or something?" Anger rushes through me as I think about innocent people being forced under Zara's control. If that's the case, then things are about to get ugly.

The woman doesn't respond, instead she lays a hit on me. I fall back, but quickly stand back up and use another spell. The two claws form from behind my back and scratch the woman.

"What are you her minion? Maid?" I huff and shoot fire at her. She uses her wand to block it, "That's none of your business! Now die!" The woman's wand is about to come in contact with my chest, but another figure blocks it. The woman is then covered completely by ice.

"I'm surprised you haven't knocked this one out yet." Jungkook's deep chuckle sends shivers down my spine. He turns around and smiles, "The rest of us already beaten those other wizards. Such weaklings." He points to the pile of bodies up ahead. The others are gathered, waiting for me.

I shake my head, ashamed with myself, "Sorry, I guess I was distracted."

Jungkook pats my head, "Try not to be distracted next time, alright Des?"

I smile up at him, "Yeah." I walk towards the group, "Let's head inside the castle."

A sudden voices echoes through our heads, making us jump. It's master Obi.

"How's everything going? Are you all okay?" He frantically asks. I press my pointer finger against my temple and respond out loud, "Our ship was destroyed, but we're all okay."

"Thanks to Destiny that is." Jungkook adds. I look at him and blush when I see that he's already smiling down at me.

"We're about to head into the castle, we will keep you updated." Namjoon speaks next.

"Don't forget that if you need backup, we're here." Master Obi says. I nod even though he can't see me, "Thank you sir." I remove my finger from my temple and lead the way into the castle.

"So creepy. I'm getting chills." Hoseok shivers. Jimin clings to his arm, "It reminds me of the island."

"It does, doesn't it? It's like something out of a horror movie." Lia wraps her arms around herself.

The doors to the castle are slightly ajar. I slowly open the door and we walk down the dark hallway. We all look around in awe at the giant castle's interior. Black marble, tiled floors matched the black velvet walls. Paintings of what seems to be Zara's family are hung up. The air is thick and cold as we walk further into the corridor.

"This place is actually kinda—" My voice is cut off as the floor suddenly opens, causing all of us to fall a few feet into the hard ground. We land harshly on the dirt floor.

"What the hell?!" Yoongi groans as he rubs his head.

Eddie stands up and brushes the dirt off of his pants, "It seems like we fell into a trap."

Namjoon coughs and helps Lia up, "Someone must've stepped on a certain tile on the floor." He looks around, "It looks like we're in a cave."

"Way to go Jungkook!" Jin slaps the ice wizards arm. Jungkook scrunches his eyebrows and hits him back, "What? It wasn't my fault!"

"Uh guys?" Ally raises her voice. She's still on the ground, but she's staring at something ahead of her with fear in her eyes. We all follow her gaze and gasp at the sight of a tall woman who is wrapped in a cloak and is holding a staff.

"Greetings, wizards." Her voice is low. Shivers run down my spin as I think about who this woman is.

"Zara." I mutter under my breath. She smiles and twirls her staff around, "Destiny Hart. I'm glad to finally meet you."

"You have my book of spells don't you?" I clench my fists. Zara chuckles and steps forward, "Maybe I do, it's a useful book. I'll give it back to you once I master all the spells."

"Give Destiny her book back or else!" Jungkook steps in front of me. Zara laughs louder, "Oh how cute! Is this your boyfriend Destiny?"

"You heard him lady! Give Destiny her book back or things will get ugly!" Taehyung steps in. Zara looks at us with amusement, "Get ugly? What are you going to do? Attack me?"

Eddie cracks his knuckles, "We'll kill you."

Zara laughs again. This time she hunches over. "Kill me?!" She wipes away a tear, "That's too good."

"We can take you on! Don't underestimate us!" Lia growls and is ready to attack, but Namjoon holds her back.

"I'm not underestimating you." Zara smiles, "I saw you fight my fellow maids with ease."

"Since they were easy to defeat then I guess you are too." Yoongi crosses his arms.

Zara shakes her head, "Oh dear, you have no idea what you've walked into." She places on hand on her hip, "You see I gave all my maids magic wands, but they weren't nearly as powerful as I am." She laughs to herself, "Not only that, I created my own wizards that are just as powerful as me. You will simply get crushed by them."

A dark purple mists flows around my fists, "Where's my father and Ezra?"

"I was hoping you would ask that." Zara smirks. She steps closer to me, "They're upstairs waiting for you. They can't wait to see you. They missed you so much."

"Bullshit." I growl, "They don't give two shits about me, and I don't give two shits about them. All I want is my book of spells!"

Zara frowns and takes three steps back, "Then you'll have to come get it." She raises her staff and slams it to the ground. Black mist surrounds her for a second.

She's gone.

"Guys, do you hear that rumbling?" Ally hides behind Eddie. I look above and see peddles and dirt falling from the ceiling. Suddenly, the ground starts violently shaking. We all fall on our butts. I try to hold onto something, but there's nothing to hold onto. The ground continues to shake and is now slowly opening up.

"Everyone hold on!" Namjoon screams as he holds onto Lia and Jin. Taehyung and Yoongi hug each other while screaming. Hoseok and Jimin are further away, holding each other and screaming as well. Ally falls into Eddie arms which makes them both stumble and roll around.

I try grabbing onto the dirt wall, but the violent shaking causes me to fall onto my stomach. Jungkook is a few feet away from me. He's on the ground as well.

"Take my hand!" Jungkook calls out to me. Our hands would've touched if it weren't for the ground separating. Jungkook and I scream as we become further apart. Everyone is on one side while I'm on the other.

The last thing I hear before blacking out is Jungkook's voice calling my name.

Magic Scouts ✭ J.JK Where stories live. Discover now